Graduate Program Faculty

The faculty members below welcome applications from prospective graduate students. We try to match graduate students with a law faculty supervisor who has depth in the student's chosen research project, but cannot guarantee supervisor availability in any given year. 

Areas of Graduate Supervision can be found under faculty member profiles in the Law Faculty Directory. It will also state there if not accepting graduate students for supervision. Below states research interests more broadly, but not necessarily areas they are interested in supervising at present.

The links below will also take you to the individual profiles.

Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey, DJur (Osgoode) - not available to supervise (Acting Associate Vice President Academic Planning)
Torts, remedies,insurance, race, ethnicity, and the law, feminist analysis of law.

Funmilola Ayotunde, PhD (Saskatchewan)
Human rights law, transnational advocacy, natural resources development, Indigenous rights, international environmental law, and business and human rights. 

John Borrows, FRSC, PhD (Osgoode)
Indigenous legal traditions, Canadian aboriginal law, comparative Indigenous rights, Canadian constitutional law, and comparative constitutional law.

Bradley Bryan, PhD (UC Berkeley)
Indigenous taxation and fiscal relations, Indigenous business structures, transsystemic approaches to private law, law and political economy, anti-capitalist analyses of taxation and business law in Canada.

Gillian Calder, LLM (Osgoode)
Constitutional law, feminist legal theory, social benefits law, family law, performance and law.

Kathryn Chan, DPhil (Oxford)
Law of the voluntary sector, the law of gift, administrative law and regulation, religious freedom, comparative law, and human rights and legal pluralism.

Patricia Cochran, PhD (UBC)
Legal and political theory, constitutional law. Theories of judgement, relational approaches to law, multijuralism, technology in legal processes, law and humanities methodologies.

Deborah L. Curran, LLM (UC Berkeley)
Executive Director, Environmental Law Centre. Water law, municipal law, growth management and land use law, environmental law, agricultural land and food systems, real estate and shared-decision making.

Maneesha Deckha, LLM (Columbia)
Lansdowne Chair in Law.  Feminist and postcolonial legal theory, critical animal studies, animal law, health law, bioethics, elder law, law and culture, law and society.

Alan Hanna, PhD (UVic)
Aboriginal law, Indigenous lands, rights and governance.

Robert G. Howell, LLM (Illinois)
Intellectual property, managing intellectual property, cultural property, telecommunications, private international law (conflicts of law).

Rebecca Johnson, SJD (Michigan)
Graduate Program Director. Critical theory, law and film, Indigenous law research methodologies, critical pedagogy, economic imaginaries, feminist legal theory.

Asad Kiyani, PhD (UBC)
Immigration and refugee law, domestic and international criminal law, evidence, postcolonial theory, legal pluralism, and comparative law.

Freya Kodar, LLM (Osgoode)
Dean of Law. Pensions (public and private), consumer law and policy, debt and credit regulation, income security, care work, disability and the law.

Robert Lapper, KC, LLB (UVic)
David & Dorothy Lam Chair in Law and Public Policy. Access to justice, justice innovation, public policy, professional regulation and ethics, Aboriginal law.

Michelle S. Lawrence, PhD (Simon Fraser)
Director, Access to Justice Centre of Excellence. Access to justice, justice innovation, criminal law, evidence, sentencing, substance abuse & mental disorder, relationship violence, police accountability.

Darcy Lindberg, PhD (UVic)
Indigenous law, ecological governance through Indigenous legal orders, gender and Indigenous ceremonies, Indigenous treaty making.

Tracey Lindberg, LLD (Ottawa) 
Traditional Indigenous governments, Cree laws, translation between Canadian and Indigenous laws, Indigenous women, legal advocacy and activism.

Geoffrey LoomerPhD (Oxford) - not available to supervise (currently Associate Dean)
Associate Dean, Administration and Research. International and comparative taxation law and corporate taxation.

Colin MacLeod, PhD (Cornell)
Moral, political, and legal philosophy; jurisprudence (especially the relation between law and morality); children's rights.

David MilwardPhD (UBC)
Criminal law, Indigenous justice, and evidence.

Sarah Morales, PhD (UVic)
Director, JD/JID program. Aboriginal law, Indigenous legal traditions and international human rights

Val Napoleon, PhD (UVic)
Law Foundation Chair of Indigenous Justice and Governance. Law Foundation Professor of Aboriginal Justice and Governance. Indigenous legal traditions (law and precedent, legal theories, legal institutions, research methodologies, and pedagogies), Indigenous feminist legal studies, governance, restorative justice, Indigenous property law, Aboriginal legal issues (Canadian law).

Andrew Newcombe, LLM (Toronto) - not available to supervise (currently Associate Dean)
Associate Dean, Academic and Student Relations. International investment law, international arbitration, international trade law, commercial law.

Pooja Parmar, PhD (UBC)
President’s Chair in Law and Indigeneity in a Global Context. International human rights law, Indigenous rights, legal ethics and profession, legal pluralism, law and colonialism, business and human rights, international law, law and development, law and society, qualitative research methods, India, South Asia.

Janna Promislow, PhD (Osgoode)
Aboriginal administrative law, treaty relationships and interpretation.

Victor V. Ramraj, PhD (Toronto)
Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI). Comparative constitutional and administrative law (especially on Southeast Asia), transnational law and regulation, legal pluralism, emergency powers in Asia, and law and complexity.

Sara Ramshaw, PhD (U of London)
Director, Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT). Family law, contracts, arts-based approaches to law, law and the humanities, improvisation and the law, legal theory/jurisprudence.

Chris Tollefson, LLM (Osgoode)
Environmental law and policy, environment and international trade, environmental/resource management and Aboriginal rights, forest law and policy, coastal zone management, clinical legal education.

Estair Van Wagner, PhD (Osgoode)
Property law, natural resource law, planning law, and environmental justice. Her work explores how law is used to structure relations with place and the more-than-human world in both rural and urban settings