Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation
Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) and Community of Practice
The Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) is an ongoing research project that provides rigorous assessments of the existence of evidence-based provincial, territorial, and federal alcohol policies in Canada to reduce harm from alcohol use.
Policy domains include pricing and taxation, physical availability, alcohol control system, impaired driving countermeasures, marketing and advertising controls, minimum legal age, health and safety messaging, liquor law enforcement, screening and treatment interventions, alcohol strategy, and monitoring and reporting.
CAPE has a track record of strengthening Canada’s response to alcohol-related harm. The project was initially developed and implemented in 2013 (CAPE 1.0), then updated, refined, and expanded in 2019 (CAPE 2.0). CAPE 3.0 launched in 2022 along with the national alcohol policy community of practice. Results for CAPE 3.0 were released in May 2023. To request a tailored presentation for your jurisdiction, please complete this request form.
CAPE 3.0 Results and Resources
French versions of documents not already provided below are available upon request
Federal Results
- Federal Results Summary | Résultats fédéraux
- Federal Policy Domain Results
- Federal Infographic | Fiche de rendement fédérale
Provincial Territorial (P/T) Results
- Policy Domain Results Summary | Résumé des résultats par domaines d’action
- Policy Domain Results Summary (Atlantic Canada)
- Best Practice Policy Leaders
- Overall P/T Results Infographic | Infographie
- Alberta: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- British Columbia: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Manitoba: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Résultats du Manitoba | Résultats du Manitoba (texte seulement) | Infographic | Infographie
- New Brunswick: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Résultats du Nouveau-Brunswick | Résultats du Nouveau-Brunswick (texte seulement) | Infographic | Infographie
- Newfoundland and Labrador: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Northwest Territories: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Nova Scotia: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Nunavut: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Ontario: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Résultats du L'Ontario| Résultats du l'Ontario (texte seulement) | Infographic | Infographie
- Prince Edward Island: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Quebec: Résultats du Québec | Résultats du Québec (texte seulement) | Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographie | Infographic
- Saskatchewan: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
- Yukon: Results Summary | Results Summary (text only) | Infographic | Infographie
Infographics by Policy Domain (P/T)
- Pricing and Taxation | Fixation des prix et taxation
- Physical Availability | Disponibilité physique
- Control System | Système de contrôle
- Impaired Driving Countermeasures | Mesures contre la conduite avec facultés affaiblies
- Marketing and Advertising | Contrôle du marketing et de la publicité
- Minimum Legal Age | Âge minimum légal
- Health and Safety Messaging | Messages sur la santé et la sécurité
- Liquor Law Enforcement | Application des lois sur les boissons alcoolisées
- Screening and Treatment Interventions | Interventions de dépistage et traitement
- Alcohol Strategy | Stratégies en matière d’alcool
- Monitoring and Reporting| Suivi et production de rapports
Project Documents
- Methodology and Evidence (Federal and Provincial/Territorial) | Méthodologie du projet et revue des éléments probants
- Policy Scoring Rubric (Federal)
- Policy Scoring Rubric (Provincial/Territorial)
- Evidence-based Recommendations for Labelling of Alcohol Products in Canada (2022) | Recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour l’étiquetage des produits d’alcool au Canada (2022)
- 2012, 2017 and 2022 Comparison Scores
- Event recording: CAPE 3.0 Results Release Webinar (May 2023) | Enregistrement de l’événement : webinaire des résultats de CAPE 3.0 (mai 2023)
- Presentation slide deck: CAPE 3.0 Results Release Webinar (May 2023) | Diapositives de presentation : webinaire des résultats de CAPE 3.0 (mai 2023)
- Presentation slide deck: Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) Alcohol Policy Webinar (June 2023)
- Presentation slide deck: CAPE's Federal, Provincial/Territorial Results, and the Role of the Community of Practice, Issues of Substance Conference (November 2023)
- PHO Rounds Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation (CAPE) 3.0 Ontario Results: Webinar recording and Presentation slide deck (February 2024)
- Presentation slide deck: Alcohol policies: Why are they not keeping pace with alcohol caused harms in Canada (April 2024)
Media Releases and Coverage
- UVic-led project offers steps to repair Canada’s failing alcohol policy (CISUR announcement, May 2023)
- Ontario alcohol policy receives failing grade (CAMH media release, May 2023)
- List of media coverage (with embedded links)
Journal Articles/Academic Publications
- An assessment of federal alcohol policies in Canada and priority recommendations: Results from the 3rd Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation Project (Farkouh et al., 2024, Canadian Journal of Public Health)
CAPE 2.0
- Executive summary | Sommaire
- Full report | Rapport complet
- Policy Recommendations and Best Practice Leaders
Individual Provinces/Territories
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick | Nouveau-Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Nunavut
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec | Québec
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
- Presentation - Strategies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms and Costs in Canada: A Review of Provincial, Territorial, and Federal Policies (Feb 2019) | Presentation - Stratégies pour réduire les méfaits et les coûts liés à l’alcool au Canada : Une revue des politiques fédérales, provinciales et territoriales (Fev 2019)
Media Releases and Coverage
- The good, the bad and the ugly: New report cards on policies to reduce alcohol harms in Canada's 10 provinces and 3 territories (CISUR announcement, April 2019)
- Ontario Alcohol Policy Report Card (CAMH media release, April 2019)
- Canadian alcohol policy gets failing grade (UVic media release, February 2019)
- List of media coverage (with embedded links)
Journal Articles/Academic Publications
- Strategies for engaging policy stakeholders to translate research knowledge into practice more effectively: Lessons learned from the Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation project (Vallance et al., 2021, Drug and Alcohol Review)
- The Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation project: Findings from a review of provincial and territorial alcohol policies (Vallance et al., 2021, Drug and Alcohol Review)
- Alcohol retail privatisation in Canadian provinces between 2012 and 2017. Is decision making oriented to harm reduction? (Giesbrecht et al., 2020, Drug and Alcohol Review)
CAPE 1.0
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec | Québec
- Saskatchewan
Media Releases and Coverage
- Sobriety Test: CAMH Report Rates Provinces on Alcohol Policies (CAMH media release, March 2013)
- List of media coverage (with embedded links)
Journal Articles/Academic Publications
- Comparing Alcohol Marketing and Alcohol Warning Message Policies Across Canada (Wettlaufer et al., 2017, Substance Use and Misuse)
- Strategies to reduce alcohol-related harms and costs in Canada: A comparison of provincial policies (Giesbrecht et al., 2016, The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research)
- Pricing of alcohol in Canada: A comparison of provincial policies and harm-reduction opportunities (Giesbrecht et al., 2016, Drug and Alcohol Review)
Webinar Recordings, Slides, and Summaries
These webinars and events are offered as part of the CAPE Community of Practice.
To sign up, please fill out this short membership form. Pour vous inscrire, veuillez remplir ce court formulaire.
If you have any questions about the CAPE CoP, please contact the coordinators directly at
Fact Sheets
The CAPE CoP offers a national email listserv, research presentations, roundtable discussions, policy forums, and cross-sectoral and -jurisdictional networking sessions related to alcohol policy.
Members receive regular communications in relation to CoP events, resources and updates about the CAPE project. There is no cost associated with joining and members are welcome to participate in whatever capacity works best for them.
To sign up, please fill out this short membership form. Pour vous inscrire, veuillez remplir ce court formulaire.
The CAPE CoP has more than 500 members, from all 13 provinces and territories plus Canada-wide and international jurisdictions. Members include those working in public health/health services, government alcohol regulation/distribution/retail, public safety, cancer-related and other NGOs, advocacy groups, people with lived and living experience, peer organizations, students, research organizations and more.
If you have questions about the CAPE CoP, please email:
Please note: materials produced by CAPE are available in both English and French. Simultaneous interpretation in either French or English is provided for webinars/presentations. Email correspondence is primarily in English.
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned!
To attend events, join the CAPE Community of Practice: Sign up here / Inscrivez-vous ici
Current Activities
Last updated October 2024
Excise tax on alcohol products
There has been recent interest in excise tax adjustment in Canada. Some CAPE CoP members have engaged in writing letters. These letters represent the views of the individuals who have sent them.
- Letter: Support for alcohol excise tax adjustment (February 2024)
- Letter: Ontario Public Health Association: Support for planned annual adjustment to excise tax on alcohol products (March 2023)
Alcohol labelling
There has been growing interest in alcohol labelling initiatives in Canada and elsewhere. In Canada, much of this interest has stemmed from the recent update to low risk drinking guidelines now known as the Guidance on Alcohol and Health which calls for mandatory labelling of all alcoholic beverages. Some CAPE CoP members have engaged in writing letters in support of various initiatives (see below). These letters represent the views of the individuals who have sent them.
Event Recordings, Slides, and Summaries
Other CoP Documents
Les ressources et les rapports trouvés dans cette section sont produits par CAPE.
CAPE 3.0 (2023)
Résumé des résultats par domaines d’action
Infographie : résultats des provinces et des territoires canadiens
Résultats du Québec | Infographie du Québec
Résultats du Nouveau-Brunswick | Infographie du Nouveau-Brunswick
Résultats du L'Ontario| Infographie du L'Ontario
Résultats du Manitoba| Infographie du Manitoba
Infographies par domaine d'action:
- Fixation des prix et taxation
- Disponibilité physique
- Système de contrôle
- Mesures contre la conduite avec facultés affaiblies
- Contrôle du marketing et de la publicité
- Âge minimum légal
- Messages sur la santé et la sécurité
- Application des lois sur les boissons alcoolisées
- Interventions de dépistage et traitement
- Stratégies en matière d’alcool
- Suivi et production de rapports
- Enregistrement de l’événement : webinaire des résultats de CAPE 3.0 (mai 2023)
- Diapositives de presentation : webinaire des résultats de CAPE 3.0 (mai 2023)
- Méthodologie du projet et revue des éléments probants
CAPE 2.0 (2019)
Rapport complet (Fédéral)
Sommaire (Province/Territoire)
Rapport complet (Province/Territoire)
CAPE 1.0 (2013)
Sommaire (Province/Territoire)
Rapport complet (Province/Territoire)
Conseils et fiches d'information
Recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour l’étiquetage des produits d’alcool au Canada (2022)
CdP de CAPE - les enregistrement de l’événements, diapositives de presentation et résumés d’événements
19 janvier 2022
16 mars 2022
8 juin 2022
28 septembre 2022
30 novembre 2022
4 octobre 2023
- Enregistrement de l’événement
- Diapositives de presentation
- série de cinq webinaires diffusés au printemps 2023
25 octobre 2023
7 fevrier 2024
30 avril 2024
8 mai 2024
29 may 2024
26 juin 2024
24 octobre 2024
Les tables rondes ne sont pas enregistrées. Des sommaires de discussion de haut niveau sont accessibles sur demande à l'adresse suivante:
CdP de CAPE - autres documents
Lignes directrices de liste de diffusion
Autres documents - ressources en matière d’alcool
Vous trouverez ici une compilation par thème (par exemple, législation, étiquetage, etc.) de liens sur des ressources en matière d’alcool (en anglais seulement). Vous pourrez également consulter une archive de tous les articles de presse affichés sur le serveur de liste de diffusion de la communauté de pratique de CAPE (dont certains sont en français). Veuillez noter que ce document est mis à votre disposition à des fins d’information seulement. Il ne s’agit pas d’un examen complet de la littérature. Si vous avez des questions ou aimeriez suggérer un ajout ou une correction à ce document, veuillez envoyer un courriel à
To access CAPE produced reports and publications, please go to the Reports and Resources section of this webpage.
Alcohol Policy Resources & Media Archive
A compilation of links to alcohol policy resources by topic (e.g. legislation, labelling etc) is available below. It also contains an archive of all media articles shared to the CAPE Community of Practice listserv. Please note, this document is provided for informational purposes only. It is not a comprehensive review of the literature.
Alcohol Policy Resources & Media Archive
A listing of groups and organizations in Canadian provinces and territories who involve people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) in their work is available below. It was compiled using publicly available information found through an online search. It includes groups and organizations who do not directly focus their work on alcohol but whose clients/service users may use alcohol in addition to other substances.
PWLLE-involved groups in Canada
PWLLE-involved groups in Canada
If you have questions or would like to suggest an addition or correction to these documents, email
Project evolution
The CAPE project began in 2011 (CAPE 1.0) with an initial systematic and comparative review of evidence-based alcohol policies and programs across all Canadian provinces (territories were not included). Results were published in 2013.
The second iteration of the project (CAPE 2.0), conducted in 2017-2019, assessed all Canadian provinces and territories as well as at the Federal level.
The third iteration (CAPE 3.0), conducted in 2021-2022, once again assessed all Canadian provinces and territories as well as at the Federal level. Results were published in May 2023.
- Health Canada, Substance Use and Addictions Program (CAPE 3.0 & 2.0)
- Public Health Agency of Canada (CAPE 3.0 & 2.0)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection Grant (CAPE CoP)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CAPE 1.0)
- Dr. Tim Naimi (Co-Principal Investigator)
- Dr. Tim Stockwell (Co-Principal Investigator)
- Dr. Norman Giesbrecht (Co-Principal Investigator | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, ON)
- Dr. Marilou Gagnon (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Russell Callaghan (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Adam Sherk (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Mark Asbridge (Co-Investigator | Dalhousie University, NS)
- Dr. Jacob Shelley (Co-Investigator | Health Ethics, Law & Policy (HELP) Lab, Western University, ON)
- Dr. Kevin D. Shield (Co-Investigator | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, ON)
- Robert Solomon (Co-Investigator | Western University, ON)
- Dr. Kara Thompson (Co-Investigator | St. Francis Xavier University, NS)
- Amanda Farrell-Low (Communications Officer)
- Ashley Wettlaufer (Methods Specialist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, ON)
- Kate Vallance (Research Associate)
- Nicole Vishnevsky (Research Assistant)
- Elizabeth Farkouh (Research Assistant )
- Bella Priore (Research Assistant)
- Tina Price (Project Coordinator)