
First year courses
The first year curriculum is mandatory and provides the foundation of knowledge and skills for the upper years and beyond. During the first two weeks here, you will be enrolled in the Legal Research and Writing course and The Legal Process course: an introduction to legal institutions, skills and theories. Your regular courses, starting in week three, will cover both private and public law subjects, offering a variety of orientations and focus. All first-year courses except The Legal Process and Law and Legislation and Policy are full-year courses.
If you are studying part-time, you must enrol in courses worth at least 7.0 units, including Legal Process (1.0 unit), The Law, Legislation and Policy (1.5 units), and Legal Research and Writing (1.5 units).
Upper year courses
After the first year, many of your courses will be optional, although there are some mandatory courses that you must take to meet your degree requirements.
We offer a large number of courses in both traditional legal subjects and in new and emerging areas of the law. Not all courses are offered every year, but the curriculum provides both variety and depth. Regular and visiting faculty will sometimes offer new courses in areas of special interest or significance.
You may enrol in a maximum of 3.0 units in other University of Victoria departments with special permission.
You may also pursue specialized interests through various directed studies programs, including individual and group research projects.
Find the course descriptions in the law section of the UVic Calendar online.