Video recording

Audiovisual and multimediaMedia Services

Video recording services are available for any event or lecture on campus. We can capture, edit and deliver a recording to your audience, either private or local, or store your event to DVD or online archive.

Our clients include Lansdowne Lectures, President's Distinguished Lectures, Women's Studies Lectures, Campus updates, Convocation Ceremonies, Ideafest and other lectures and events on campus.

Who can use this service?

  • Faculty
  • Staff

How do I request this service?

We require a minimum of two weeks' notice prior to the start of your event.

Request a video production consultation

What is the cost for this service?

Costs vary. Most recording and dubbing are charged at $75 per hour with two DVDs included, plus one MP4 on disc or download. Additional DVDs are available for $7 per copy. 

Our normal turnaround time is 3 days from the end of the recording, to allow for media editing and encoding.

Email or phone 250-721-8292 for details.

When is this service available?

The Audio Visual Department is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Requests outside our normal hours must be arranged in advance. 

How do I get help with this service?

Contact Media Services for help with this service: