Grades, transcripts & parchments
Instructors are required to submit grades within seven (7) days of the last activity of the course:
- the last day of classes (if there are no final assignments or exams)
- the due date for your last assignment (if it is due after the last day of classes)
- the date of your final exam
Contact your instructor if this time period has passed and your grade has not yet appeared on your academic record.
You can find the percentage grade, the corresponding letter grade and comparative grading information on your official and administrative transcripts.
Requesting a grade review
If you don't agree with your grade, discuss it with your instructor first. If you still believe you should receive a higher grade, you may request a formal grade review. This is only a review. It does not guarantee that your grade will improve.
To request a formal grade review, you need to fill out a Request for Review of Assigned Final Grade form. There is a $25.00 per course charge for a formal review. If the grade goes up, you'll receive a refund.
Grade point average (GPA)
Your grade point average (GPA) is an average of points you've achieved based on your performance in your courses. We calculate it for:
- one session
- your whole degree
- for graduation
Each GPA calculation is used for different decisions.
Your history as a student at UVic is documented in official and administrative transcripts.
- Official transcripts are confidential and can only be released when ordered by students and alumni.
- Administrative transcripts can be viewed by students at any time in Online tools.
Academic standing
Your academic standing is based on your academic performance in a given session. You can be in good standing, placed on academic probation or required to withdraw, detailed below.Parchments and graduating documents
A parchment is an official document that shows you have successfully completed an academic program. You'll receive your parchment after your graduation has been approved by the UVic Senate. Graduates can also order:
- Degree completion letters
- Invitation letters for international convocation guests
- Certificates of degree completion
- Replacement parchments