Individually supervised courses
Individually supervised studies can be directed studies courses or regular courses that you take under individual supervision.
- You must have an academic standing that is acceptable to the faculty, department, division or school in which the course is given.
- You must have approval in writing from each of the following in the order indicated:
- The supervising faculty member(s)
- The chair of the department or division or the director of the program
- The dean of the faculty, who requires a course outline for directed studies courses
- These written approvals must be received by Student Support Services before the section start date.
How to register
- Fill out a pro forma course form.
- Get written approval from the instructor.
- If you're taking a directed studies course, get a course outline.
- Obtain the written approval of the director/chair and dean.
- Submit your forms
- If you plan to take a course offered by the Faculty of Education, take all forms to an adviser in the Faculty of Education. This applies even if you're in another faculty.
- If you're not taking an education course, submit the completed and signed forms to Student Support Services before the deadline dates.