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New faculty & librarians

Resources for your first year

All New Faculty and Librarians will be auto enrolled in an online course in Brightspace that has all the resources you might need in your first year at UVic.


The VPAC Office will be in touch with you over the summer regarding orientation events in the fall.

Important resources

Moving to Victoria

Accepting a faculty or librarian position at UVic is exciting and can mean that you are making a big move for you, and potentially your family.

The following programs are here to support your move to Victoria. 

At the University of Victoria, we recognize that the employment of a spouse or partner can be critical to the successful relocation of a faculty member/librarian.

We have developed a program to assist those regular faculty members/librarians and their families who are new to the Greater Victoria area. Spouses or partners of recently appointed regular faculty members or librarians may be eligible for assistance in their employment search process. The services provided may include:

  • career exploration and decision-making
  • review and revision of work search tools (cover letters, curricula vitae, resumes, portfolios, etc.)
  • work search strategies for the local labour market
  • employer research and contacts
  • interview coaching

In certain circumstances, assistance can also be provided to spouses/partners who are academics themselves. It should be noted that while this program provides valuable assistance, it does not guarantee that a position will be obtained. It is expected that participants will be actively engaged in seeking employment and that they will retain responsibility for the job search process.

Accessing the program

Eligible faculty members and librarians should contact the head of their academic unit (chair/director/dean/university librarian as appropriate). For more information about the program itself, please contact please contact Faculty Relations Academic and Administration at or 250-721-7114. 

To support faculty and librarians who plan to immigrate to Canada to work at UVic, we have provided guidelines and have excellent support staff. 

Please visit UVic Immigration or contact Ms. Lori Shaw, Immigration Coordinator.

The university’s home loan support program assists eligible members with the purchase of their first owner-occupied residence in Lower Vancouver Island by providing a fifteen-year interest-free loan of $50,000.


The program applies to:

  • newly recruited full-time faculty members and librarians appointed to regular, tenured or tenure-track appointments at the university, and
  • newly recruited full-time senior excluded staff appointed to continuing appointments at the university, who are eligible for relocation assistance.

Relocation assistance is available to faculty, librarians and senior excluded staff, who are commencing regular or continuing appointments and are relocating their primary residence from a distance of more than 50 kilometres from their primary work site.

This program does not apply to anyone with a limited term appointment.

Application deadline

An Eligible Member must apply for home loan support no later than five years after the start date of their appointment. Requests to extend the eligibility period must be made prior to the expiry of the eligibility period and will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the applicable vice-president. 

If the Eligible Member plans to purchase a residence prior to the effective date of their appointment, they may apply at any time after their appointment has been approved by the applicable vice-president or designate.  

About the program

We have assembled some resource information to consider: 

Getting set up

 As a new faculty or librarian, you need to complete the UVic Employee Onboarding Checklist. Be sure to complete the UVic Employee Information form as soon as possible.

Once you’ve filled in and returned the employee information form, you’ll receive an email with your employee number and a link to create a NetLink ID. You must have a NetLink ID to set up your UVic email account and payroll.

You should also submit your direct deposit authorization form as soon as possible. You can find this form on the employee onboarding checklist.

Use your NetLink ID to login to the Online tools portal. In the employee services tab, you can access your:

  • pay information: job summary, pay stubs and direct deposit allocation
  • leaves and benefits: benefit statement and leave balances (including sick and vacation entitlements)
  • tax forms: downloadable T4 slips, tax credits and TD1/deductions return forms
  • UVic email

You can also update or change your online name and preferred email address.

Your ID card

The ONECard is your official UVic identification, available at the ONECard office in the Jamie Cassels Centre. You’ll need your UVic V00# and a piece of government-issued photo ID. You can load money onto your ONECard and use it as a debit card across campus. Add funds and manage your balance in MyCard.

Getting around

The UVic employee bus pass program offers monthly Victoria Regional Transit passes at more than 50% off the regular price. Eligible employees can purchase an E-Pass at the Campus Security office near the bus loop.

UVic uses virtual parking permits by licence plate number. All vehicles parked on campus must have a licence plate linked to a valid permit. Hourly, daily and weekly permits are available at any parking dispenser or online.