Andy Farquharson Teaching Excellence Award
The Andy Farquharson Teaching Excellence Award celebrates teaching excellence among UVic graduate student teaching assistants.
The award is administered by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
The following graduate students are eligible to apply:
- Teaching Assistants involved in teaching activities as a TA (not as a sessional) at UVic during the 12 months prior to the deadline (generally hired under CUPE 4163)
- Lab Instructors or Senior Lab Instructors who teach the lab sections of courses
Sessional Instructors are not eligible for this award.
Award criteria
It is assumed that candidates will be in the process of developing these skills and attributes, not necessarily having already mastered them.
Student-centred / learning-oriented approach to teaching
- Fosters excitement and enthusiasm about learning
- Applies scholarly approach to teaching
- Displays innovative instructional approach informed by Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
- Creates open learning environments; is supportive of diverse student needs
Institutional values and adherence to UVic learning outcomes
- Inspires and mentors academic development
- Fosters development of academic skills (e.g., critical thinking, writing and communication skills)
- Is cognisant of the value of integrating research and teaching
Personal qualities that contribute to teaching
- Models appropriate scholarly, professional and ethical behaviour (e.g., lab safety)
- Is self-reflective about teaching (shows improvement over time)
- Demonstrates leadership qualities (e.g., collaborative, commitment to excellence)
- Contributes to the learning goals of the course instructor
Nomination components
Submit your nomination through the online form. Submit all the nomination components in one combined PDF.
Nominee bio
Include a summary of the nominee’s distinctive contributions, including their teaching practices and philosophy. This will be used to brief the adjudicators and for promotional purposes if the nominee is the successful candidate. (100 words maximum.)
Nomination letter
A signed written statement (500 words maximum) including:
- Teaching practices
- Teaching philosophy
- Impact of teaching on student learning specific to award criteria
- Nomination letter must be endorsed by the graduate student’s department chair, director, associate dean, or dean to ensure the student is in good academic standing and has fulfilled their current and previous teaching assistant duties.
One letter of support
- The letter of support must be written primarily by a faculty member and can include additional authors (students or faculty members). (500 words maximum)
- The letter of support should address nominees' effective teaching practices (e.g., student engagement, student learning, value of the courses to their overall program, effective teaching strategies, creativity in course design, teaching inspired by research, student mentoring, and innovative or effective assignments)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Max 5 pages. Must include:
- Education and other relevant experience
- Employment history
- Relevant teaching awards
- Courses taught
Additional supporting materials
You can upload up to 3 optional files, such as a teaching dossier, CES, course syllabi, additional letters of support, websites, media clips, or articles.
Supporting evidence should be referenced in the nomination letter and depending on the length of materials may not be thoroughly reviewed (e.g., books or manuscripts).
Up to three awards of $1,000 each are selected annually. The awards will be publicized by UVic Communications + Marketing. All nominees will be recognized and recipients will receive their awards at the annual REACH Awards ceremony.
Contact LTSI.Past recipients
- 2023 | Lucie Kotesovska, English
- 2023 | Nahiane Pipaón Fernandez, Chemistry
- 2023 | Camille Zimmer, Civil Engineering
- 2022 | Claude Beaupre, Political Science
- 2022 | Hannah Brown, Anthropology
- 2022 | Shervin Shameli Derakhshan, Civil Engineering
- 2021 | Erin Chewter, Political Science
- 2021 | Allie Macllroy, Greek and Roman Studies
- 2020 | Pamela Fraser, French
- 2020 | Joseph Horan, Mathematics and Statistics
- 2020 | Osman Uluocak, Mechanical Engineering
- 2019 | Natalie Boldt, Geography
- 2019 | Leah Gajecki, Chemistry
- 2019 | Mehdi Hashemi, Political Science
- 2018 | Maleea Acker, Geography
- 2018 | Cassandre Campeau-Bouthillier, Anthropology
- 2018 | Kaitlin Findlay, History
- 2017 | John Murray, Anthropology
- 2017 | Kimi Dominic, Sociology & Anthropology
- 2017 | Geraldine (Gerry) Gourlay, Biology
- 2016 | Andreas Bergen, Computer Science
- 2016 | Elizabeth Hagestedt, Anthropology
- 2016 | Usman Khan, Mechanical Engineering
- 2015 | Emma Nicholls-Allison, Chemistry
- 2015 | Kevin Tunnicliffe, Chemistry
- 2015 | Kerry-Lynn Weatherhead, Child & Youth Care
- 2014 | Michael Lukas, English
- 2014 | Jason Siefken, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2014 | Jamie Kemp, History in Art
- 2013 | Scott Kouri, Child & Youth Care
- 2013 | Jessica Blythe, Geography
- 2013 | Iman Moazzen, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- 2012 | Catherine Nutting, History in Art
- 2012 | Crystal Tremblay, Geography
- 2011 | Brynn Dooley, Chemistry
- 2011 | Janet Love, Psychology
- 2011 | Tara Thomson, English
- 2010 | Jonathan Chui, Chemistry
- 2010 | Jonathan Morris, Child & Youth Care
- 2010 | James Rowe, Environmental Studies
- 2009 | James Biggar, Environmental Studies
- 2009 | Melanie Siebert, Fine Arts, Writing
- 2009 | Christine Tippett, Curriculum & Instruction
- 2008 | Judith Burgess, Nursing
- 2008 | Mary Butterfield, Philosophy
- 2008 | Joe Gilroy, Chemistry
- 2008 | Catherine Hedlin, Child & Youth Care
- 2008 | Leigh Anne Isaac, Biology
- 2008 | Maria Koblanck, Political Science
- 2008 | Alicia Lammerts van Bueren, Biochemistry & Microbiology
- 2008 | Yisrael Levin, English
- 2008 | Christian Lieb, History
- 2008 | Todd Milford, Educational & Computer Engineering
- 2008 | Scott Miller, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- 2008 | Graham Percival, Computer Science
- 2008 | Dan Pollock, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2008 | Jeff Ralph, Environmental Studies
- 2008 | Jonathan Rudge, Physics & Astronomy
- 2008 | Kelly Sakaki, Mechanical Engineering
- 2008 | Michele Tanaka, Curriculum & Instruction
- 2008 | Jun Tian, Pacific & Asian Studies
- 2008 | Susan Vanderhill, Psychology
- 2008 | Qian Wang, Linguistics
- 2007 | Spencer Alford, Biocemsitry & Microbiology
- 2007 | Chedo Barone, Mathematics and Statistics
- 2007 | Cindy Brown, Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies
- 2007 | Robert Diaz, History
- 2007 | Rana El-Sabaawi, Biology
- 2007 | Flavio Firmani, Mechanical Engineering
- 2007 | Anudeep Kanwar, Physics & Astronomy
- 2007 | Olav Krigolson, Physical Education
- 2007 | Horace Luong, Chemistry
- 2007 | Brock MacLeod, English
- 2007 | Leanna Madill, Curriculum & Instruction
- 2007 | Kinga Menu, Geography
- 2007 | Prabhakar Neti, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- 2007 | Adeniyi Onabajo, Computer Science
- 2007 | Linda O’Neill, Educational Psychology & Leadership Studies
- 2007 | Paul Spence, Earth & Ocean Sciences
- 2007 | Christine Upright, Nursing
- 2006 | Tania Demchuk, Earth & Ocean Sciences
- 2006 | Jocelyn Dimm, Curriculum and Instruction
- 2006 | Denis Dubord, History
- 2006 | Lindsay Gellhaus, Physical Education
- 2006 | Kelly Jazvac, Visual Arts
- 2006 | Andra Li, Biochemistry and Microbiology
- 2006 | Steve McKinnon, Chemistry
- 2006 | Mark Schurch, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2006 | Suzanne Stewart, Educational Psychology & Leadership
- 2006 | Coby Tschanz, Nursing
- 2006 | Susan Wilson, English
- 2005 | Megan Anderson, Visual Arts
- 2005 | Derek Church, Computer Science
- 2005 | James Clem, Physics & Astronomy
- 2005 | Fred Ford, Child and Youth Care
- 2005 | Deepak Gautam, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 2005 | Angela Jackson, Biochemistry & Microbiology
- 2005 | Tanis MacDonald, English
- 2005 | Greg Mulligan, Physical Education
- 2005 | Dan Myles, Chemistry
- 2005 | Jacobus Swarts, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2005 | Sandra Umpleby, Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies
- 2005 | Michelle Yeo, Curriculum and Instruction
- 2004 | Apurva Bhargava, Biochemistry and Microbiology
- 2004 | Chris Falk, Computer Science
- 2004 | Carmen Gress, Educational Psychology and Leadership
- 2004 | Akiko Hayashi, Curriculum & Instruction
- 2004 | Rambabu Karumudi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 2004 | Craig Kuziemsky, Health & Information Science
- 2004 | Stewart Langton, Curriculum & Instruction
- 2004 | Nicole Little, Child & Youth Care
- 2004 | Chris Morier, History
- 2004 | Megan O’Connell, Psychology
- 2004 | Paul O’Connor, Chemistry
- 2004 | Heather Paul, Earth & Ocean Sciences
- 2004 | Tim Quick, Environmental Studies
- 2004 | Erin Ronsse, English
- 2004 | Aaron Sanderson, Physics & Astronomy
- 2004 | Jill Simmons, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2004 | Sarah Stewart, Physical Education
- 2004 | Jennifer Tuey, French
- 2004 | Andrea Vaags, Biology
- 2003 | Michael Burnett, Child & Youth Care
- 2003 | Stirling Chow, Computer Science
- 2003 | Linda Coupal, Education Psychology and Leadership
- 2003 | Jocelyn Dimm, Education Curriculum & Instruction
- 2003 | Kim Edmondson, French
- 2003 | Martin French, Political Science
- 2003 | Alex Hodge, Mathematics and Statistics
- 2003 | Leigh Anne Isaac, Biology
- 2003 | Roy Jensen, Chemistry
- 2003 | Meghan MacLeod, Physical Education
- 2003 | Justin McGrail, History in Art
- 2003 | Margaret Milne, Physics and Astronomy
- 2003 | Kim Nuernberger, Sociology
- 2003 | Carla Randall, Nursing
- 2003 | Brad Riel, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 2003 | Georgia Sitara, History
- 2003 | Jody Spence, Earth and Ocean Science
- 2003 | Frances Sprout, English
- 2003 | Nicola Temple, Biology
- 2003 | Lisa Van Bruggen, Psychology
- 2002 | Tina Block, History
- 2002 | Jennifer Charlesworth, Child & Youth Care
- 2002 | Sulan Dai, Pacific & Asian Studies
- 2002 | Patric Finn, English
- 2002 | Dominique Fortin, Physics & Astronomy
- 2002 | Katrina Gantly, Psychology
- 2002 | Jill Heater, Education Psychology and Leadership
- 2002 | Leigh Anne Isaac, Biology
- 2002 | Bryan Koivisto, Chemistry
- 2002 | Michael Kory, Earth & Ocean Science
- 2002 | Erik Laxdal, Electrical & Computer Engineering
- 2002 | Rachael Skirrow, Biochemistry & Microbiology
- 2002 | Sam Stinson, Physical Education
- 2002 | Bogdan Verjinschi, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2001 | Allison Benner, Linguistics
- 2001 | Jesse Bingham, Computer Science
- 2001 | Robyn Cathcart, Music
- 2001 | James Clem, Physics & Astronomy
- 2001 | Cam Culham, Theatre
- 2001 | Dennine Dudley, History in Art
- 2001 | Elise Fear, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 2001 | Lee Haines, Biochemistry & Microbiology
- 2001 | Yuri Kagolovsky, Health Information Science
- 2001 | Maureen Niwa-Heinen, English
- 2001 | Scott Nokleby, Mechanical Engineering
- 2001 | Iris van Rooij, Psychology
- 2001 | Graham Sinclair, Biology
- 2001 | Ben Sporer, Physical Education
- 2001 | Cristina Stoica, Mathematics & Statistics
- 2001 | Todd Sutherland, Chemistry
- 2001 | John Twomey, Political Science
- 2001 | Alicia Ulysses, Hispanic & Italian
- 2000 | John Aycock, Computer Science
- 2000 | Darryl Brousmiche, Chemistry
- 2000 | Kendrick Brown, Earth and Ocean Science
- 2000 | Brad Buckham, Mechanical Engineering
- 2000 | Ellen Busby, Biochemistry
- 2000 | Rachelle Funk, History in Art
- 2000 | Jean Hansen, Sociology
- 2000 | Amanda Langley, Education Psychology and Leadership
- 2000 | Andrew Murray, English
- 2000 | Bruce Phillips, Psychology
- 2000 | Nick Sheehan, History in Art
- 2000 | Jill Simmons, Mathematics