Award background information
123 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
30 by 30 Women in Engineering Award
Active Earth Engineering Award for Indigenous Students in STEM
Murray Adaskin Prize in Music Composition
Robyn Kathleen Addison Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Doris Adesserman Ocean Networks Canada Fund
Evelyn Adu-Febiri International Business Scholarship
Affinity Law Group Financial Hardship Bursary
James A. and Laurette Agnew Memorial Award
Ainsworth-Carter Piano and Violin Fund
Ainsworth-Carter Opportunity Fund
Mary Aitken Legacy Scholarship in Writing Scholarship
Sandra Ann Chisholm MacLean Aitken Graduate Award
Anna Isabelle Allen Scholarships in the School of Social Work
Eleanor Mitchell Allen Award in Nursing
Alliance Francaise de Victoria Book Prize in Memory of Dr. W. D. Witherspoon
Alumni Association Scholarships
Alzheimer Society of BC Clinical Fellowship in Cognitive Health
Arenas & Artemiw Award in Engineering
Joseph Arvay Social Justice Award
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia Scholarship
Athenic Entrepreneurship Award
ÁTOL,ÁNW̱: A Season of Just and Fair Treatment Award
Audain Professorship in Contemporary Art Practice of the Pacific Northwest
Anne Pomeroy Autor Lectureship for the Humanities in the Biomedical Sciences
Anne Pomeroy Autor Award in Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Hinda Avery Graduate Scholarship in Animal Rights and Law
Dr. Hinda Avery Holocaust Studies Scholarship
Joan Backus Scholarship in Music
Ross & Stephanie Bailey Undergraduate Award
Ross & Stephanie Bailey Graduate Award
Jean and Archie Bain Scholarship
A. MacLeod Baird Memorial Prize in Scottish History
Kathy Bakony Scholarship in Art History and Visual Studies
Sarah D. Bakony Memorial Scholarship
Norah & Calvin Banks Indigenous Science Scholarship
Norah & Calvin Banks Chemistry Scholarship
Norah & Calvin Banks Indigenous Leadership Award in the Sciences
Barkley Sound Field School Student Award
Dr. Lewis and Mrs. Caroline Bartlett Memorial Fund
John and Marilyn Bate Scholarship in Recreation and Health Education
BC Association of Social Workers' Prize
Margaret and Harold Beckwith Memorial Prize in Music
Marc Bell Scholarship in Environmental Studies
William Benzie Memorial Scholarship
Mary Dorothy Jones Bessex Award
Pat Bevan Scholarship in Writing
Ailsa and Roger Bishop Bursary
Bit Quill Technologies Scholarship for Women in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Black Press Business Scholarships
George Black Memorial Scholarship
Edward "Teddy" Blenkinsop Scholarship
Gregory Blue Scholarship in Global History
BMO Alliance For Women in Business Award
Boehm Family Award for Excellence in Science
Boehm Family Award for Undergraduate Travel
Boehm-Hesser Graduate Research Excellence in Astronomy Award
Martin Bonham and Lloyd Howard Travel to Italy Award
Joyce and Don Brake Scholarship in Music
British Columbia Psychological Association
Elta Brown and Peggy Mika Nursing Scholarship
Ella Brown Memorial Scholarship
John Michael Brownutt Scholarship
Vera Flett Keddy Buchanan Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy Buchsein Prize in Piano
Elizabeth Buckley School Award
Melody D. Bullough Bursary in the School of Nursing
George Jennings Burnett Memorial Bursary
Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island's Shirley Burstall Scholarship in History
Pablo Cabanas Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Shawn Cafferky Scholaship in Military History
Sheila Calvert Memorial Scholarship
Cameron Environmental Law Award
Ian Cameron Scholarship in Educational Measurement & Evaluation
Paige Cameron Memorial Bursary
Howie Campbell Men’s Rowing Award
Canadian International Council (CIC) Victoria Scholarship
Canadian Judicial Indigenous Law Scholar Award
Canet Foundation Scholarship Endowment
Stephen Canning Memorial Scholarship
Carmanah Prize in Eco-Technology
Deanna Carter Biochemistry Award
Cassels Shaw Graduate Fellowship
Marion Cassels Memorial Indigenous Athletics Award
Certificate of Indigenous Language Revitalization Program Award
CFUW Victoria Centennial Scholarship
CFUW Victoria Diana Morgan Humanities Scholarship
CFUW Saanich Peninsula Myrna Holden Scholarship
Ed Chala Memorial Men's Soccer Award
Leo Chan Memorial Scholarship in Political Science
Rosy and Steven Chan Memorial Bursary
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of Victoria Award
Barry Chow Vikes Basketball Award
Betty Jamie Chung Scholarships
Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island's Aleck Trawick Scholarship in Political Science
Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island Barry Gough Scholarship in English
Lieutenant-general S. F. Clark, CBE CD Scholarship
Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders Graduate Scholarship
Kathleen G. Collis Art Therapy Scholarship
Commerce Student Society Community Engagement Award
Clarence C. Cook Memorial Scholarship
Peter Corless Mechanical Engineering Award
Harold Coward Research Fellowship Fund
Eileen Lillian Cowling Memorial Bursary
Peter Coy Scholarship in Music
CPA Education Foundation Diversity Award
CPA Education Foundation Inclusion Award
Heather Cragg Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Valentine Guy Criswick Scholarship
Lucie Daigle Memorial Scholarship in Linguistics
Hilda Dancey Library Endowment
Myrna McEwen Daniels Scholarship
Terry and Myrna Daniels Scholarship in Music
Terry and Myrna Daniels Award in Indigenous Education
Davison Graduate Award in Russian and Slavic Studies
Jeremy Robert Davison Scholarship
Murray Dawson Fellowship in Humanities
Maureen de Burgh Memorial Scholarship
Adeline Deloume Memorial Scholarship
The Denton Memorial Book Prize
Dr. Elisabeth Dixon Scholarship in Chemistry
Marlene Donaldson Vikes Women's Rugby Award
Eugene Dowling and Dennis Latham Scholarship
Gwladys and Gwen Downes Scholarship in Theatre
Dianne Draper Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Scholarship
Dave Ian Dunnet Music Education Scholarship
Joyce and Bill Dunning Bursary in Social Work
Jack Ebbels Scholarship in Public Administration
Edwards Kenny & Bray Award for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Students in Law
Riley Jane Elholm Memorial Scholarship
Enbridge Scholarship in Engineering and Computer Science
Enbridge Travel Award for Engineering and Computer Science Students
Engineering Students' Society Stream B. Award For Community Involvement
Engineers and Geoscientists BC Municipal Engineers Division Award
Wendy Diane Esdale Graduate Scholarship
Wendy Diane Esdale Undergraduate Scholarship
Margaret A. Evans Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Corrina Ewan Memorial Scholarship
Elsa Eleonora Fagerberg & Clara Maria Fagerberg Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries
Faculty Association Memorial Award
Faculty of Fine Arts Indigenous Student Award
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. Entrance Bursary
Terry and Leslie Farmer Scholarships
Ferguson Graduate Research Award in Digital Health
Malcolm Fernandes Memorial Award
First Open Heart Society of B.C. Scholarship
First West Credit Union Launi Skinner Indigenous Scholarship
Gordon and Hilda Fitch Scholarship
David Harris Flaherty Scholarship
Richard and Elizabeth Flury Scholarship
Joyce Folbigg Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Theatre, Music & Environmental Studies
For the Love of Film Scholarship
Louise and Peter Fothergill-Payne Memorial Scholarships
Freedom 55 Financial Fitness and Community Wellness Award
John Carling Fraser Memorial Scholarship & Bursary
Jeanette Funke-Furber and Robert Furber Scholarship
Museum Studies Award in Memory of Dr. Daniel Gallacher
Wendy M. Gedney Bursary in Elementary Education
Geological Association of Canada, Pacific Section Scholarship
Gervin Metis Award for Distinguished Advocacy and Leadership
Dax Gibson Memorial Award in Gender Studies
Dax Gibson Memorial Scholarship in Gender Studies & Anthropology
Joginder and Amrik Gill Bursary
Richard Gilhooley & Karen Ockelton Scholarship
W. R. (Bill) Gordon Scholarship
Barry Gough Scholarship in History
Barry Gough Scholarship in Marine Environmental History
John Gough Scholarship for Studies in the History of the Environment
Graduate of 1976 Visual Arts Scholarship
Candis Graham Writing Scholarship Lambda Foundation Fund
Eleanor Gray Memorial Scholarship in Music
Greater Victoria Chamber 1863 Impact Award
Glenn and Pauline Greene Scholarship in Nursing
Roper Greyell Workplace Law Award
Brian Grieve Entrance Scholarship
Grotius Award in Modern History
Dr. James B. Haddow Scholarship
Emil and Lynette Hain Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies
Lynette F. Hain Memorial Scholarship in French
Aldyen Hamber Entrance Scholarship
Hamber Foundation Gender Studies Bursary
Leonard and Eileen Hamilton Scholarship in Spanish & Italian Studies
Shelley Lynne Hamilton Memorial Graduate Bursary
Hargrove Award for Science and Service
Sandra Louise Harper and Don Barnhardt Award in Indigenous Law
Harper Grey LLP and Life in Law Diversity Award
Ted Harrison - Wingate Art Education Bursary
Michael Hayes Award in Public Health and Social Policy
Charles and Ruth Haywood Memorial Scholarships/Bursaries
Ruth Haywood Memorial Bursary in Music
Women in Development Graduate Bursary in memory of Dr. Alan Hedley
Robert Herchak Graduate Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies
Y.P. Heung Foundation Post-Secondary Scholarship
Dr. Margaret "Marmie" Perkins Hess Awards
Thomas M. Hess Scholarship in Indigenous Language Revitalization
Grace and Harry Hickman Scholarship
Dana Hlavac-Winsor Scholarship
Frank Hobbs Educational Bursary
Diana and Martin Hocking Graduate Award
Alan J. Hodgson Memorial Scholarship
Lauretta McCall Holdridge Bursary
Home Depot, Gordon Head Residents' Association Scholarship
Albert Hung Chao Hong Scholarships/Awards
Mina Hoorfar Award for Women in Engineering and Computer Science
Mina Hoorfar Award for Indigenous Students in Engineering and Computer Science
Mary Marjorie Horan Scholarship/Bursary
Chih-Chuang and Yien-Ying Wang Hsieh Award
Ted and Helen Hughes Entrance Award
Ken Hurn Bursary in Elementary Education
Hutchinson Bekius Scholarship in History
Simon Ibell Vikes Inspiration Award
Mohamed and Prabha Ibrahim Awards in Chemistry
IEEE Pacific Rim Vijay Bhargava Scholarship
Insolvency Institute of Canada Prize in Insolvency Studies
Investors Group Athletic Award
Inuit Women Legal Scholar Award
Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship
Martlet Chapter, IODE Cuthbert Holmes English Honours Essay Scholarship
IODE Victoria Municipal Chapter Scholarship
Royal Bride Chapter IODE Scholarship
Sydney W. Jackman Prize in British History
Dr. Toby Jackman Book Prize in British History
Alan Steven John Awards in Visual Arts
A. Wilfrid Johns Memorial Scholarship
Cynthia Johnston Women in Economics
Marilyn June Jones Cello Fund Endowment
Hazel Lara Joseph and Herbert Hartley Smith Scholarship
Joyce Family Foundation Award for Indigenous Students
Joseph and Melitta Kandler Scholarship
Patricia Burns Keir Prize in Canadian Art
Simon Keith Foundation Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame Award
Betty and Gilbert Kennedy Scholarships
William and Doreen Kerby Scholarship in Medieval British Literature
James and Phillippa Kerr Graduate Scholarship in Nursing
James and Phillippa Kerr Scholarship in Public Health
Alexander and Glenda Kirk Award
Anna Bertha and Frank Kluge Scholarship
Knowledge First Foundation Scholarship
Don Knowles Memorial Scholarship
Lisa Koop Vikes Indigenous Athletic Award
Pat Köster Scholarship in Women's Writing, 1660-1990
Pat Köster Essary Scholarship in Women's Writing, 1660-1900
Greg and Tanya Kuhn International Student Award
Cindy Kung Memorial Award for Women in Health Information Science
William & Amelia Kushniryk Memorial Award
Dr. Burton O. Kurth Scholarship for Excellence in English in English Honours
Paulette Lacroix Nursing Informatics Leadership Scholarship
Lafarge Canada Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Chris Lalonde Indigenous Wellbeing Award
Nancy Lamb Chemistry Scholarship
Nancy Lamb Scholarship in Piano
Allardice Lancaster Scholarship
Anita A. Lancaster Scholarship
Langford-Seaborne Award for Indigenous Students in Humanities
Langford-Seaborne Award for Indigenous Students in Social Sciences
Rose Won Lau Business Scholarship
Aaron Learmont Memorial Scholarship
Eric LeBlanc Memorial Scholarship
George Lee Law Corporation Scholarship
Larry Lee Kinesiology Bursary/Scholarship
Irene Lee Scholarship/Bursary in English
Lehan Family Activism and the Arts Lecture Endowment
Lei & Di Medical Physics Graduate Scholarship
Level Up Award (Codename Entertainment)
Peter Liddell Award in Humanities Computing
Heather J. Lindstedt and Brian A. Pollick Fellowship
Rob and Tammy Lipson Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Gwen Lock Scholarship for Women
Professor Alfred E. Loft Memorial Scholarship
Professor Alfred E. Loft Memorial Scholarship
Eunice Lowe Award for Entrepreneurship Studies
Corrine Lowen Memorial Award in Social Dimensions of Health
Ana and Peter Lowens Scholarship in Victorian Literature
Eileen L. MacGregor Gordon Scholarship
Philip MacIntyre Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Roderick MacIsaac Graduate Scholarship
Brian Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship
Alec Maclean Award in Economics
Marion (Watson) MacLeod Memorial Scholarship
Madden Family Graduate Scholarship in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging
Hannah Madgen Memorial Bursary
Jeffrey Mallett Leadership Award
Elias Mandel Prize for Study Abroad
Mandell Pinder LLP Indigenous Law Scholar Award
Mansell-McLellan Entrance Scholarship
Douglas and Jennifer Mann Scholarship
Jessie Mantle Fellowship in Nursing
Edna and Jack Marshall Indigenous Fine Arts Scholarship
Mary Catherine and Gloria Marshall Memorial Award
Vivian Marshall and Rob Morris Memorial Music Award
Dr. Shelley Anne Martin Memorial Scholarship
Carl and Audrey Mawby CFUW Saanich Peninsula Bursary
Thomas and Elizabeth Mayne Bursary in Theatre
Marilyn McCall Bursary in Psychology
McCarthy Tetrault Prize in Contracts
Carolyn E. & Robert J. McCormick Indigenous Entrance Scholarship
Marilyn McCrimmon Scholarship in Education
Hector and Carol McDonald Scholarship in Greek and Roman Studies
Ted L. McDorman Entrance Scholarship in Law
Ian McDougall Scholarship in Jazz
David McGillivray Scholarships
Olive, Mary and Claude McGregor Scholarships in Music
Barbara McIntyre Scholarship in Theatre
Barbara McIntyre Scholarship in Applied Theatre
Alice Lough McLaggan Bursary for Students with a Disability
Anne McLaughlin Legacy Scholarship in Education
Anne and Doug McLaughlin Scholarship
Maureen McLeod Scholarship in Geography
John Patrick McManaman CPA Memorial Award
Grant McOrmond Scholarship for English Literature
R. W. "Bob" McQueen Economics Award
Ian McTaggart-Cowan Professorship in Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Restoration
Ian and Joyce McTaggart-Cowan Scholarship
Dr. Ian and Joyce McTaggart-Cowan Scholarship in Environmental Studies
Del Meidinger Travel Scholarship
Dr. Norma Mickelson Legacy Scholarship
Roberta Evelyn Milnes Scholarship
mistermerv Graduate Scholarship in Writing (Merv Porath)
Carol Ann Mitchell Graduate Scholarship
Carol Ann Mitchell Undergraduate Scholarship
Reg Mitchell Memorial Scholarship
Brian Money and Nancy Dyer Accordion Scholarship in Music
John Money Prize in British History
Betty Anne Montgomery Memorial Award
Science Undergraduate Research Awards (SURA) - Eva May Moody
Moon Patrol Audet Award in Business
Gwyn Morgan "Be An Engineer" Bursary
Douglas Gibb Morton Memorial Bursary
Mosaic Forest Management Award in Indigenous Language Revitalization
MT+Co. Leonard George Memorial Indigenous Law Scholar Award
Ida May Munro Bursary in Education
Robert J. Murphy Travel Award in Greek and Roman Studies Endowment
Mary Naidu Entrance Scholarship for Indigenous Students
Native Northwest Reconciliation Award
Neville - Elworthy Men’s Rowing Equipment Endowment
Neville - Elworthy Women’s Rowing Equipment Endowment
New Car Dealers Association of BC Entrance Scholarship
Jacob Noseworthy Memorial Scholarship
Oak Bay Heritage Foundation Award in Cultural Resource Management
Oak Bay High Nick Mathers and Dylan Jones Memorial Award
Oak Bay and Saanich Centennial Scholarship
Geoffrey & Alix O'Grady Scholarship in Linguistics
Olthuis Kleer Townshend Indigenous Law Scholar Award
One Heart for Reconciliation Award
Opportunity Entrance Award for Indigenous Students
Gail O'Riordan Memorial Graduate Award for Cello
Thomas Frederick (Bill) Orr Scholarship
Edward Philip Oscapella Scholarship in Music
Pacific Edge Chorus Scholarship
Sanjeev Singh Parmar Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Frank Parnell Memorial Award
Hazel Partridge-Smith Awards in Creative Writing
Edward B. Paul Memorial Scholarship
PBC Health Benefits Society Scholarship in Lifelong Health
Gladys Pearson Indigenous Student Scholarship
Gilbert and Marie Alice Peart Awards
Trudy & Doug Peden Vikes Women in Sport Award
Anthony Gerard 'Bud' Peetz Scholarships
Pemberton Holmes Entrance Scholarship in Honour of Davine Burton
PEO Chapter ‘N’ Memorial Prize
Derrick & Lytta Pereira Education Scholarship
Tom Perry Award for Social Responsibility
John Peter Memorial Scholarship
Constance Ann Pettit Scholarship in French
Susan Patricia Phillips Memorial Prize
Helen Pitt Fund Bursaries & Awards
Cindy Player Award on Equity and Human Rights
PMI Vancouver Island Education Award
Alexandra Pollock UVic Cheer Award
Pooni Family Awards in Geography & Business
Dr. Marion Porath Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Voice
Alfred and Adriana Potvin Scholarship in Ocean Science
Elizabeth (Betty) Valentine Prangnell Scholarship
Pratt-Short Memorial Scholarship
Presquito Murdoch Indigenous Law Award
Promise Scholarship in Physics and Astronomy
J. Prospero Scholarship for Sustainable Mining
Keith Provost Memorial Scholarship in Theatre
Michele Pujol Bursary in Women's Studies
Ratcliff and Company Indigenous Law Scholar Award
Lothar Hermann Redlin Memorial Scholarship
Reliable Controls Award in Computer Science
Marion Ricker Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
James Riddell Memorial Scholarship
Mackenzie Rigg Men's Soccer Award
Ritchie Foundation MBA Scholarship
Ritchie Foundation MBA Entrance Scholarship
Ritchie Foundation Travel Awards
RPIA ACE Finance Award for BIPOC Students
Wayne Robertson, QC Access to Justice Bursary
Robertson Wiens Mathematics Bursary
T’łat’laḵuł Dr. Trish Rosborough Memorial Scholarship in Indigenous Language Revitalization
Douglas Ross Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Michael Ross Memorial Award in Surgery
R.H. Roy Scholarship in Military History
Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association Student Award
Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Awards
Saanich Employees Benefit Association Award
Salish Sea Hub Graduate Scholarship
Salish Weave Indigenous Legal Scholar Award
Satir-Banmen-Lum Counselling Psychology Scholarship
Marguerite Emma Grace Scholefield Bursary in Teacher Education
Faculty of Science Life Science Innovation Fund
Bea Scott Scholarship in Voice
Sheridan Scott Entrance Scholarship and Law prizes
Vic Scott Award in Voice Accompaniment
Samit & Reshma Sharma Scholarship in Astronomy
Samit & Reshma Sharma Scholarship in Earth and Ocean Sciences
Samit & Reshma Sharma Scholarship in Mental Health and Addiction
Nora Lugrin Shaw and Wendell Brrill Shaw Memorial Scholarship
Marvin Shinbrot Memorial Scholarship
Jesse Short-Gershman Memorial Scholarship
Geraldine and Peter Shostak Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies
Kedar Shrikhande Memorial Scholarship for Students with a Disability
Silberberg Family Memorial Award
Zohra and Abdullah Siddiqui Scholarship
Simba Technologies Inc. Scholarship
Ray and Naomi Simpson Scholarship
Kishan Singh & Kartar Kaur Sidhu Memorial Bursary
Skeena Scholarship in Creative Writing
George & Dorothy Smith Soccer Award
R. R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation
SMONEC Natural Sciences Scholarship for Graduate & Undergraduate Students
Spicer Vikes Men’s Rugby Award
Steven P. Starkovich Opportunity Award
Steven P. Starkovich Promise Scholarship
Neil J. Sterritt Legacy Fellowship
Harvey Stevenson Southam Lecturer in Journalism and Non-Fiction
Ross Ian Storey Graduate Scholarship
Cecilia and Ken Strong Fellowship
Harvey S. Southam Program in Writing and Editing
Gregory and Victoria Spievak Graduate Scholarship in Privacy and Security
Inez St. Dennis Memorial Music Education Service Award
Christine St. Peter Scholarship
Jane Glavin St. Peter Scholarship
David Stanonik Pacific Northern Gas Scholarship
The John and Julia Stashuk scholarship
Doris and Harry Stastny Bursaries
Stephens Family Graduate and Undergraduate Research Awards in Organic & Sustainable Food Systems
Elsa Stephens Scholarship in Nursing
Dr. Kim Stevenson Memorial Award in Anesthesiology
Ian H. Stewart Graduate Fellowship
Charles and Lois Stockey Endowment Fund
Johann Strauss Foundation Scholarships in Music
Dr. Ian Stuart Memorial PhD Award
Maurice William Summerhayes Memorial Scholarship
Maurice William Summerhayes Memorial Bursaries
SunTracker Technologies Scholarship
TANSI Bursary and TANSI Scholarship
TELUS Friendly Future Foundation Social Impact Bursary
Sophia M. terHart-Vittali Scholarship
Kim and Welch Theatre Student Scholarship
Theitis Park Nature Sancturay Association Scholarship
Francis Theron Spirit of the Phoenix Award
Henry and Marian Thiel International Business Award Bursary
Daisie Thirlwall Scholarships in Violin
Thompson Family Vikes Rowing Award
Jarmila vlasta von Drak Thouvenelle Graduate Schoarships
Jarmila vlasta von Drak Thouvenelle Coop Schoarships
Trussell Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (Faculties of Science and Engineering)
Holly Tuokko Undergraduate Research Scholarship
University of Victoria German Club Jubilee Award
Jack and Shirley Utley Bursary
UVic Retirees Association Award
UVSS BIPOC Public Interest Research Award
Vancouver Island Compassion Society Cannabis and Psychedelic Studies Scholarship
Vancouver Island Vikes Men's Basketball Award
Vancouver Security Traders Association (VSTA) Finance Award
Jenny van Dyk Memorial Women’s Field Hockey Award
Sybil Verch Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame Award
Victoria B4B Entrepreneurship Award
Victoria Chartered Accountants Association Legacy Scholarship
Victoria Chinatown Lioness Club Graduate Award
Victoria College Craigdarroch Castle Alumni Association Bursaries
Victoria Municipal Chapter, IODE
Victoria Natural History Society Bev Glover Memorial Scholarship
Victoria Natural History Society Alice M. Hay Scholarship
Victoria Natural History Society Samuel Simco Undergraduate Bursary
Victoria Natural History Society Samuel Simco Graduate Bursary
Victoria Natural History Society Freeman F. King Scholarship
Victoria Natural History Society Dennis and Lyndis Davis Scholarship
Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society Award
Victoria Pride Society Bursary
Victoria Real Estate Board Bursary/Scholarship
Vikes Cross Country and Track Alumni Award
Vikes Women's Basketball Spirit Award
Visca Dais-Visca Scholarship in Public Law
Lindgren Wade Award for Community Engagement
James H. C. Walker Memorial Award
Max Walker Scholarship in Geography
Robert & Norah Wallace Commemorative Scholarship Robert T. Wallace Award
Henry & Michiko Warkentyne Graduate Scholarship in Linguistics
Henry J. Warkentyne Scholarship in Applied Linguistics
Loretta Warnsby Memorial Award in Law
Brittany Waters and Barbara Mervin LeadHERship Award
Joan Watson Memorial Scholarship
Roy E. L. Watson Scholarship in Sociology
Roy E. L. Watson Bursaries in Social Work
Roy E. L. Watson Traffic Safety Prize
Watt Consulting Group 40th Anniversary Award
Maureen Wayne Memorial Bursary
Jeremy & Carolyn Webber Fund for Awards in Law
Mischa Weisz Foundation Youth in Care Cost of Living Award
Stephen and Harriet Wender Scholarship
Weston Family Scholarship in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Ted Whelen Graduate Scholarships
Ted Whelen Graduate Scholarship in Public Administration
Doug White Vikes Men’s Rowing Award
Fred Whitehouse National Association of Federal Retirees Scholarship
Arthur Whittingham Graduate Student Travel Scholarship
Wally & Florence Wilkinson Memorial Bursaries
Hart Will Graduate Fellowship in Indigenous Governance and Leadership
Anne and Ivor Williams Spain and Latin America Scholarship
Brian Williams Memorial Scholarship
Richard L. Williams Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Trevor John Williams Memorial Award
Dr. John S. Willis Memorial Scholarship in Music
Willow Grove Foundation Fellowship
Clark Wilson Recruitment Inclusion Award
Winner Medical Young Pioneer in Social Innovation Scholarship
Drew Wolfe-Fraser Memorial Scholarship
Women in Economics Graduate Scholarship
Alan Wong Memorial Bursary in Engineering
Dr. Chi Shing (CS) Wong Memorial Scholarship
Walker Wood Foundation Scholarship in Social Sciences
Zillah (Hobart) Wood Graduate Scholarship in Nursing
Francis Woods Memorial Scholarship
Ted and Jane Wooley Scholarship
Wuitchik Family Marine Sciences Awards
Don Wright Scholarships in Music Education
Nancy Wright Scholarship in the School of Nursing
Jamie Chien-Ming Wu Award for Achievement in Biomedical Engineering
Terry J. Wuester Graduation Award in Law
Xa7limut (Ha-lay-mut) Jack Campo Indigenous Law Award
Norman Yarrow Scholarships in Engineering
Lawrence and Marjorie Yeats Bursary
Larry and Shari Yore Rugby Award
Katharine Youdall Memorial Scholarship
Phillip T. Young Memorial Scholarship in Music
Robert N. & Patricia Young Scholarship
Dennis, Jerome, and Peter Zachary Award in Ukrainian Studies
Michael & Olga Zachary Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies
Lilia Zaharieva Spirit Award in School of Child & Youth Care