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Faculty of Health

Updated: December 18, 2024

UVic's new Faculty of Health will enhance our health profile by highlighting our strengths in health education, training and research and providing a stronger external profile to attract students, faculty, research chairs and partners. The intention is to lift up all faculties across the university while also serving vital community needs, including through Indigenous-led scholarship and addressing systemic barriers to healthcare.

The Faculty of Health will be established on May 1, 2024 and will become operational on May 1, 2025.

UVic is excited to welcome Dr. Tammy Hopper as the inaugual Dean, Faculty of Health for a five-year term beginning May 1, 2025.


The Faculty of Health will include the following schools and all of their existing programs:

  • Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
  • Health Information Science
  • Medical Sciences*
  • Nursing
  • Public Health and Social Policy
  • Social Work

*The Division of Medical Sciences will become a school

As well, UVic's Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychology master's programs will be part of the Faculty of Health.

Three Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD) schools not bound for the Faculty of Health will migrate to other faculties, also on May 1, 2025:

  • Child and Youth Care, Faculty of Education
  • Indigenous Governance, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences

The Faculty of Human and Social Development will continue from May 1, 2025 until April 30, 2026 with a faculty comprised solely of the Acting Dean of Human and Social Development. It will be formally disestablished on May 1, 2026.


UVic has a compelling and timely opportunity to strengthen our health profile—delivering essential programs, training professionals and conducting community-relevant research here on Vancouver Island.

The vision supports a health structure that external stakeholders will see and recognize. It will be transformative for UVic in many positive ways, including with respect to:

  • interdisciplinary research, teaching and work;
  • engagement with the community on population health, Indigenous health and other priority areas;
  • student recruitment, including graduate students and post-docs; and
  • faculty and staff recruitment and collaboration. 

As well, it has the potential to generate more donor funds, sponsored research and government support, including for academic expansions.

Ad-hoc Senate committee

As per the BC University Act, final approval for a faculty rests with the Board of Governors on the recommendation of Senate. The ad-hoc Senate Committee for Academic Health Programming, chaired by the Deputy Provost, led this initiative from June 2023 to June 2024, including identifying and consulting with stakeholders, moving through the approval processes, and developing communications.

At their March 1, 2024 meeting, Senate voted unanimously in favour of moving the motion to establish a Faculty of Health. The ad-hoc Senate Committee on Academic Health Programming brought forward an omnibus motion, comprised of 26 parts. On March 26, the Board of Governors also unanimously approved the motion. Upon completion of their work, the Committee submitted a closeout report to Senate.

  • Helga Hallgrímsdóttir, Deputy Provost (ex-officio and Chair)*
  • Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey, Associate Vice-President Academic Programs (ex-officio)*
  • Carrie Andersen, University Secretary (ex-officio)
  • Vanessa Andreotti, Dean, Faculty of Education (ex-officio as of July 1)*
  • Lisa Bourque Bearskin, School of Nursing (VP Indigenous nominee)*
  • Tony Eder, Associate Vice-President Academic Resource Planning (ex-officio)

  • Lindsay Gagel, Director, Academic Communications and Projects (ex-officio)
  • Lois Harder, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences (ex-officio)*
  • Robin Hicks, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies (ex-officio)*
  • Fraser Hof, Associate Vice-President Research (ex-officio)*
  • Sandra Hundza, School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education (Senate nominee)*
  • Cole Kennedy, Department of Psychology (graduate student representative)*
  • Darryl Knight, Providence Health Care (Presidential nominee)*
  • Nathan Lachowsky, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of HSD (ex-officio)*
  • Peter Loock, Dean, Faculty of Science (ex-officio)*
  • Anastasia Mallidou, School of Nursing (Senate nominee as of March 1, 2024)*
  • Simon Minshall, School of Health Information Science (Senate nominee)*
  • Nathaniel Sukhdeo, Faculty of Law (undergraduate student representative)*
  • Wendy Taylor, A/University Registrar (ex-officio)

  • Bruce Wright, Head, Division of Medical Sciences (ex-officio)*
  • Ashley Fitterer, Senior Project Officer (support)



This is a consultative, collegial and transparent process, with faculty, staff and students empowered to participate in consultations towards enhanced collaborations, connections and scholarship.

Project phases

The project will have at least three distinct phases:

  1. September 2023 to May 2024 - consult and determine an initial set of recommendations to Senate regarding the foundational programs and units, a draft rationale, a name, and interim appointment procedures for the dean, culminating with an omnibus motion(s) to Senate and the Board of Governors. Led by the ad-hoc Senate Committee on Academic Health Programming.
  2. May 2024 to April 2025 - refine the rationale and organizational structure; work through operational changes; recruit dean; build community; and support individuals impacted by change. Led by the Faculty of Health Leadership Table; Faculty of Health Operations Working Group; and/or established offices and departments.
  3. Spring 2025+ - TBD with the new dean. Could include new or continued parallel processes. As per the University Act, faculties determine their own vision and strategic priorities.

Project milestones

Working groups and parallel processes

Given the scope of the work, it will be necessary to break into working groups to advance this work in an inclusive and timely way. The following working groups have been formed:

Group or committee Timeline Responsibilities Members
Health Survey Working Group (July-September 2023) Design and conduct a survey of faculty, staff, students and community to support the work of the ad-hoc Senate Committee on Academic Health Programming Led by the AVP Academic Resource Planning, with staff, faculty and decanal representatives from the ad-hoc Senate Committee
Indigenous Wellness Working Group (September 2023-present) provide direction, share innovative ideas, and develop recommendations for a distinctions-based approach to health education and training at UVic as a foundational lens for a new Faculty of Health Refer to the Indigenous Wellness Working Group: Milestone Interim Report
Senate Timeline Working Group (October 2023-January 2024) Determine the scope of work necessary to move through the Senate process and required omnibus motions Led by the AVP Academic Programs & Acting Registrar
Faculty of Health Operations Working Group (May 2024-present) Identify and action operational changes (e.g., resources, payroll, systems, student recruitment, etc.), including by connecting with Deans' Council, Integrated Planning, President's Leadership Council and other leaders Led by the Deputy Provost, with leaders and staff from VPAC, OREM and USEC
Faculty of Health Leadership Table (May 2024-present) Build community, foster leadership Leaders representing the schools and programs moving to the Faculty of Health, among others

Resources & FAQs

This initiative is connected to our university plans and strategic direction. As well, we need to ensure we have the structures in place to respond to community needs and find solutions to current and emerging crises.

  • In BC and across Canada there is urgent need for health care professionals and community health and wellness supports.
  • The BC Government is interested in expanding opportunities for health education to address urgent needs in BC communities across the province. They have indicated their willingness to fund new seats in medicine, nursing, and allied health professions such as social work, health information science, public health, health administration and leadership, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology.
  • It will be important for us to establish our strengths in health and wellness and their connection to community to remain competitive with other Canadian universities.

This proposal is not motivated by budget and we do not anticipate needing any new resources, as we are not creating a net-new faculty. Instead, we are re-imagining how we can reorganize existing academic units and programs. This means we will have no additional Deans than we currently do.

While this initiative may have positive resource implications and savings through centralizing or sharing resources, it is not a primary motivation for change. That said, this proposal also has the potential to generate revenue through enhanced student recruitment, government-funded program expansions, research grants and donor funding.

The process to determine and move budgets is happening as part of a parallel process co-led by VPAC and VPFO in 2024/25.

The Committee heard through the campus-wide survey that it will be important to “right size” faculties as we work to create a Faculty of Health.

There is no formula for a "right" size, but there are considerations and comparisons that can be helpful. For example, number of schools and departments, number of undergraduate programs, number of graduate programs, number of faculty members, number of enrolled students, student-to-faculty ratio, and/or budget and resources. To support an informed vote, the Committee presented Senate with some of this information at a special meeting on Feb. 9, 2024 and again on March 1, 2024.

Faculty of Health (as of March 1, 2024):

  • Number of schools: 6
  • Number of faculty: 104.1 FTE
  • Approximate number of students: 1,850 FTE
  • Student-faculty ratio: 17.7

See the organizational chart (March 2024).

When the Committee began their work, there were no predetermined outcomes and no departments, schools or programs yet identified to be included in the new faculty. Through consultations, the Committee recommended to Senate, and Senate approved, the following schools be included in the Faculty of Health:

  • Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education
  • Health Information Science
  • Medical Sciences
  • Nursing
  • Public Health and Social Policy
  • Social Work

In May 2024, Senate approved the counselling psychology and clinical psychology programs to be included in the Faculty of Health.

The process of supporting units moving from one faculty/division to another is part of the focus of phase 2 in 2024/25.

UVic is not contemplating a medical school at this time. We are also not creating a net-new faculty or division, as the Faculty of Health will be populated by existing units and programs.

Parallel processes outside of Senate's scope in 2024/25 include:

  • Space, capital and operations
  • Labour relations
  • Community engagement
  • Government relations


Students who apply to graduate up to and including the spring 2025 graduation deadline will have their current faculty listed (e.g., Faculty of Human and Social Development). Students who apply to graduate for fall 2025 or later will have their new faculty listed (e.g., Faculty of Health). Learn more about your parchment.

Students interested in the Faculty of Health should apply to a program in one of the schools that will be part of the Faculty of Health, listed above. We will update UVic’s application system, information systems and website in the coming months. These changes will be sequenced to align with the operational date for the Faculty of Health, which will be May 1, 2025. Students applying prior to this date will be accounted for when these changes occur.

Current students in a program in one of the schools that will be part of the Faculty of Health (listed above) will see their faculty updated effective May 1, 2025 when the new Faculty of Health becomes operational.


Academic records will remain the same. Degree credentials will always reflect the faculty and program you were enrolled in at the time you graduated. The change will only affect the student records of those who are currently enrolled and graduating after May 2025.

The value and accreditation of your degree will not be affected. While the creation of the new faculty will help improve program alignment and resources for current and future students, existing degrees will retain their original standing and value.

The information on your degree parchment and transcript will not change. Learn more about parchment and degree certificates.

Alumni affiliation will align with the new structure, as noted on this web page. For example, if you completed a degree in the School of Social Work, your affiliation will now be with the Faculty of Health.

We understand that some alumni may feel most connected to the programs and faculty they were part of during their time at UVic. The alumni relations office will continue to support networks and communities across all alumni, including in HSD, education and social sciences, to celebrate shared experiences and histories.

Support from alumni—and all donors—is truly valued. If you have questions about your designated area of support, please reach out to Donor Relations. If you have an endowed fund, Donor Relations will connect with you directly. You are always welcome to contact to talk with someone about making donations to areas of need that align with your interests.

Updates to campus

Originally published May 9, 2023. Please contact if you have any questions; with the disestablishment of the ad-hoc Senate Committee, this email address and web page is managed by VPAC Office staff.