Faculty & staff resources
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Check out UVic's brand refresh
A modernized UVic mark, updated colours and new templates are here.
Visit the refreshed brand site to explore the new toolkit and use them in your work.

EDI and anti-racism course update
The 2024 version of the Increasing Equity in Decision Processes course offers numerous updates, including a revised section that reviews the harms of colonialism and the ways they limit our vision of academia and scholarship.

Distinctly UVic
Our new Strategic Plan urges us to be creative, compassionate and brilliant—not on our own, but together. The plan articulates the values and priorities that make UVic distinct and guides us towards building a better tomorrow.

Reproducibility for all
UVic Libraries and Research Computing are hosting a series of workshops October to February dedicated to training researchers in tools and techniques for greater research reproducibility with the aim of making scholarly knowledge openly available, accessible, and reusable.
Public Interest Disclosure Act
As of Dec.1, 2024, post-secondary institutions in British Columbia are subject to the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA), which provides a way for employees to report concerns of serious or systemic...
Microglia: when good cells go dark
Marie-Ève Tremblay, her research team and partners at the City University of New York (CUNY) reported some first-in-world findings recently. While the others did the biological and biochemical procedures,...
New podcast explores dementia caregiving realities
When Ashley Sharma graduated from high school, she didn’t imagine that within a few years, she would become her grandmother’s primary caregiver. Sharma’s story is one of four episodes featured...
It's Data Privacy Week
Data Privacy Week is all about raising awareness around the importance of protecting personal information and respecting privacy rights.
Honorary degree nominations
Nominate a worthy candidate to receive an honorary degree from UVic.
Ian Stewart Ice Rink Temporarily Closed
The ice rink at Ian Stewart Complex (ISC) was temporarily closed following a minor ammonia release that occurred on Jan. 13. The university took important steps to ensure the rink can safely re-open.
Tree removal for Engineering expansion
As construction begins this month on the future Engineering and Computer Science Expansion (ECSE) and High Bay Research and Structures Lab (HBRSL) buildings, several trees will be removed from the...

Invest in your UVic
Are you passionate about supporting students, teaching, research or community outreach? Whatever cause you care about, your gift will open doors and create bright futures. Discover the many options for faculty and staff giving.
Emergency contacts
Use these contacts if you need immediate help:
- Ambulance, fire, police: 9-1-1
- Campus security or 250-721-7599
- Safe Walk Program or 250-721-7599
- Emergency information