
Jacqueline Ohayon - LLM

Thesis: Unsettling Narratives: Climate Action Beyond Settler Environmentalism through the Revitalization of Indigenous Law.


Oluwasikemi Oluwatuyi - LLM

Thesis: Taxing the Digital Economy: Options Available for African Countries.


Nguyen Quoc Tan Trung - PhD

Dissertation: Non – Recognition of Unlawful Situations as Customary International Law:
A Case-based Approach.


Katherine Gower - LLM

Thesis: New Data for Access to Justice: An Assessment of the value of Reddit data for improving Access to Justice.


Christina Gray - LLM

Thesis: Sexism and Ts’msyen Law: A Critical Analysis of the Gendered Exclusion in Holding the Name of Chief in Ts’msyen Society.


Katherine Llorca - PhD

Dissertation: Legal borderlines: Theorising rupture in the realm of interlegality. – The potential for radical legal change in the face of ecological collapse.Lifeworlds of Administrative Law -


Leif Jensen - LLM

Thesis: Lifeworlds of Administrative Law.


Abishek Kaul - LLM

Thesis: A rights-based approach to labour migration of People living with HIV from India to the United Arab Emirates: Proposing an alternative legal and policy framework.


Joseph Esin - LLM

Thesis: Homophobia is Un-African: Critical Discussions on the legacy of imported homophobia in Nigeria.


Songkrant Pongboonjun - PhD

Dissertation: Creating Rights from the Bottom Up: Public Interest Environmental Lawyers in Thailand.


Tamara Amoroso Gonsalves - PhD

Dissertation: To consume or be consumed? Sexist beer advertising in Brazil: gender and power struggles for fair representation within consumer law.


Hassan Kamalinejad - PhD

Dissertation: Paradigm Shift in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Toward Stricter Control over the Qualifications and Conduct of Arbitrators.


Ngozi Nwoko - PhD

Dissertation: Sino-Nigeria Oil-for-Infrastructure Investment Deals: A Proposal for a New Form of Regulation.


Summer Okibe - LLM

Thesis: The Potenical Implications of United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP): A Case Study of the Tsilhqot'in Nation and the Indigenous People of Biafra.


Adekunle Adewumi - LLM

Thesis: Adequate protection': an analysis of Nigeria's data protection laws within an emerging global data protection framework.


Robert Hamilton - PhD

Dissertation: Legal Pluralism and Hybridity in Mi'kma'ki and Wulstukwik, 1604-1779: A Case Study in Legal Histories, Legal Geographies, and Common Law Aboriginal Rights.


Antwi Frimpong - LLM

Thesis: Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice in Ghana and Canada.


Ryan Beaton - PhD

Dissertation: Positivist and pluralist trends in Canadian Aboriginal Law: the judicial imagination and performance of sovereignty in Indigenous-state relations.


Maria Carolina Marinho-Ribeiro - LLM

Thesis: Reimagining sexual assault law in Canada: a feminist, trauma-informed approach to restorative justice.


Love Stephen Babajide - LLM

Thesis: The responsibility to rebuild in international law: a panacea for responsibility to protect?


Chinwendu Chikaodinaka Nwanisobi - LLM

Thesis: The role of non-state actors in the enforcement of environmental laws.


Rebeca Baccarini Macias Gimenez - PhD

Dissertation: Hydro dams and environmental justice for Indigenous people: a comparison of environmental decision-making in Canada and Brazil.


Zehra Abrar - LLM

Thesis: Rethinking the right to belong in a neoliberal world: privatization of security in refugee camps and detention centres.


Ronnie Edward - PhD

Dissertation: Adat Iban: a living traditional wisdom?


Vernon Wilson - PhD

Dissertation: Reincarnating law in the cosmos.


Anne-Marie Delagrave - PhD

Dissertation: The regulation physical appearance in the Canadian workplace as a human rights issue.


Darcy Lindberg - PhD

Dissertation: Âskiy Wiyasiwêwina: Plains Cree Earth Law and constitutional/ ecological reconciliation.


Qian Liu - PhD

Dissertation:  Leftover women's choices in marriage and childbearing: navigating through the complexities of state law, social attitudes, and parental expectations.


Alan Hanna - PhD

Dissertation: Dechen ts'edilhtan: implementing Tsilhqot'in law for watershed governance.


Keith Cherry - PhD

Dissertation: Practices of pluralism: a comparative analysis of trans-systemic relationships in Europe and on Turtle Island.


Celia Pinette - LLM

Thesis: A Call to modernize police accountability: an evaluation of the law's response to excess use of force by police in British Columbia.


Sarah Colgrove - LLM

Thesis: Laws of the land: indigenous and state jurisdictions on the Central Coast.


Benjamin Lawrence - PhD

Dissertation: Cambodia's competing constitutional sites and spirits.


Aaron Mills (Waabishki Ma’iingan) - PhD

Dissertation: Miinigowiziwin: all that has been given for living well together: one vision of Anishinaabe constitutionalism

Tess Acton - LLM

Thesis: Understanding Refugee Stories: Lawyers, Interpreters, and Refugee Claims in Canada

Danielle Allen - LLM

Thesis: "For here or to go?" Migrant workers and the enforcement of workplace rights in Canada: temporary foreign workers in the British Columbia hospitality sector

Kinwa Bluesky - LLM

Thesis: Art as my Kabeshinan of Indigenous Peoples

Andrée Boisselle - PhD

Dissertation: Law's hidden canvas: teasing out the threads of Coast Salish legal sensibility

Ilona Cairns - LLM

Thesis: Crimes of Equality: The Racial Profiling Paradox of Canada's 'War on Terror'

Angela Cameron - PhD

Dissertation: Restoring Women: Community and Legal Responses to Violence Against Women in Opposite Sex Intimate Relationships

Jan Clark - LLM

Thesis: Of Kings and Popes and Law: An Examination of the Church and State Relationship in England During the High Middle Ages and the Influence of that Relationship on the Structure and Processes of English Law

Robert Clifford - LLM

Thesis: WSÁNEĆ law and the fuel spill at Goldstream

Patricia Cochran - LLM

Thesis: Taking Notice: Judicial Notice and Practices of Judgment in Anti-poverty Litigation

Geoffrey Conrad - LLM

Thesis: Exemplars or Exceptions: Imagining Constitutional Courts in a Religiously Diverse Society

Alvaro Cordova - LLM

Thesis: The Right of Indigenous Self-Determination and the Right to Consultation in the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal Jurisprudence (2005-2011)

Aimee Craft - LLM

Thesis: Breathing Life into the Stone Fort Treaty

Nguyen Van Cuong - PhD

Dissertation: The Drafting of Vietnam's Consumer Protection Law: An Analysis from Legal Transplantation Theories

Meaghan Daniel - LLM

Thesis: Finding law about life: a cross-cultural study of indigenous legal principles in Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Manpreet (Preeti) Dhaliwal - LLM

Thesis: Re-embodying Jurisprudence: Using theatre and multimedia arts-based methods to support critical thinking, feeling and transformation in law

Agnieszka Doll - PhD

Dissertation: Lawyering for the 'mad': an institutional ethnography of involuntary admission to psychiatric facilities in Poland

Michael Down - LLM

Thesis: The Most Frail Branch: A Critique of the Justifications for Judicial Hegemony in the Interpretation of Canada's

Theressa Etmanski - LLM

Thesis: (Re)Imagining 'justice': documentation of sexual violence against Rohingya women and girls in Myanmar

Mireille Fournier - LLM

Thesis: Comparative law gets entitled: the 1900 Paris Congress in contexts

Gene Fraser - PhD

Dissertation: Governing Madness: Coercion, Resistence and Agency in British Columbia's Mental Health Law Regime

Dmytro Galagan - LLM

Thesis: Provisional measures in international arbitration as a response to parallel criminal proceedings

Jeanette Gevikoglu - LLM

Thesis: Sentenced to Sovereignty: Sentencing, Sovereignty, and Identity in the Nunavut Court of Justice

Jared Giesbrecht - PhD

Dissertation: Back to the Rough Ground: Towards a Conservative Theory of Democracy

Marta Gimenez - LLM

Thesis: The Implementation of the WFD in France and Spain: Building up the Future of Water in Europe

Brittany Goud - LLM

Thesis: Exploring film's jurisprudence in Sean Baker's films

Julia Herzog - LLM

Major Research Paper: An Investigation of Retraumatization of Child Witnesses during the Process of Prosecution of the Accused for Sexual Abuse Offences against the Child

David Hosking - LLM

Thesis: Protection from discrimination because of disability in European community law

Maegan Hough - LLM

Thesis: Personal Recollections and Civic Responsibilities: Dispute Resolution and the Indian Residential Schools Legacy

Benjamin Isitt - PhD

Dissertation: Patterns of protest: property, social movements, and the law in British Columbia

Heather Jensen - LLM

Thesis: Unionization of Agricultural Workers in British Columbia

Carwyn Jones - PhD

Dissertation: The Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Process in Māori Legal History

Matthew Joseph - LLM

Thesis: Weather Disasters and the Law: Examining the Need for Change in Canada

Chong Ke - PhD

Dissertation: Infrastructure, Participation and Legal Reforms: An Analysis of the Politics and Potentials of Village Elections in China

Minnawaanigogiizhigok/Dawnis Kennedy - LLM

Thesis: Aboriginal Rights, Reconciliation and Respectful Relations

Seung Hwan Kim - PhD

Dissertation: Refugees, Citizenship and State Sovereignty

Qi Kong - LLM

Thesis: Community corrections in China: problems, political goals, and the way forward

Nuthamon (Natta) Kongcharoen - PhD

Dissertation: Community Forest Management in Northern Thailand: Perspectives on Thai Legal Culture

Michael Large - LLM

Thesis: Ecological Degradation and Population Demands: Wicked Problems and the Rule of Rules in Canada/America

Julie Lassonde - LLM

Thesis: Performing Law

Isabelle Lefroy - MA

Thesis: Seeking justice beyond legalism: cultural appropriation of totem poles on the Pacific Northwest Coast

Darcy Lindberg - LLM

Thesis: kihcitwâw kîkway meskocipayiwin (sacred changes): transforming gendered protocols in Cree ceremonies through Cree law

Michael Litchfield - LLM

Major Research Paper: A Critical Analysis of Social Enterprise Legislation in British Columbia

Danika Littlechild - LLM

Thesis: Transformation and re-formation: First Nations and water in Canada

Johnny Mack - LLM

Thesis: Thickening totems and thinning imperialism

Jean-Michel Marcoux - PhD

Dissertation: International Investment Law and the Evolving Codification of Foreign Investors' Responsibilities by Intergovernmental Organizations

Sarah Marsden - LLM

Thesis: That's a Really Nice Coat You're Wearing: Dignity, Agency, and Social Inclusion in the Administration of Welfare

Maxine Matilpi - LLM

Major Paper:Button Blanket Pedagogy

Kaitlyn Matulewicz - PhD

Dissertation: Law, Sexual Harassment, and Restaurants: Exploring the Experiences of Women Working in the British Columbia Restaurant Sector

Debra McKenzie - PhD

Dissertation: Challenging the binary of custom and law : a consideration of legal change in the Kingdom of Tonga

Jonathan Minnes - LLM

Thesis: Law and justice: Scott v. Canada and the history of the social covenant with Canadian veterans

Anne Mitaru - LLM

Thesis: Why Aid Efficiency will not Deliver Development: A Feminist Critique of the Aid Effectiveness Architecture and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

Sarah Morales - LLM

Thesis: Snuw'uyulh: fostering an understanding of the Hul'qumi'num legal tradition

Val Napoleon - PhD

Dissertation: Ayook: Gitksan Legal Order, Law, and Legal Theory

Joshua Nichols - PhD

Dissertation: Reconciliation and the foundations of aboriginal law in Canada

Connie Nisbet - LLM

Thesis: Living Responsibilities: Indigenous Notions of Sustainability and Governance in Action

Adam Nott - LLM

Thesis: Transnational Law and Resource Management: The Role of a Private Legal System in the Mining Promotion of Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry

Soudeh Nouri- LLM

Thesis: When an Intellectual Property Right Becomes an Intellectual Property Wrong: Re-examining the Role of Section 32 of theCompetition Act

Nicole O'Byrne - PhD

Dissertation: Challenging the Liberal Order Framework: Natural Resources and Metis Policy in Alberta and Saskatchewan (1930-1948)

Brent Olthuis - LLM

Thesis: Constitution's Peoples: A Robust and Group-centred Interpretation of Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, in Light of R. v. Powley

Matthew Park - LLM

Thesis: The Public Trust Doctrine: Ensuring the Public's Natural Right of (Perpetual) Access to Common Resources

Daniel Parrott - LLM

Thesis: The Role and Regulation of Private, For-profit Employment Agencies in the British Columbia Labour Market and the Recruitment of Temporary Foreign Workers

Thanh Cong Phan - PhD

Dissertation: Competition Law and the Possibility of Private Transnational Governance

Kate Plyley - PhD

Dissertation: Tolerated illegality and intolerable legality: from legal philosophy to critique

Marie-Louise Potvin - LLM

Thesis: Oil and Gas Development in the British Columbia Offshore: Does Canada's Integrated Coastal and Oceans Management Strategy Provide a Framework for Resolving Contentious Ocean use Issues?

Amber Prince - LLM

Thesis: What's Wrong with Canada's Animal Cruelty Laws?: Bill C-50, a Touchstone for Change

Jing Qian- LLM

Thesis: Corporatist legislature: authoritarianism, representation and Local People's Congress in Zhejiang

Shaochen Qu - LLM

Thesis: Principles-based vs. Rules-based Regulation of Derivatives Markets in Developing and Developed markets: A Comparison of the Regimes in Thailand and Quebec

Noah Quastel - LLM

Thesis: Contract, Sustainability, and the Ecology of Exchange

Crystal Reeves - LLM

Thesis: The Woven Object of Law and the Weaving Process of Law: An Interdisciplinary Conception of Legal Pluralism in Samoa

Supriya Routh - PhD

Dissertation: Informal Workers in India: Reconceptualizing Labour Law to Promote Capabilities

Jacinta Ruru - PhD

Dissertation: Settling Indigenous Place: Reconciling Legal Fictions in Governing Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand's National Parks

Nancy Sandy - LLM

Thesis: Reviving Secwepemc Child Welfare Jurisdiction

Jennifer Sankey - LLM

Thesis: Globalization, Law and Indigenous Transnational Activism: The Possibilities and Limitations of Indigenous Advocacy at the WTO

Atulya Sharman - LLM

Major Paper:The Cartagena Biosafety Protocol: Mutation of International Trade in Genetically Modified Organisms

Perry Shawana - LLM

Thesis: Carrier Medicine Knowledge, Ethics and Legal Processes

Karen (Kerry) Sloan - PhD

Dissertation: The Community Conundrum: Metis Rights and History in BC After R. v. Powley

Jennifer Smith - LLM

Thesis: Sustainable governance in voluntary forest carbon standards

Matthew Spencer - LLM

Thesis: Hope for Murderers? Lifelong Incarceration in Canada

Zara Suleman- LLM

Thesis: Race(ing) Family Law: A Feminist Critical Race Analysis of the "Best Interest of the Child" Test and the Impact for Racialized Women in Custody and Access Cases

M. Gwendolynne Taylor - LLM

Major Paper:The Prostitution Debates in Canada: Competing Perspectives Presented to the Subcommittee on Solicitation Laws

Daleen Adele Thomas - LLM

Major Paper: "What Rights do I Have?" - Advocating and Exploring Child Rights with Children in British Columbia (BC)

Doug Thompson - LLM

Thesis: A Merry Chase Around the Gift/bribe Boundary

Vanessa Udy - LLM

Thesis: Victory Through Honour: reconciling Canadian intellectual property laws and Kwakwaka'wakw cultural property laws

Ikenna Ulasi - LLM

Thesis: Carbon Conundrum: The Dichotomy between Engergy Security and Climate Change

Areli Valencia - PhD

Dissertation: Human Rights Trade-Offs in a Context of Systemic Unfreedom: Work vs. Health in the Case of the Smelter Town of La Oroya, Perú

Neil Vallance - PhD

Dissertation: Sharing the Land: The Formation of the Vancouver Island (or 'Douglas') Treaties of 1850-1854 in Historical, Legal, and Comparative Context

Richard Veerapen - PhD

Dissertation: Physician engagement with family and close others of patients during the informed consent process

Jonathan Weiss - LLM

Thesis: "Dimming the Sun": Does Unilateral Stratospheric Sulfate Injection Breach Jus Cogens?

Michelle Zakrison - LLM

Thesis: Whose water is it anyway? Indigenous water sovereignty in Canada: an Indigenous resurgence analysis of the case of Halalt First Nation v British Columbia

Ania Zbyszewska - PhD

Dissertation: Gendering the European Working-Time Regimes: Working-Time Regimes, Regulation and Gender Equality in the Wider European Union and in Poland

Lizhao Zheng - LLM

Thesis: Pension Reform in China: Under the Shadow of the World Bank

Mark Zion - LLM

Thesis: What is a Right to Shelter in the Desert of Post-Democracy?: Tracking Homeless Narratives from the Courtroom to Dissensus