Applying for advanced standing

If you would are requesting advanced standing (i.e. admission to second-year workshops), you must submit a portfolio.
Cover Letter
Portfolios should include a cover letter that lists your relevant academic experience, any publishing credits, and your preferred genre(s).
The Portfolio for Advanced Standing must include samples from all five genres taught in WRIT 100:
- 25-35 lines of poetry
- a maximum 1,000-word short story
- a five-to-seven page stage play or excerpt
- an five-to-seven page screenplay or excerpt
- a maximum 1,000-word creative nonfiction story
Under exceptional circumstances, if you have a strong record of professional publication, you may apply for advanced standing in a single genre and submit a portfolio that contains samples of your published work. WRIT 100 is still highly recommended.
Typed, double-spaced, with your name and page number on each page (no photocopies of published work).
Manuscripts must be submitted to the department between January 15 and April 15 for admission in September in the same year.
WARNING: Advanced standing does not guarantee placement in workshops. You may take a maximum of 1.5 units of workshops in a single genre per term, and a maximum of 3.0 units of workshops in any given term.
Any queries regarding portfolio submissions should be directed to the Department of Writing at 250-721-7306 or