How to register for courses
Before you register
Review the information provided for undergraduate and graduate students so that you're fully prepared when it's your turn to register for courses.
When can I register?
Every student receives a registration email with your "time ticket", indicating when you can start registering for courses. You can register any time after the date and time stated in your time ticket, but don't wait too long! Classes fill up quickly.
Registration emails are sent to the preferred email address in your personal profile. Make sure to add "" to your email safe senders so you don't miss any important emails.
Registration periods
Session | Time tickets assigned | Registration opens |
Summer Session (May-Aug) | Early March | Early/mid March* |
Winter Session (Sept-Dec, Jan-Apr) | Early June | Early/mid June* |
*Specific registration dates are published in the important dates in the academic calendar.
Time tickets
Time tickets ensure that the system isn't overloaded by too many students attempting to register immediately when the registration period opens.
All students are categorized by year level and then ranked in order by grade point average (GPA). Time tickets are always assigned on weekdays, and never fall on statutory holidays.
The order for categories of students to access registration is normally as follows:
- Students with priority registration (e.g., student athletes)
- New Year 1 undergraduate students with scholarships
- Graduate students; Law students in Years 3 and 4; Law students with priority registration
- New Year 1 undergraduate students without scholarships; Year 2 law students
- Year 5 undergraduate students
- Year 4 undergraduate students
- Diploma and certificate students
- Year 3 undergraduate students
- Non-degree students
- Year 2 undergraduate students
- Returning Year 1 undergraduate students
- Undergraduate students with other classifications (e.g., Visiting, Discovery)
Students on academic probation usually register on the same dates as other students in their year.
Your year level is determined by the number of units of course work you've completed.
- Year 1 - Fewer than 12 units completed
- Year 2 - 12 to 26.5 units completed
- Year 3 - 27 to 41.5 units completed
- Year 4 in a 4-year program - 42 or more units completed
- Year 4 in a 5-year program - 42 to 56.5 units completed
- Year 5 in a 5-year program - 57 or above units completed
View your registration status
You can check your registration status in Online tools after you receive your registration email from UVic.
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Registration status"
- Select the academic term to see:
- your assigned registration date and time (Pacific Time)
- if there are any holds on your account that will stop you from being able to register
- any prerequisite overrides for which you have been approved
- your program details, including faculty, department and major
Make sure you address any holds before your registration date, and register as soon as possible.
Video tutorial: How to check your registration status
Search for courses, sections and classes
Every course contains one or more sections. Each section indicates the type of class (lecture, tutorial or lab) and the days/times of the classes. Make sure you register for all of the sections you need.
After the course timetable is published, you can search for courses to see which types of classes are required and when they're scheduled.
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Search for classes"
- Select the academic term
- Look up a course by subject, using the filters to refine your search
Check if space is available
Look at the "Section Status" to see how many seats there are in each section. When you submit your registration, you'll need to check if there's space available in the sections you choose (or on their waitlists).
Check the course requirements
To check that you meet all of the requirements to register in a course, click the course's title in the search results.
- Undergraduate students should check if your courses have prerequisites or corequisites.
- All students should:
- check the "Course Description" tabs for section-specific notes
- check the "Enrolment Restrictions" tabs for additional restrictions or limitations on registration. For example, some courses have sections that are reserved for specific programs.
Courses that have lectures, labs and/or tutorials are marked as "LINKED" in the "Section Status" column. You'll need to register for one of each type of section, which may include:
- Lectures: "A" sections
- Labs: "B" sections
- Tutorials: "T" sections
To see all associated sections for a course, click the “View Linked” button.
Example: If a course has one lecture section ("A01") and two tutorial sections ("T01" and "T02"), you must register for the lecture and one of the two tutorials. You can pick the tutorial that works best for your weekly schedule.
Year-long courses begin in September and end in April, spanning the Fall (September-December) and Spring (January-April) academic terms.
For a year-long course, you must register for the same lecture section in both the Fall and Spring terms. However, you can choose different lab and tutorial sessions in each term.
Example: A year-long course has two lecture sections ("A01" and "A02") and two lab sections ("B01" and "B02").
- If you register for the A02 lecture in the Fall, you must also register for A02 in the Spring.
- You can register for the B01 lab in the Fall, and the B02 lab in the Spring.
When reviewing Summer Session courses, check the start and end dates listed in the “Meeting Times” column to determine the course durations:
- Full-session courses are held from May to August
- Condensed courses are held in two-month periods (approximately eight weeks)
- Intensive courses are held within one month (approximately four weeks)
Condensed or intensive courses typically have the same number of instructional hours as full-session courses, but may meet more frequently or have longer class times.
Most UVic courses are offered in person, but some may be delivered in a blended or online format, or offered in multiple formats. The course timetable page provides more information on searching for course sections by delivery method.
Information on the different methods can be found in the academic calendar (Undergraduate | Graduate) under "Course Modality".
Video tutorial: How to search for classes
Build a course plan
Use the optional "Plan Ahead" tool to build a course plan and see how your classes fit in your weekly schedule. You can save up to five different plans per term, then add courses from these plans when you register. You can also register for courses without a plan.
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Plan Ahead"
- Select the academic term and click "Continue"
- Click the "Create a New Plan" button
- Choose your course sections (lectures, labs and tutorials), and add them to your plan
Check the course requirements
You're responsible for checking that you meet all of the requirements before you register for a course. The "Plan Ahead" tool won't check for you.
If you don't meet the course requirements, you'll be dropped from it once the term has begun.
Video tutorial: How to build a course plan
Register for courses
When it's time for you to register, start by adding the courses and sections you've selected. You can then choose an action for each section and submit your registration.
Important: Make sure you only have one window/tab open in your web browser when you register for courses. If you use multiple windows/tabs at the same time, some of your courses might not be saved properly.
1. Add courses and sections
Add sections one by one, or select a course plan you've prepared with the "Plan Ahead" tool.
For year-long courses, make sure you add both the fall and spring term sections. You must register in the same lecture section for each term.
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Manage registration"
- Select the academic term and click "Continue"
- Select your courses:
- "Find Classes" tab: search for courses by subject and number (e.g. ECON 101)
- "Enter CRNs" tab: add courses using Course Registration Numbers (CRN)
- "Plans" tab: add courses from a saved course plan
- Go to the "Summary" panel to ensure that your courses are entered correctly and you've included all of the sections
2. Check if space is available
Before you submit your registration, check if there's space in the sections you've added.
- In the "Summary" panel, click a course's title to view all of the available sections
- In the "Search Results" panel, check the "Section Status" to see if there's space available in a section or on its waitlist
Example status | Action |
14 of 35 seats remain | 14 spaces are available and you can register in the section. |
FULL: 0 of 35 seats remain 57 of 100 waitlist seats remain |
The section is full, but you can join the waitlist. |
FULL: 0 of 35 seats remain 0 of 100 waitlist seats remain |
The section is full and there is no space on the waitlist. Choose a different section or course. |
3. Join a waitlist
To join the waitlist for a section:
- Find the section in the "Summary" panel
- Go to the "Action" column and click the dropdown menu to see the available options
- Change the action from "Register" to "Waitlist"
4. Submit your registration
When you're done adding courses and have waitlisted any sections that are full, you can submit your registration.
- Go to the "Summary" panel
- Click the "Submit" button
After you complete your registration, you can go to the "Current and past schedules" page to see your courses and weekly class schedule.
Video tutorial: How to register or waitlist a course
How many courses can I add?
Undergraduate and Law students
Undergraduate and Law students can take up to 9.0 units (usually equivalent to six courses) in the Fall term, Spring term or Summer Session.
When you register for courses, you're allowed an additional 1.5 units (for a total of 10.5), so that you can add yourself to course waitlists without having to drop other classes. For example:
- If you register in five courses (7.5 units), you can waitlist yourself in two additional courses (3.0 units).
- If you're offered spaces in both waitlisted courses, you'll have to choose one or drop another course to meet the limit of 9.0 units.
Graduate students
There are no limits on registration for graduate students.
What happens if I'm on a waitlist?
If a space becomes available and you're the next person on the waitlist, you'll receive an email at the preferred email address in your personal profile. Follow the instructions to accept the space before the deadline indicated in the email.
If you don't accept the offer by the deadline, the space will be offered to the next student and you will be removed from the waitlist.
If you're at or near the top of a waitlist, check your email frequently (offers are sent out once a day on weekdays). You can view your position on the waitlist from the "Current and past schedules" page:
- Click the "Schedule Details" tab
- Click the arrow icon to expand the details for any course
- Check the position noted next to "Waitlist position"
If a space has been offered to you, you'll also see the date and time when the offer expires.
Video tutorials:
View your class schedule
After you register, you can view your class schedule to see all of your registered and waitlisted courses:
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Current and past schedules"
- Select the academic term and click "Continue"
- Click the "Schedule Details" tab to see the dates, times and locations for each class
Download your schedule
- Click the printer icon to save a PDF file
- Click the email icon to add your courses to your Microsoft 365 calendar
Add or drop a course
Before you make changes to your courses, check the deadlines in the academic calendar.
If you register for a course and change your mind (or want to remove yourself from a waitlist), you can update your registration to remove it. You can also register for new courses.
For year-long courses, you must drop the spring term section before you drop the fall term section. Both sections must be dropped to completely remove the course.
To drop a course or section:
- Go to "Student services" in Online tools
- Under "Registration", select "Manage registration"
- Select the academic term and click "Continue"
- In the "Summary" panel, find the section(s) for the course you want to remove
- Go to the "Action" column and click the dropdown menu to see the available options
- Select "Drop" to remove the section(s)
- Click the "Submit" button to confirm your changes
Video tutorial: How to drop a course
Registration support
If you're having trouble with the course-registration system, we can help.
Undergraduate students
- Contact Student Support Services
Graduate students
- Contact the Graduate Admissions and Records Office