Faculty directory
Name |
Contact |
Research Interests |
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey Serving as Associate Vice-President Academic Programs |
eadjinte@uvic.ca | Remedies, insurance, torts, feminist analysis of law, law and society, and race, ethnicity, and the law. |
Funmilola Ayotunde | fayotunde@uvic.ca | Human rights law, transnational advocacy, natural resources development, Indigenous rights, international environmental law, and business and human rights. |
John Borrows |
250-721-8168 jborrows@uvic.ca |
Indigenous law, environmental law, constitutional law. |
250-721-8164 |
Taxation law, First Nations taxation. | |
Gillian Calder |
250-472-5127 |
Family law and social issues, constitutional law, gender equality. |
250-721-8163 kmchan@uvic.ca |
Nonprofit sector law, law and religion, administrative law and regulation, trusts, the law of gift. |
Patricia Cochran |
250-721-8183 pcochran@uvic.ca |
Constitutional law, legal and political theory, law and the humanities. |
Deborah L Curran, |
250-853-3105 dlc@uvic.ca |
Water law, municipal law, growth management and land use law, environmental law, agricultural land and food systems, real estate and shared-decision making. |
Maneesha Deckha |
250-721-8175 mdeckha@uvic.ca |
Animal legal studies, feminist animal care theory and feminist analysis of law, critical animal studies, postcolonial theory, reproductive and end-of-life law and ethics, administrative law. |
250-721-8169 mgillen@uvic.ca |
Securities, trusts, business associations, tax and competition law. | |
250-472-5247 |
Aboriginal law, Indigenous lands, rights and governance. | |
Chris Heslinga Director of the Law Centre Clinical Legal Education Program |
250-385-1221 |
Clinical and public legal education. |
Robert Howell | 250-721-8186 rhowell@uvic.ca |
Intellectual property, technology, telecommunications, private international law. |
Rebecca Johnson |
250-721-8187 rjohnson@uvic.ca |
Criminal law, legal process, business associations. |
250-472-5042 |
Race and criminal law, Police powers, International Criminal Law, Third World Approaches to International Law, Legal Pluralism, Postcolonial Theory, Critical Race Theory, Citizenship. |
Freya Kodar |
250-721-8190 lawdean@uvic.ca |
Pension (public and private), consumer law and policy, debt and credit regulation, income security, care work, disability and the law. |
Robert Lapper, KC |
250-721-7647 rlapper@uvic.ca |
Access to justice, justice innovation, public policy, professional regulation and ethics, Aboriginal law. |
Michelle Lawrence |
250-721-8173 |
Access to justice, justice innovation, criminal law, evidence, sentencing, substance abuse and mental disorder, relationship violence, police accountability. |
Darcy Lindberg |
250-721-8182 |
Indigenous law, ecological governance through Indigenous legal orders, gender and Indigenous ceremonies, Indigenous treaty making. |
Tracey Lindberg |
250-721-8894 |
Traditional Indigenous governments, Cree laws, translation between Canadian and Indigenous laws, Indigenous women, legal advocacy and activism. |
Geoffrey Loomer |
250-721-8161 |
International and comparative taxation law and corporate taxation. |
Commercial law, law and technology, and critical race theory. | ||
250-721-7521 cmacleod@uvic.ca |
Philosophy, liberal equality. | |
David Milward |
250-721-8154 |
Criminal law, Indigenous justice, and evidence. |
Sarah Morales |
250-721-8184 |
Aboriginal law, Indigenous legal traditions and international human rights. |
Val Napoleon |
250-721-8172 napoleon@uvic.ca |
Indigenous legal traditions, Indigenous feminist legal studies, governance, restorative justice, Indigenous property law, Aboriginal legal issues. |
Andrew Newcombe |
250-721-8152 lawassoc@uvic.ca |
International investment law and arbitration, international trade law and contracts. |
Pooja Parmar |
250-721-8179 parmar@uvic.ca |
legal pluralism, legal ethics, int’l human rights law, legal history, law and colonialism. |
250-472-5027 |
Aboriginal Law, administrative law, constitutional law, Indigenous Law, Crown-Indigenous treaties, the duty to consult and accommodate, Crown-Indigenous treaty rights and interpretation, colonial legal history, legal pluralism. |
Victor V. Ramraj Director, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) |
250-721-7024 ramraj@uvic.ca |
Comparative constitutional and administrative law (SE Asia), transnational regulation, law and globalization, emergency powers in Asia. |
Sara Ramshaw |
250-721-8165 sararamshaw@uvic.ca |
Family law, human rights, contracts, arts-based approaches to law, law and the humanities, improvisation and the law, legal theory/jurisprudence. |
Tim Richards Director, First-Year Legal Research and Writing Program |
250-721-8185 trichard@uvic.ca |
Human rights law, poverty and social policy, legal skills education. |
250-721-8170 ctollef@uvic.ca |
Environmental law and litigation, sustainability, environmental governance, forestry, Aboriginal law, access to justice. | |
estairva@uvic.ca |
Name |
Phone |
Freya Kodar Dean of Law |
250 721-8147 | lawdean@uvic.ca |
Patricia Cochran |
250 721-8161 | law.assocdean.adm@uvic.ca |
Andrew Newcombe |
250 721-8152 | lawassoc@uvic.ca |
Rebecca Johnson Director, Graduate Program |
250 721-8175 | gradlawdir@uvic.ca |
Name |
Title |
Roberto Alberto | Sessional Instructor | |
Ross Alexander | Adjunct Professor | rossalexander@uvic.ca |
Michael Asch | Adjunct Professor | |
Trevor Bant | Sessional Instructor | |
Eszter Bodnár | Adjunct Professor | ebodnar@uvic.ca |
Oliver Brandes | Adjunct Professor | |
Susan Breau | Adjunct Professor | |
Andrew Buck | Adjunct Professor | andrewbuck@uvic.ca |
Meghan Butler | Sessional Instructor | meghanbutler@uvic.ca |
Akshaya Chandani | Dean’s Graduate Fellow and Sessional Instructor | |
Kaitlyn Chewka | Adjunct Professor | |
William Clark | Sessional Instructor | |
Renée Cochard | Sessional Instructor | |
Gina Connor | Sessional Instructor | |
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger | Adjunct Professor | |
Kaitlyn Cumming | Sessional Instructor | |
Bradley Danks | Adjunct Professor | |
Fernando De Lima | Adjunct Professor | |
Paula Donnachie | Adjunct Professor | |
Joel Feinman | Limited Term Teaching Professor | |
Stephen Ferance | Adjunct Professor |
Sean Finn | Adjunct Professor | seanfinn@uvic.ca |
Chandra Fisher | Sessional Instructor | |
Hadley Friedland | Adjunct Professor | |
Alandra Harlingten | Adjunct Professor | |
Hank Intven | Adjunct Professor | |
Clare Jennings | Adjunct Professor |
Laura Johnston | Adjunct Professor | |
Stephen King |
Sessional Instructor |
Michelle Kinney |
Sessional Instructor |
Arvind Kumar |
Sessional Instructor |
Valerie Le Blanc |
Adjunct Professor |
vleblanc@uvic.ca |
Michael Litchfield |
Director, Business Law Clinic | |
Jessica Lott-Thomson | Sessional Instructor | |
Stephen Lyons |
Adjunct Professor |
Raji Mangat | Adjunct Professor | |
Claude Marchessault | Adjunct Professor | |
Chris Massey | Sessional Instructor | |
Lee Mauro | Adjunct Professor | |
Arthur McInnis | Adjunct Professor | |
Kent McNeil | Limited Term Visiting Professor |
Michael M’Gonigle | Adjunct Professor |
Laura Miller | Adjunct Professor | |
Jacquie Miller | Limited-Term Assistant Professor |
Melanie Mortensen | Sessional Instructor | |
Christine Murray | Sessional Instructor | |
Joel Oliphant | Adjunct Professor | |
JA Pankiw-Petty | Adjunct Professor | |
Jess Patterson | Adjunct Professor | |
Thanh Cong Phan | Sessional Instructor | |
Lorne Phipps | Adjunct Professor | |
Deanna Rivers | Adjunct Professor | |
Supriya Routh | Adjunct Professor |
Stuart Rush | Adjunct Professor |
George Seymour | Sessional Instructor | |
Theodore Sum | Adjunct Professor | |
Darcie Suntjens | Sessional Instructor | darcies@uvic.ca |
Carla Tait | Sessional Instructor | |
Michael Taylor | Sessional Instructor | |
Alan Treleaven | Adjunct Professor | |
John Tuck | Adjunct Professor | |
Ian Wiebe | Adjunct Professor | |
Kim Willey | Adjunct Professor | |
David Yarwood | Sessional Instructor | |
Jeffrey Young | Adjunct Professor |
Mark Zion | Sessional Instructor | |
Tom Zworski | Adjunct Professor |