Gender Studies
In this program you’ll look at how gender shapes people's lives. You’ll explore:
- Indigenous and racialized identities
- class
- sexuality
- age
- ability
- geographical location
Potential careers
What can you do with a gender studies degree? Here are a few jobs that relate to the program:
- community outreach worker
- equity, diversity and inclusion specialist
- librarian
- archivist
- cultural programs coordinator
- international development officer
- program or education coordinator
- volunteer coordinator
- social media manager
- human resources coordinator
- legal professional
- counsellor
- midwife
- student services
- teacher or instructor
- entrepreneur
Some of these roles may require post-graduate studies or training.
Find a career that fits you
- Explore your career options at an appointment with a career educator.
- Attend career development workshops as you search for work.
- Enrol in the Your Career Starts Here course to generate career ideas and plan your next steps.
Experience & connections
Opportunities in the gender studies program
- With the Co-op Program you can alternate study with paid work.
Opportunities outside your program
- With a work study position you can develop skills during your study term.
- Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while you build skills.
Networks you can connect to
Here are a few professional associations related to gender studies:
- Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes
- Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
- Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health
- Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada
- Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- International Association of Accessibility Professionals
- Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
- Canadian Association of College and University Student Services
Hands-on learning opportunities
These courses in the gender studies program offer extensive hands-on learning.
Co-op work terms
Alternate academic study with paid work terms to gain workplace experience
GNDR 100 - Gender, Power and Difference
Reflect on your own position of privilege and lack thereof in an essay, write a report on a social justice issue or produce a creative work
GNDR 200 - Popular Culture and Social Media
Create a podcast
GNDR 203 - Indigenous Womxn in Canada
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Engage with Indigenous guest speakers
GNDR 207 - Gender, Globalization and the Love Industry
Collaborative Research Blogs
GNDR 300 - Gender Studies Seminar
Engage with guest lecturers; gain work-search, funding, portfolio and website building skills.
GNDR 306 - Gender and International Development
Learn to apply for funding from NGOs and implement a gender and development project
GNDR 332 - What's Race Got To Do With It?
Create anti-racist fact sheets which are uploaded to a website
GNDR 340 - Indigenous Cinema Decolonizing the Screen
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Engage with filmmakers and Indigenous guest speakers
GNDR 341 - Indigenous Womxn's Autobiographies
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Engage with Indigenous guest speakers
GNDR 400A - Critical Research Practices
Interview a person involved in social justice
Creative or design project
GNDR 100 - Gender, Power and Difference
Produce a creative project
Field experience
GNDR 202 - Globalization and Resistance
Undertake an act of resistance through a globalization action assignment
GNDR 320 - Queer Desire
Take part in a queer activist group project
GNDR 332 - What's Race Got to Do With It?
Go into the community (airport, library, etc.) to study racism in daily life
Field placement
GNDR 450 - Practising Feminism in the Field
(involves engagement with Indigenous communities)
Gain experience working with a community organization (100 hours)
Professional and technical skill development
GNDR 300 - Gender Studies Seminar
Engage in various forms of professional development work
GNDR 305 - Gender and International Human Rights
Develop practical writing skills preparing policy notes and briefs
Research project
GNDR 306 - Gender and International Development
Prepare a grant proposal for a community group
GNDR 325 - North American Asian Feminist Thought and Action
Develop a small group project on Asian-Canadian feminist resistance
GNDR 335 - Border Crossing, Migration and Gender
Do a group research project and present results on a blog
GNDR 400B - Research Seminar for Independent Project
Do an independent research project (may involve the community)
GNDR 499 - Honours Graduating Essay
Research, write and orally defend a graduating honours essay
Work experience
Work experience work terms
Take part in a modified co-op program requiring one or two work experiences
These courses are not always offered as described.
What you'll learn
Every student at UVic builds skills all employers look for. At UVic Co-op & Career we call these "competencies". This is what you’ll learn in the gender studies program.
- explore feminist theories and activism as they pertain to women, trans and non-binary people’s lives
- consider the role of colonization, capitalism and neo-liberalism and resulting climate change in shaping social structures and lived experience
- understand the importance of intersectionality as theorized by women of colour
- use diverse feminist theory to analyze historical and contemporary social structures
- use feminist theory to analyze power relations, development of ideas and varieties of cultural production
- understand historical and philosophical influences on and debates within feminism and queer and trans theory
- examine debates on experience, knowledge and power within feminist theory and political strategy
- understand how decolonial, anti-racist feminist activism has empowered individuals to fight for social justice
- analyze western feminism by placing it within a global and historical context
- examine the emerging field of transnational feminist thought
Dynamics of power, identity and difference
- examine the complex ways power affect women and trans and non-binary people’s lives
- understand the socially constructed meanings of and intersections among gender, race, class, sexual orientation, age, ability, citizenship and national identity
- analyze how feminists have challenged the definitions of rights throughout history
- examine diverse spaces of human experience including popular culture, language and work
- explore the complex and often problematic relationship between women, race and colonization
- explore feminist and non-feminist theories of race, racism and racialization in relation to other structured social inequality
- examine key assumptions underlying feminism and feminist anti-racist discourses
Political, economic and cultural perspective
- understand how global interdependence in political, economic and cultural areas affect women’s lived experiences
- examine the evolution of feminist responses to and critiques of mainstream development policies and theories of international development
- analyze western feminism by placing it within a global and historical context
- understand the connections between the local and global as well as theory, practice and social justice
- understand how the social construction of gender has influenced ideas of nation
- examine the historical relationship between women and regulatory practices of the state and the criminal justice system
- explore how women’s resistances to regulatory practices were shaped by gender, class, race, ethnicity and sexuality
- explore women’s challenges to economic restructuring, poverty, militarization and human rights abuses
- explore the rise of masculinized ideas of national sovereignty
- examine how international human rights theories, organizations, laws, and practice are gendered, racialized, sexualized and class based, and how they affect freedom, equality and dignity in the international system
- explore theories and practices of representation in cultural production
- understand human experience across time, place and culture
- appreciate cross-cultural differences
Community engagement
- help build communities through active engagement in community-based groups and projects
- work to bring about positive social and political change
- work with community-based groups and organizations including advocacy groups, human rights groups, environmental organizations, health care providers and social service organizations
- advocate on behalf of individuals and communities
- facilitate group process and take a leadership role
- write grants to generate funding for community-based organizations and projects
- research, document and archive the stories, histories and artifacts of individuals and communities
- use wikis, blogs and film-making