Academic Advising for Fine Arts (Undergraduate)

2024/24 Course registration

Winter Session 2024/2025 (September to April) 

Note, you can modify your registration within add and drop deadlines. If you join a course having missed any classes, check with the instructor. The 100% fee reduction deadline takes place before the last day to add courses.

  1. Update your contact information
  2. Access the program planning guide
  3. Review course registration steps
  4. Register with the Centre for Accessible Learning if you have received a disability or chronic health diagnosis (early registration is recommended).

Summer 2025 (May to August; various course dates)

Class schedules will be available to view starting February 15. Course registration opens in mid-March. Time ticket information will be emailed to new and continuing students in early March.

New students

Helpful resources for selecting electives:

  1. 100- and 200-level courses without prerequisites
  2. Humanities electives
  3. Science electives
  4. Social Sciences electives
  5. Browse programs in Calendar by keyword to identify core 100- and 200-level courses (e.g., business, education, film, health, journalism, media, professional communication, science)

SPRING 2025:
Faculty of Fine Arts courses without prerequisites


For help with


September 2024: Academic advising requests:

  • Questions about planning for your program? Access the resources in the course registration timeline above and then .
  • Email advising is available on most topics - all questions will be responded to by email first. 
  • Outside of peak times, including at the beginning of term, advising appointments for registered Fine Arts students are available Tuesdays - Thursdays 9:30 am to 4:30 pm via Zoom or telephone.

Planning an application to UVic? Contact your student recruiter. For help with your application, contact your admissions assistant.

Contact Student Support Services (Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management) for general help about the course registration system, appeals, forms, policies and your student records.

For help about a course, including prerequisites or permissions, you can contact the department directly: Search by keyword on the UVic department directory.

Looking for advice about career planning, graduate or professional programs? Connect with a career educator.

Fine Arts Co-op offers access to paid work terms. Apply to the co-op program as early as Year 2!

Interested to gain international experience during your degree? Check out the exchange program or how to work or volunteer abroad!


Applying to a Faculty of Fine Arts program

This section provides an overview of tips for students planning an application to a Faculty of Fine Arts Arts major program.

  • Skip to the next section below for a list of Fine Arts major programs, admissions/application links, and program planning resources.
  • Skip further below to the section about planning a minor to go with your major or double major (this is optional).

Applying from high school or to transfer from another post-secondary? You're very welcome to use this site for your planning. Then, make an appointment with a UVic recruiter or email to ask any application or program questions. Use their online booking system or email A list of programs, admissions links, and additional info for transfer students is provided in the next section below on this page.

Current and returning UVic students | Visit the Program Changes page for instructions (refer also to the next section below for other helpful admissions and program planning links organized by program).

Music, Theatre, Visual Arts applicants | Use the departmental sites linked in the next section below on this page titled "Planning your Faculty of Fine Arts Major or Honours program") to access important supplementary application instructions (audition, portfolio, essay, resume, etc.).

Double majors:

Your program declaration must be completed before registering for any reserved courses. This includes core music, theatre, visual arts, and 400-level art history and visual studies, as well as all creative writing workshops after WRIT100.

Faculty of Fine Arts: To set up a degree with two Faculty of Fine Arts major programs (double major), apply to the one you consider to be your primary (first choice) program.

  • Then, once you've completed at least 12 units, you can email to request to declare your second major.
  • If your second major has selective admission (music, theatre or visual arts) follow step 2 and step 3 below before the annual application deadline on January 31.
  • You can try to take courses from both programs in first year, however there may be timetable conflicts. For this reason some double majors take five or more years to complete. Consider a degree with a major/minor combination as an alternative. 

Students in other faculties:

To request to declare writing or art history and visual studies as your second program in a double major from another faculty, follow step 1 (only) below. 

- or

To apply to music, theatre or visual arts as your second program in a double major from another faculty, follow steps 1-3:

  • Step 1: Ask your faculty/program's academic advising service how to place an interfaculty program declaration request (do not use My UVic Application).
  • Step 2: Email the , or department before the January 31 application deadline to explain that you're intending to take their program as a double major while registered in another faculty. Include your full name and V number.
  • Step 3: Follow the supplementary application steps provided on the department's website (links are provided in the next section below on this page titled "Planning your Faculty of Fine Arts Major or Honours program").

Second/additional degree applicants:

Students with a bachelor’s degree from UVic or another recognized institution may be admitted to a second bachelor’s degree program if they meet the following conditions:

  • The student must meet the admission requirements for the program of the second degree.
  • The principal areas of study or academic emphasis of the second degree must be distinct from that of the first degree.

The length of program as a second degree ranges on average from two to four academic years, depending on the number of program requirements and their sequence, including prerequisites. Writing and visual arts programs are four-year sequences, as are most BMus major programs and BFA theatre focus areas. The BA art history and visual studies degree is a minimum of two years. See also Second bachelor's degrees in the Calendar. Writing applicants, see also Applying for Advanced Standing on the Writing department website.

Applicants to a Fine Arts program as an additional degree follow the usual application steps. 

In addition to applying, students will also need to submit an Application to Enroll in a Second Bachelor’s Degree Program form available through the Office of the Registrar.

More questions? Contact the Fine Arts undergraduate admissions assistant or officer.

Planning your Faculty of Fine Arts major or honours program

This section provides an overview of Faculty of Fine Arts major and honours programs and links to resources. Refer also to course registration tips further below on this page.

Art History and Visual Studies (BA)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheet | Departmental website |
September entry recommended. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. No supplementary application. Course registration takes place in June. Students applying to start in January may be waitlisted for courses. There are very limited AHVS course offerings summers. The department also offers a BA Honours Art History and Visual Studies with entry after 12 units, including at least 9 units of AHVS courses with B+ or higher grade average, are completed.

Music (BMus)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheetsDepartmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. Supplementary auditions are due by February 15 (see department website). Core courses are offered September to April. 

Music (BA)
Admissions | Program requirements | Planning worksheet Departmental website |
September, January, or May entry. September entry recommended (My UVic Application deadline: January 31). No supplementary application. Core courses are offered September to April. Course registration takes place in June. Students applying to start in January may be waitlisted for courses.  An audition is not required and this degree does not include individual instrument or voice lessons.

Music and Computer Science (BFA or BSc)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheet | Departmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. The supplementary application is due by February 15 (see department website). Admission is competitive. Successful completion of CSC, MATH, or MUS courses in advance is not a guarantee of admission. Core music courses are offered during September to April. There are limited computer science and math courses offered summers. Students may request a change in degree (BSc vs BFA) prior to graduation with no change in requirements.

Theatre (BFA)
Admissions | Program requirements | Planning worksheets | Departmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. Supplementary application required (see department website). Also offered is the BA Honours in Theatre History with entry in Year 3 (after two years in the BFA).

Visual Arts (BFA)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheetDepartmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. Supplementary art portfolio is due by January 31 (see department website). Also offered is the BFA Honours Visual Arts program with entry in Year 4.

Visual Arts and Computer Science (BFA/BSc)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheetDepartmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. Supplementary art porfolio and questionnaire is due by January 31 (see department website). Admission is competitive. Successful completion of ART, CSC, or MATH courses is not a guarantee of admission. Core visual arts courses offered September to April. There are limited computer science and math course offerings summers. Students may request a change in degree (BSc vs BFA) prior to graduation with no change in requirements.

Writing (BA/BFA)
Admissions | Program requirementsPlanning worksheetDepartmental website |
September entry. My UVic Application deadline: January 31. No supplementary application. The admission requirements are the same for each degree. Students may request a change in degree prior to graduation with no change in writing requirements. The BFA includes 7.5 units of Faculty of Fine Arts electives other than writing courses (choose from AHVS, ART, FA, MUS, THEA, TS courses). Core writing courses offered September to April.

Planning a minor (or general) program

The Faculty of Fine Arts offers ten exciting minor programs that are open to most undergraduate students enrolled in a degree. Almost all are also eligible to be taken as a general program (read on for details).

You can search the programs page of the Calendar to look up a complete list of minor and generals available at UVic - and the courses you'll take. Use the credential type filter at the top of page.


  • A minor offers an opportunity to focus on a second area of study in your degree and can involve taking as few as six related courses, though most include eight to ten.
  • Requirements for the minor you choose can fulfill electives shown on the program planning worksheet for your major or honours program.
  • Fine Arts students can add one minor (from any faculty) by request to . Refer to the program declaration section below on this page for more information.
  • Engineering & Computer Science, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences students may declare one minor (from any faculty) with approval of their advising office.
  • Education and Human & Social Development students should check with their faculty/program's advising office to ask about adding an interfaculty program (some degrees include this option, some do not).


  • You may notice that most minors are labelled a "general and minor" in the Calendar listing.
  • Students taking a degree with a general program choose two approved "general" programs.
  • Only two faculties at UVic, Humanities and Social Sciences, offer the option to obtain a Bachelor of Arts with a General Program (as opposed to a Major or Honours). 
  • How does Fine Arts fit in? Humanities and Social Sciences students can select one of their generals from Fine Arts (and add an optional third program - be it a minor or general - from Fine Arts as well).
  • Why take a degree with a general? If you're a generalist at heart and enjoy interdisciplinary connections this may be a good degree for you! If you want to immerse yourself in a program throughout your degree or, if you have plans for a specialized graduate degree or career, a degree with a major or honours program would be recommended instead.
  • Academic advising about planning a BA with a General Program is provided by the Academic Advising Centre for Humanities, Science and Social Sciences.
    • You can ask  any questions about the requirements for Faculty of Fine Arts minors and minor/generals listed below on this page.

Art History and Visual Studies Minor/General
Academic calendar | AHVS course descriptions | Explore this program
Most AHVS courses are open to all students and do not include prerequisites. Refer to course descriptions for more details. AHVS 120 is normally offered first term; AHVS 121 second term. Both courses include mandatory lecture and tutorial sections. 3.0 units of 200-level AHVS courses are mandatory so may not be substituted with higher-level courses. For registration support contact

Creative Writing Minor/General 
Academic calendar | WRIT course descriptionsExplore this program
Students in the creative writing minor do not have access to register in creative writing workshop courses. These are reserved for Writing Majors. For registration support contact

Digital and Interactive Media in the Arts (DIMA) Minor/General
Academic calendar | Explore this program
Many of the DIMA course options are open to all students. Priority registration for ART courses is given to Visual Arts Majors. Priority for music technology courses is given to Combined Majors in Music and Computer Science. Writing workshop courses are reserved for Writing Majors. Refer to course descriptions from the academic calendar listing and class schedule notes for details.

Film Studies Minor/General (jointly offered with Humanities)
Academic calendar | Explore this program
Film studies provides a focus on film culture, history, and theory with limited technical and production opportunities. Most film studies course options are open to all students, however the writing workshop courses are reserved for writing majors. Those intending a career in film direction, production, and screenwriting are recommended to pursue the BA or BFA writing major (taking courses in film production and screenwriting) with a film studies minor. Visual arts programs include course options in video art so may also be relevant to those with a broad interest in studio arts as well as film production. Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences students should consult the Academic Advising Centre for advising services for film studies.

Museum Studies Minor/General
Academic calendar | Explore this program
Refer to course descriptions from the academic calendar listing and class schedule notes for details. For registration support with AHVS courses contact 300/400-level AHVS courses taken for the minor cannot also be applied to the major or honours program in art history and visual studies.

Music Minor (not available as a general)
Academic calendar | MUS course descriptions | Explore this program
Students in the music minor do not have access to individual lessons instruction provided for BMus students only. Minors intending to take ensemble courses should start at the 200-level (MUS 280A-G, MUS 281). Music composition lessons other than MUS 105, performance, and technology topics are reserved for students in related BMus major programs. For registration support contact

Professional Writing in Journalism and Publishing Minor/General
Academic calendar | Explore this program
Refer to course descriptions from the academic calendar listing and class schedule notes for details. For registration support with WRIT courses contact For registration support with English (ENGL) professional communication topics contact

Theatre Minor/General
Academic calendar | Program website 
Refer to the program website for tips about selecting approved courses and how to obtain departmental permission when necessary for registration. Theatre performance courses are reserved for Theatre Majors with a performance focus only. For registration support contact

Technology and Society Minor/General
Academic calendar | Explore this program
Most TS courses and program options are open to all students and do not include prerequisites. For registration support with TS courses contact

Visual Arts Minor/General
Academic calendar | ART course descriptions | Explore this program
Priority registration in ART courses is given to Visual Arts Majors. 300-level ART courses are reserved for declared visual arts minors and majors only. Most 300-level ART courses are scheduled full year (September to April). Refer to course descriptions and class schedule notes for details. ART 150 is included as prerequisite to most 300-level ART courses. For registration support contact

Interested in taking a minor or electives related to school or community art education? Check out the art education minor and AE courses offered by the Faculty of Education! AE courses are open to all students. 

Tips for transfer students

See Undergraduate Admissions for more information about transfer credit.

Newly admitted transfer students to UVic are sent a 'transfer credit email' from the Undergraduate Admissions office after an offer of admission. Questions? Contact your assigned admissions assistant.To view your transfer credit summary in your online UVic account, refer to Online Tools > Student Services > Grades and Records > Transfer Credit Summary.  If your transfer credit is updated or revised you will be notified by email from the Admissions office.

Transfer credit is only awarded for successfully completed courses. Minimum grades are required for Advanced Placement and International Baccelaureate studies. See the BC Transfer Guide for more information.

If credit for any course (or its equivalent) has been previously obtained, no further credit can be awarded unless course description notes allow for this. Consult the Academic calendar regulation on repeating courses - this information also applies to courses taken at another institution.

If the course you took elsewhere does not transfer as a specific UVic course, you would need permission of the relevant academic department/school to (1) apply non-specific 'level' credit in place of a program requirement (program requirement waiver) and/or (2) to satisfy a prerequisite for registration in a specific course (prerequisite waiver). See program and prerequisite waiver request instructions provided on this page.

Examples of how 'level transfer credit' will appear on your records are AHVS 10L, ART 10L, FA 10L, MUS 10L, THEA 10L, WRIT 20L. 10L stands for '100-level.' 20L stands for '200-level.' If a department assigns level transfer credit for the course you took it means the course is not an automatic substitute for a specific course, however it could be used to satisfy an elective requirement in your degree.

Transfer students to Writing: There is an advanced standing application process for WRIT 100, Introduction to Writing waivers. The advanced standing application deadline is April 15. Students who don't request or receive advanced standing must complete WRIT 100 (year long course) with a B grade or higher to progress to second-year creative writing workshop courses. This info also applies to students with WRIT '100-level' or '10L' transfer credits, which are not a subsitute for WRIT100.


Program and prerequisite waivers (transfer students)

These instructions are provided for admitted transfer students who are preparing to register in courses. Requests to departments should be made well in advance of course registration and the start of term.

Prospective transfer students are welcome to contact a member of the student recruitment team ( with any questions. Applicants may contact their assigned admission assistant. Refer to the 'transfer credit summary' section above for more tips.

I want to request a waiver using transfer credit for:

I need to contact (include all addresses):

  • AHVS courses
  • Art History and Visual Studies programs (includes Museum Studies Minor/General)

Note: AHVS '100-level' credit is not accepted in lieu of AHVS 120 and/or AHVS 121 in Art History and Visual Studies programs.

To: Dr. Marcus Milwright 



  • Fine Arts (FA courses)
  • Technology and Society (TS courses) 
  • Digital and Interactive Media in the Arts Minor/General
  • Film Studies Minor/General
  • Technology and Society Minor/General

Note: AHVS, ART, FA, MUS, THEA, TS, and WRIT 'level' credit is not accepted in lieu of the Fine Arts Co-Requisite that is a core degree requirement for most Faculty of Fine Arts degrees.

To: Dr. Eva Baboula 


  • ART courses
  • Visual Arts programs

Note: Requests should be accompanied by a course syllabus and images of relevant works completed in the course.

To: Prof. Megan Dickie 



  • MUS courses
  • School of Music programs (BMus, BSc/BFA)

To: Ms. Bethany McNeil 


  • THEA courses
  • Theatre programs

Note: Many theatre courses require permission of the instructor or list more than one course as prerequisite. Refer to course descriptions in the Academic Calendar.

To: Dr. Anthony Vickery



Professional Writing in Journalism and Publishing Minor/General 

To: Prof. Deborah Campbell



  • WRIT courses
  • Writing programs (includes Creative Writing Minor/General)

Note: WRIT '100-level' credit is not accepted in lieu of WRIT 100 in the Writing Major or Creative Writing Minor/General, nor as prerequisite to higher-level creative writing workshop courses.

Refer also to the department's website for information about Applying for Advanced Standing (deadline April 15).



Permission to study elsewhere (transfer credit)

Planning to apply as a visiting student at another university or college? Request a letter of permission by email to

Am I eligible?

  • Undergraduate Fine Arts students in good academic standing or on academic probation with at least 6 units of registered or completed courses at UVic can request a letter.
  • Consult your assigned admissions assistant if you intend to take courses elsewhere during your first year at UVic.
  • If you have been required to withdraw from the university you will need to take transferable studies to qualify for re-admission, however you will not receive a letter of permission. See the academic probation/required to withdraw section further below on this page.

What should I include in my request?

  • Request your letter at least a term in advance to allow time for a transfer credit evaluation and to apply as a visiting student.
  • Include your name and student number, the name of the institution you want to attend, up to five course codes and titles, and the expected start and end dates for each.

What happens next?

  • Expect a minimum of 5-10 business days for your letter to be issued to you by email (longer during holiday absences and peak periods during September and January).
  • Not all courses are transferable, so don't register elsewhere until you have consulted academic advising.
  • Once your letter has been issued, an informational hold will appear on your administrative transcript until you submit an official transcript to the Undergraduate Records office with your final grade(s) or to show course withdrawal.
  • Grades for transferred courses will not appear on your UVic transcript, although grades for studies elsewhere are included in sessional GPA calculations to determine academic standing (in good standing, academic probation, or required to withdraw) and are also reviewed for any relevant program requirements.
  • When transfer credit is assigned you will receive a notification by email from the Office of the Registrar. To view your transfer credit summary in your online UVic account, refer to Online Tools > Student Services > Grades and Records > Transfer Credit Summary.

Are there fees?

  • The fee for each letter is $10.00 payable to the University of Victoria (care of the Office of the Dean, Fine Arts by cash or cheque).
  • The fee is due after you receive the letter that will be sent to you as a PDF by email from
  • If you don't have a paid letter of permission, you'll be charged a $51 document evaluation fee by the Office of the Registrar when you proivide your official transcript for review.
  • Look up application and tuition fees for the college or university you will attend.

What do I do when I finish my courses or cancel my registration?

  • Your official transcript is due at the Undergraduate Records office as soon as the studies elsewhere are completed.
  • An official transcript or letter to confirm withdrawal or non-registration will be required if you withdraw from the course or do not complete it successfully.
  • Contact if you cancel or withdraw from authorized studies.
  • For any questions about your assigned transfer credits, contact the Undergraduate Records office ( for Fine Arts students; all other faculties).

How can I find transferable courses?

  • Transfer agreements with BC institutions and some others are shown on the BC Transfer Guide.
  • Thompson Rivers University and Athabasca University offer a wide selection of distance courses (most would apply as electives in a Fine Arts degree program).
  • If you need a transfer credit evaluation for any course not listed on the BC Transfer Guide it will be completed by the Office of the Registrar (and the relevant academic department) once you submit your request for a letter of permission. The evaluation process can take several weeks so plan ahead.
  • If you already have credit for a course (or its equivalent), no further credit will be awarded unless the UVic course description notes allow for this. Consult the Academic calendar regulation on repeating courses - this information also applies to courses taken elsewhere.

How can I use transfer credit in my degree?

  • Consult the Fine Arts Academic Adviser ( to confirm how any planned transfer credit will apply to your degree. It's your responsibility to ensure all degree requirements are met. 
  • If a course is assigned 'level' transfer credit this means it's not equivalent to a specific UVic course and you'd need permission of the relevant academic department/school (Chair or Director's office) to apply it to (1) a program requirement and/or (2) to satisfy a prerequisite for registration in a specific course. See further instructions provided in the accordion tab below.

Are there limits on how much transfer credit I can use? Yes, in the Academic Calendar:

  • at least 30 of 60 units required at minimum for graduation must be UVic courses
  • at least 18 of 21 units upper-level courses required must be UVic courses (this can include credit for "Exchange" courses)
  • no more than 6.0 upper-level units required for an Honours Program may be taken elsewhere
  • no more than 3.0 upper-level units required for a Major Program may be taken elsewhere
  • no more than 3.0 of 9.0 upper-level units required for a Minor Program may be taken elsewhere

Fine Arts academic advising services

Prospective students: Applying from high school or another post-secondary? Make an appointment with a UVic recruiter to discuss any application or program questions. Contact your recruiter or email

Faculty of Fine Arts students: Email advising with the Fine Arts undergraduate academic adviser is available on most topics! 

  • First, use the tips and planning resources on this page.
  • Email Sarah Riecken at with any questions.
  • Include your V number. Your preferred name and pronouns are also helpful.
  • List your questions in point form (with enough detail to help receive a supportive response as quickly as possible). 
  • If it helps to explain your question, include a screen shot from your UVic registration, CAPP report or the Academic Calendar.
  • Asking about a course? Include the course code (ex. WRIT 100) and section number (ex. A01, T01).
  • Check your spam/junk email folder for important UVic messages and academic advising replies.
  • Read over the Fine Arts Academic Advising email auto-reply.

Follow up academic advising appointments are available over Zoom or by telephone. Sarah will coordinate a time to connect with you after responding to your intial questions by email. Appointments are scheduled from 9:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Expect a helpful reply with info for you to review or consider before a meeting or a referral to another service office, depending on your request.

Before your appointment:

Are you 'undeclared' in Fine Arts with 12 or more units completed? You can ask to declare your major by email to to get a degree evaluation/CAPP report. You can also ask by email to add an additional program from any faculty (major, minor, certificate).

Need academic advising for a program or degree in another faculty? Find your advising service on the directory of academic advisers

Are you a new or prospective graduate student? Advising and admissions contacts for MA, MFA, MMus, and PhD programs are listed on the graduate programs page. This page is for undergraduate students only.

Your account: Online tools

Help with your courses

Learning coaching, writing and assignment help and feedback

The Centre for Academic Communication (CAC) supports students to develop skills in academic writing, reading, and speaking in an academic environment, as well as to understand the expectations of academic work and presentations (verbal and written).

The CAC also provides coaching on task perception, motivation, time management, concentration, and test taking.

Whether you are just getting started or nearly done your assignment, paper, or award application, the CAC staff can provide valuable guidance. They offer individual learning consultations to help you maximize your use of CAC supports and services.

All of this free programming is available through one-on-one appointments, workshops, learning plans, and drop-in times.

  • Access learning coaching from the Learn Anywhere site.
  • Access writing and assignment help and feedback from the CAC website.
  • Visit the CAC in person for all services at the McPherson Library – Mearns Centre, Learning Commons: Main floor offices 135f and 135i-m.
  • Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 10 am - 5:30 pm; Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm; and Sunday from 10 am - 3:30 pm either through in-person or zoom appointments.

Wellness support

Get Urgent Help

Book an appointment

Counsellors can help you make positive changes in your thinking and behaviour to improve your mental health and well-being. Your counsellor can work with you to explore concerns (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness), gain insight and learn new coping strategies.

Nurses provide integrated, holistic healthcare and can work with you to establish wellness goals. They are available to provide information and support in a variety of areas including physical health conditions, mental health concerns and general well-being.

Physicians support your physical and mental health. They can assist with exploring and addressing underlying medical or psychiatric conditions and are available to help with time-sensitive or unexpected health concerns. Treatment plans may include non-pharmacological therapies as well as medication management.

Spiritual Care Providers provide emotional, social and spiritual support regardless of your religion, or lack thereof. Working with a spiritual care provider may be a good fit if you are looking to make sense of the world, exploring life’s big questions, or just looking for a non-judgemental space to discuss any topic.

Help with career and graduate/professional program planning

Learn what you can do with your degree!

Career services are available for new, continuing, and graduated students (UVic alumni).

Meet with a career educator for help to explore career options, decide on a university program, and learn how to prepare and apply for for employment and graduate programs.

  • résumés, cover letters and interviews
  • career exploration, research and planning
  • searching for work
  • graduate and professional school research and applications
  • career workshops and programs

Fine Arts Co-op: Paid work experience and entrepreneurial terms

The Fine Arts and Humanities Co-op office can help orient you to co-op, work experience, parallel co-op, and post-study internship options, including entrepreneurial work terms.

International exchange program

See the Exchange program website for deadlines and FAQs and explore more than 300 of UVic's partner institutions for one or two study terms at a host university.

Exchange course credit can be used toward your degree program requirements or electives (depending on the credit you receive for the courses you take while you're away).

Students pay UVic tuition for each part- or full-time term you're on exchange. Tuition fees are due by the usual UVic deadline each term.

Review your plans with the Fine Arts Academic Adviser before you apply.

Info for family and friends of students

See info for parents and guardians.

If you're supporting a student as they make the transition to UVic, thank you! Becoming a university student can be a substantial life change and having a support network can make all the difference.

It's important that students themselves contact academic advising services and course instructors directly from their preferred email address with any questions and request appointments.

Ways to offer support: Listen and offer emotional support as students develop their sense of decision making, action, and responsibility. 

The University has policies to protect student confidentiality and privacy. Know that the University also has many student supports and resources. If your student seems confused about these and requests your help, encourage them to seek advice from their instructors, department chair or a UVic professional support service.

Academic Advisers are here to support students with their progression through their program. We also refer students to other support offices at UVic if it is useful to the student.

After an appointment, students can ask their adviser for an email summary of advice given to help ensure everything was well understood. This can be shared with personal and professional supportive contacts when students choose to.

The following sections break down academic advising topics and UVic terminology for Faculty of Fine Arts students:

Winter session | September to April

Winter session (September to April) class schedules are available on May 15.

  • First Term = Fall Term = September to December
  • Second Term = Spring Term = January to April

Course registration for both winter session terms opens mid-June. 

Some winter session courses are scheduled year long, from September to April. Registration is mandatory in both terms for all year long courses.

You can tell which courses are year long by checking for a note on the class schedule listing. Access notes by clicking on the hyperlinked course title in the Look Up Class search results.

"This is the first half of a course that runs Sep-Apr. You must register in the same section in Second Term (Jan-Apr) to complete your registration. For example, register in PHIL100 A01 in First Term and PHIL100 A01 in Second Term."


Summer session | May to August

Summer session (May to August) class schedules are available February 15.

Summer session is made up of seven terms with varying dates (most courses are offered over three or six weeks). 

Summer course registration opens mid-March. While Faculty of Fine Arts programs don't tend to include summer options for core requirements, you may be able to take electives or catch up on a requirement offered by another department, e.g., academic writing, English, computer science, or math.

Your assigned registration date/time will be posted in your online account in the first week of March. You'll receive an email alert about it from the Office of the Registrar to the preferred email address you listed in your account.

View the Student Awards and Financial Aid website for summer session loan and grant requirements for full-time students or part-time students.

Course registration tips for new, transfer, and continuing students in Faculty of Fine Arts programs and degrees. Transfer students, continue on to the next section below.

When to register

New students must pay the acceptance deposit before a course registration date will be assigned.

If you’ve been away for more than one year, you need to reapply before a registration date will be assigned. 

Your registration status and assigned date/time for the winter session will be posted in your online account in the first week of June. You'll receive an email alert about this from the Office of the Registrar to the preferred email address you listed in your account.

UVic assigns course registration dates based on year standing. Year standing is determined by the number of course units completed at the end of the spring term. New students have access to register first, followed by 4th year students. Continuing students with fewer than 12 units register last.

If you are registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning and need extra time to get support with your course registration, contact your CAL adviser to ask about options.


Course registration guide

Entering in September or January? Start your course registration planning as soon as class schedules are available on May 15.

Leave yourself plenty of time to review options and ask for help. Advising offices are always extra busy during May-September, and January. Registration planning support for Fine Arts students is available by email during these times to ensure a timely response for all.

  1. Program planning worksheets
  2. Academic Calendar: Programs pages
  3. Academic Calendar: Course descriptions
  4. UVic course registration guide 
  5. How UVic courses work
  6. Look up Classes or use the Class Schedule Search page
  7. Waitlists

Unsure what to register for?

  • Add placeholder courses on an 'in case' basis.
  • Don't delay adding courses for both terms on your assigned date/time. Waitlisted students aren't guaranteed seats. 
  • Use the worksheets as a guide to identify your core program requirements.
  • Use the list of courses available for all undergraduate students to identify introductory electives in topics of interest to you.
  • You can also browse the programs page in the Calendar. This is a good way to get ideas for courses to take and explore your options for a minor, second major, certificate or diploma to focus your electives. Look up programs by keyword or use the credential filter to get lists of programs by type. Then view their requirements and options. 
  • Many 100- and 200-level courses are open to all students, however it's important to check for pre- and co-requisites in course descriptions.
  • Questions? Consult the relevant academic advising office or academic department.
  • When in doubt, register if you can, then ask any questions!

Fees for registered courses are due September 30 for first term, January 31 for second term courses, and by the end of the month each summer course begins. Waitlisted course sections are not considered registered.


Prerequisite bypass process | Newly admitted students

Prerequisites listed in the Academic Calendar: Course descriptions are mandatory. It's important to check for pre- and co-requisites.  If you don't meet a prerequisite exactly the way it's listed in the course description or get permission, you'll be dropped.

Prerequisite checking is turned off in the course registration system for different categories of students from June until mid-August. At this point academic departments begin checking the records of registered students and dropping students who don't meet the requirements to be registered in first term. Prerequisite checking and dropping for second term courses starts in mid-December.

This process ensures all students can register in the courses they need for their program even if some transfer credit or final Grade 11/12 grades haven't yet been added to UVic records. It also gives time for students to request departmental permission, as needed.

The groups of students who this info applies to includes:

  • Newly admitted to the university
  • Accelerated entry
  • International exchange
  • Degree holders with block transfer credit
  • Undergraduate diploma or certificate students
  • Visiting students

Course registration help | Contact a department

Academic advising does not register students in courses. For general course registration system support, email See also course registration tutorials. 

Need help with registering in a specific course? Contact the academic department directly about prerequisites, permission, course delivery, or how to obtain a course syllabus:

For contacts for other departments, use the UVic Directory.

Academic important dates | Add/drop deadlines

Your assigned registration date/time is the earliest date you can add courses. Students can add/drop courses in each term up to the 100% fee reduction, 50% fee reduction, academic drop, and course add deadlines listed in the Calendar for each term/session.

Note: The course add deadline in each term is intended for those who have been given a registration offer from a waitlist and have been attending class.

Don't add a course after the 100% fee reduction deadline unless you have been attending class or have checked with the instructor first. Ask if there are mandatory attendance requirements and what assignments/content you've missed. Otherwise, you will owe at least 50% of course fees if you realize you can't catch up or change your mind.

Questions about course load?

Full-time vs part-time

UVic's standard definition of full time is an undergraduate student taking 12 or more units in the winter session (September to April) or 6 or more units in the summer session (May to August).

You'll need a minimum load if you are studying on scholarship, receive government loans or bursaries or another type of financial aid, live in residence, or participate on a varsity team or in the Work Study program. Check your specific load requirements with the office relevant to your situation.

Program planning worksheets show how to complete the requirements in four years with 15 units (ten 1.5-unit courses) per year. However, they aren't intended to suggest that completion within four years is mandatory. You can usually pace your degree to suit your personal needs and financing as long as you keep in mind that progression in a program may require taking the core courses in a specific sequence that is based on prerequisites listed in course descriptions.

A commonly asked question is when to take electives. Schedule your electives in a way that works for you according to your choice or need for part-time or full-time studies. You can follow the program planning sheet or do something different. You can take electives in summers or later on in the degree. First-year students usually take 100- and 200-level courses in topics of interest. Second-year and higher students can take 100-400 level courses in topics of interest, depending on prerequisites.


  • UVic assigns course registration dates based on year standing. Year standing is determined by the number of course units completed at the end of the spring term. New students have access to register first, followed by 4th year students. Continuing students with fewer than 12 units register last.

  • The maximum course load permitted is 9.0 units per fall and spring term as well as 9.0 units in Summer Session. Refer to the next section on this page titled "Overload."

  • Your graduation date depends on when you complete all of your program and faculty graduation requirements. Graduation can occur in May for students who complete all requirements by April 30, in October, for students who complete by August 31. An application is required. See Graduation and Convocation information.

  • If you're an international student consult the International Student Services office if you plan to take less than full-time studies in any term.

  • If you're registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning you may be eligible to take a reduced course load and maintain full-time status. Contact your CAL adviser.

  • School of Music students should check with the , if dropping below full-time while taking individual lessons (MUS 140-440 or MUS 245-445).


7.5 units during a single term is considered an ordinary course load for full-time students intending a four-year degree without summer studies. However, students are permitted to register in up to 9.0 units in first term, second term and the summer session.

If you think you need to take a load above these limits, submit a request for course overload by email to in advance of your course registration date.

Include information in your request about the course you want to add and a personal statement to explain your reasons. Making a request does not guarantee approval.

Your request will first be reviewed by the academic adviser to determine if there are alternatives within your degree and program requirements to avoid an overload.  It will then be forwarded to the associate dean for review and decision. The adviser or associate dean may ask you to provide additional information to support your request.

Normally the maximum overload that will be approved is 0.5 to 1.5 units for supportable reasons only.

Requests to take an overload for the purpose of taking surplus courses to graduation requirements will not be approved. 

Year 2 students: Once you have 12 units completed, you're considered to have second-year standing. Check for when you'll be eligible to declare your program(s) and then submit your request.

Declaring your program | Required for all students

When should I declare?

  • You must have at least 12 units of UVic and/or transfer credit to be eligible to declare any program.
  • Declare your primary program (Major or Combined Major) early - at the end of Year 1 or Year 2  - or as soon as you are eligible. Some programs list audition, interview, or minimum GPA requirements in the Academic calendar.

Why declare a program?

  • Declaring let's the university and your academic advising office know of your intention to continue and complete a specific academic program.
  • Declaring helps you track your program progress using a personalized degree evaluation report that will be prepared for you.
  • Degree evaluation reports, also referred to as Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning (CAPP) reports, are only available to declared students. 
  • Students must be declared in their primary program in order to apply to graduate.
  • Secondary programs such as a minor or double major must also be declared otherwise they will not be listed on your credential at graduation.

How can I declare my program(s)?

  • Completing your degree in the Faculty of Fine Arts? Email with your program declaration request, including interfaculty programs, and any related questions. You can request to declare or change a major, add or remove a minor, or change to an honours program if your program offers this and you are eligible.
  • Completing your degree in a different faculty? Request to declare a Faculty of Fine Arts program in your degree via your home faculty's advising office at least six weeks before you register for courses to avoid registration restrictions. During peak periods requests to add a program may take longer. Not all faculties permit interfaculty programs (Fine Arts does).

What else should I consider?

  • Students intending an interfaculty double major can normally register for the degree in either faculty; consult the relevant academic advising office about your degree options (BA, BFA, BMus, BSc) and about the faculty graduation requirements for either option.
  • Students intending to declare an honours program, including interfaculty honours/major programs, must be registered in the faculty that offers the honours program. Students intending a double honours should consult academic advising first.
  • Program requirements can change from year to year, so make sure you have the current year’s Academic calendar when preparing for registration.
  • Degree requirements are normally determined by the Academic calendar edition in effect in the term of entry to UVic or the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Unable to finish a course due to something unexpected? You have options.

Course drop | Fee reduction appeals

Before the academic drop deadline, students who drop a course due to extenuating circumstances can appeal for fee reduction to the Fee Reduction Appeals Committee (Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Management).

  1. Find academic important dates in the Calendar
  2. Check the fee reduction appeals committee page for guidelines and appeal steps

Note, FRAC will only consider granting fee reductions for:

  • illness, family affliction, accident or other compelling circumstances
  • administrative errors

Supporting documentation is required.

Academic concession | Extenuating circumstances | Conflicting responsibilities

After the academic drop deadline, students who experience unexpected and unavoidable circumstances or conflicting responsibilities, should submit a Request for Academic Concession (RAC) as soon as possible. 

Academic concession options include:

  1. In-course extension
  2. Deferral  
  3. Withdrawal due to extenuating circumstances
  4. Aegrotat transcript notation

For assistance with making a request or questions about a request in process, contact Student Support Services:, (250) 721-8121.

For assistance with understanding your options or impact to your program reach out to the Fine Arts Academic adviser:

See also the Academic Concessions and Accommodations page for advice about different kinds of appeals and the support provided by the Ombudsperson office.
Questions about a grade? Contact your instructor right away. See below for how to appeal an assignment or final grade.

Grade review request

Link to Academic Calendar regulation: Grading: Review of an Assigned Grade 

For grades received during term: While term is in progress students who believe that a grade awarded for work is unfair should discuss the matter informally with the instructor concerned. If discussion with the instructor fails to resolve the matter, the student may appeal directly to the Chair/Director or designate of the department or school. 

For a final course grade: Within seven days of receiving a final grade any student that has a complaint about an assigned grade in a course run by the Faculty of Fine Arts should submit a written statement to the instructor. Following this, students may request an additional review by the department chair or school director. Students should be prepared to re-submit all assignments and supporting documents related to the appeal.  

Before applying for a formal review of a grade, you should, according to the Calendar, make every effort to discuss with the instructor. For the procedure followed for Fine Arts courses (ART, AHVS, FA, MUS, THEA, TS, WRIT course codes), access the Fine Arts Review of Assigned Grade Procedures (213 KB PDF).

If you need help to find Fine Arts departmental contact information to appeal a final grade, contact the Office of the Dean, Fine Arts at or call (250) 721-7755. 

To request grade appeal procedures for courses taken outside the Faculty of Fine Arts, contact

Your academic standing is based on your academic performance (GPA) in a given session. You can be in good standing, placed on academic probation or required to withdraw.

Academic standing

A Sessional GPA of at least 2.0 (or equivalent if a UVic student attempts courses elsewhere for credit towards a UVic program) is required to remain in good academic standing.

  • 2.0 is equivalent to a C grade average on the official UVic grading system.
  • Sessional GPA is calculated at the end of a session (Winter: September to April, Summer: May to August).
  • A sessional GPA is calculated on all courses attempted in a session which have a unit value and determines academic standing for all undergraduate students.
  • To learn how grade point averages are calculated, visit the Grade point average (GPA) calculations page.

Questions? Faculty of Fine Arts students can use this roadmap to academic standing.

Academic probation | Requirement to withdraw

If you have a GPA of less than 2.0 at the end of the winter or summer session you'll be notified by the Office of the Registrar by email that you've been placed on academic probation for the next session you attend.

Faculty of Fine Arts students who are newly placed on academic probation should contact Fine Arts Academic Advising and the Student Wellness Centre for assistance as applicable to your personal situation. You may be eligible to apply for academic concession

  • Students who are on academic probation and who achieve a sessional GPA of 2.0 or higher will clear their probation status at the end of the session (return to good academic standing), except where a student's standing is withheld (see Academic Standing and Academic Probation and Requirement to Withdraw from the University.)

  • Students who are on academic probation and whose sessional GPA falls below 2.0 in the next session attended will have failed to clear their probation period and will be required to withdraw, normally for at least one academic year.

  • Refer to the GPAs page for a sample sessional GPA calculation

    • Even if you only plan to take one course in the next session you attend while on academic probation, whether at UVic or elsewhere, you will be required to withdraw if you don't obtain a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
    • For example, if you are placed on probation based on low GPA for courses taken during September to April and then register in one course at UVic during May to August you must obtain a minimum C grade on that course to avoid a requirement to withdraw at the end of the summer. If you take two or more courses in that summer your grades will be averaged.
    • Avoid a requirement to withdraw by seeking advice from your course instructors, academic advising and counselling and by dropping any courses you are not passing before the last day for withdrawing from courses without academic penalty (academic drop deadline). 
    • All students returning after a requirement to withdraw will be placed on probation for the next session attended.
    • Students who have grounds for appeal may appeal to the Senate Committee on Admission, Reregistration and Transfer Appeals (SCARTA), stating why they should be considered for reregistration.

Refer to the Office of the Registrar's website for more details about Academic Standing and Academic Probation and Requirement to Withdraw from the University.

Graduation eligibility and application steps.

Graduation and convocation

Graduation is the awarding of your credential and degree parchment (diploma) by the University of Victoria Senate. You must apply to graduate in order to be awarded your credential and receive your diploma.

  • Only declared programs will be reviewed for graduation and included in the degree. If you're intending to declare an additional program (major, minor) be sure to request this before you apply to graduate. If you need to add or remove a program prior to your degree award, contact as soon as possible. 

  • If your degree evaluation/CAPP report shows you are declared in the co-op or work experience program and you don't intend to complete it, contact to request to withdraw.

  • If you're intending to exclude any surplus UVic courses from your degree so they are available to apply to a future credential, if applicable, you must request this before graduation. Fine Arts students should contact when applying to graduate to allow time for consultation and processing. Grades for excluded 300/400-level courses are not included in the Graduating GPA

Convocation is a ceremony where we present graduates with their degree parchments (diplomas). Visit UVic Ceremonies for information about convocation, grad photos and more.

For UVic graduates:

The UVic Alumni Association, with the help of Alumni Relations staff, help to keep strong bonds between UVic and its the worldwide community of graduates.