CAPI event archive


Type Title Speaker(s) Date

Indianization, the Officer Corps, and the Indian Army: The Forgotten Debate, 1817–1917

Chandar Sundaram, Historian/educator/writer/editor

09 Jan

Taiwan Elections 2020 from Multiple Perspectives

Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow, Qian Liu, CAPI Associate, Hugh Stephens, CAPI Associate, Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair

16 Jan

India and Its Neighbourhood

Sujan R. Chinoy, Director General of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India

21 Jan

Contemporary Issues in Biotech & Bioethics in China and Canada

Maneesha Deckha, UVic Law, Michele Martin, UVic Division of Medical Sciences, Réal Roy, UVic Biology, Feng Xu, UVic Political Science

23 Jan
Talk (UVic Pacific and Asian Studies' Lansdowne Lecture)

China’s Mass Internment of Uyghurs: The Urgent Need for a Global Response

Nury Turkel, lawyer and Uyghur rights advocate 29 Jan

China’s exportation of digital authoritarianism: using Uyghur lives and homeland for the development and testing of surveillance technologies

Nury Turkel, lawyer and Uyghur rights advocate 30 Jan

International Development Week - Youth & Students in Global Development: Experiences Beyond the Classroom

CAPI student interns; chaired by Marlea Clarke, UVic Political Science / CAPI Senior Fellow, Robyn Fila, CAPI Internship Manager

04 Feb


Testifying to Loss: The Royal Commission on Japanese Claims, 1947-50

Kaitlin Findlay, UVic History MA student / Landscapes of Injustice project, Mary Anne Vallianatos, UVic Law PhD student

06 Feb


Compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity: The case of Vietnam

Ly Anh Hoàng, Hanoi Law University (incoming QES-AS project scholar)

13 Feb

Film screening and Q&A (Victoria Film Festival)

Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue

Miki Dezaki, film director; hosted by Cody Poulton and Sujin Lee, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies / CAPI Associates

15 Feb


Renewable Energy in Mongolia and Summer Field School opportunities in Mongolia

Charles Krusekopf, American Center for Mongolian Studies / Royal Roads University

26 Feb


The development of international criminal law: Assessing Extraordinary Chamber in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) precedents

Vandanet Hing, Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia (incoming QES-AS project scholar)

27 Feb

Student presentations (UVic Ideafest)

Students beyond borders: Stories from the field

CAPI student interns: Kaylin Arason (Department of Gender Studies), Tracy Hampton (Department of Political Science), Olvie Li (Public Dimensions of Health), Maeve Milligan (Department of Pacific and Asian Studies), and Luisa Schwarz (Department of Geography)

03 Mar


The Comfort Women controversy: Political ramifications and censorship in Japan

Miki Dezaki, film director (via remote video-link), Sujin Lee, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Cody Poulton, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies

05 Mar

Programming disruption due to Covid-19 pandemic

Talk (online)

Covid-19 in Asia: Questions and Conundrums

Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Director and Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations / UVic Law professor

05 May

Roundtable (closed to the public; online)

Justice for the Rohingya: The Role of Canada

Marilou McPhedran, Senate of Canada, Jacqueline O’Neill, Canadian Ambassador for Women, Peace, and Security, Bob Rae, Canadian Special Envoy on Humanitarian and Refugee Issues, Payam Akhavan, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague / McGill University / Counsel for The Gambia at the ICJ in the case of The Gambia v. Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Susan Breau, UVic Law Dean, Christine Chinkin, London School of Economics, Razia Sultana, Chairperson, Rohingya Women’s Welfare Society, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Wai Wai Nu, Rohingya/Burmese founder, Women’s Peace Network, Myanmar, and more 

21 May

Talk (online)

Governing through Contagion

Lynette J. Chua, National University of Singapore, Jack Jin Gary Lee, Kenyon College, USA

18 June

Conference (online) 

Regulating Globalisation in Asia: Public Law, Legal Orders & Governance conference - Part II

Twenty-four presenters from across eight countries, primarily representing UVic and Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law (Bhutan) 

25-28 June

Talk (online)

Emerging Perspectives in the Study of Law and Family in China

Ke Li, City University of New York, Qian Liu, UVic Law, Di Wang, University of Wisconson-Madison; Chair: Lynette J. Chua, National University of Singapore; Discussant: Rachel Stern, University of California, Berkeley

09 July

Panel (online)

The Hong Kong Crisis from Multiple Perspectives

Cora Chan, The University of Hong Kong, Michael John Lo, UVic Political Science student, Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair / UVic Political Science / UVic History

17 Sept

Talk (online)

An update on the Huawei affair from a Canadian perspective

Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow / former Canadian diplomat, Asad Kiyani, UVic Law

24 Sept

Panel (online)

Covid-19 in East Asia: Information Transparency, State Surveillance, and Supply Chains

Feng Xu, UVic Political Science, Qian Liu, UVic Law, Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Fellow, Dan Ciuriak, Centre for International Governance Innovation / C.D. Howe Institute, Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair / UVic Political Science / UVic History

08 Oct

Talk (online)

Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination

Adom Getachew, University of Chicago, Andrew Wender, UVic History / Political Science, Elizabeth Vibert, UVic History

15 Oct

Panel (online)

Election Preview: Global Politics Under a Second Trump or a First Biden Administration

Colin Bennett, UVic Political Science, Susan Breau, UVic Law, Jill Horwitz, University of California Los Angeles, Michael Peil, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Bhutan

21 Oct

Talk (Midge Ayukawa Commemorative Lecture; online)

Japanese American incarceration and Japanese Canadian dispossession book talk 

Masumi Izumi, Doshisha University, Japan, Jordan Stanger-Ross, UVic History  22 Oct

Panel (online)

Thailand Update: Protests and Emergency Powers

Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch Asia, Anna Dzeidzic, The University of Hong Kong, Eugénie Mérieau, National University of Singapore

28 Oct

Talk (online)

Dispersed Resistance in Jammu and Kashmir: When Art is the Weapon

Zehra Abrar, UVic Law graduate student, Namitha George, UVic Political science PhD student

29 Oct

Talk (online)

Empire's Tracks Indigenous Nations, Chinese Workers, and the Transcontinental Railroad

Manu Karuka, Barnard College, Heidi Stark, UVic Political Science, Jason Colby, UVic History

05 Nov

Talk (Hung Lecture; online)

Authoritarian Patriarchy and its Populism

Inderpal Grewal, Yale University

12 Nov

Panel (Victoria Forum; online)

Post US Election: Change or Continuity in Global Affairs in Asia

Wen-Chen Chang, National Taiwan University College of Law, Melissa Low Yu Xing, National University of Singapore PhD student, Michael Peil, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Bhutan, Hugh Stephens, CAPI Associate

13 Nov

Roundtable (online)

US Election Debrief Roundtable: Implications for Southeast Asia​

Nirmal Ghosh, The Straits Times, Ratana Ly, UVic Law PhD candidate, Kai Ostwald, UBC Centre for Southeast Asia Research, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Bridget Welsh, University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute Malaysia

19 Nov


Type Title Speaker(s) Date


Amma's Daughters - A memoir

Meenal Shrivastava, Athabasca University, Sikata Banerjee, UVic Gender Studies

10 Jan


Empire of Guns and the Industrial Revolution

Priya Satia, Stanford University

16 Jan


Return from the brink: coral recovery on the Kiritimati Atoll following the 2015-2016 El Niño

Kristina Tietjen, UVic Biology MSc student

17 Jan


The Huawei Case, Extradition & Canada-US-China Relations

Asad Kiyani, UVic Law, Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow

24 Jan


Security, Terror and Colonial Modernity

Eli Jelly-Schapiro, University of South Carolina; Discussants: Rachel Cleves, UVic History, Stephen Ross, UVic English

31 Jan

Film screening (Victoria Film Festival)

"Dead Pigs"

Cathy Yan, Director

4 & 6 Feb

Film screening (Victoria Film Festival)

"Ramen Shop" 

 Eric Khoo, Director

 5 Feb


Looking at Japanese North American confinement during WWII

Greg Robinsonl’Université du Québec À Montréal 28 Feb

Beyond Debt: Islamic Experiments in Global Finance

Daromir Rudnyckyj, UVic Anthropology; Respondents: Greg Blue, UVic History (Emeritus), Neilesh Bose, CAPI Senior Research Fellow / UVic History

04 Mar

The Collection of Indian paintings at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Dhir Sarangi, Jawarhalal Nehru University

06 Mar
Student presentations (UVic Ideafest)

Crossing borders: Students’ stories from the field

CAPI student interns: Mikaela Chia (UVic Biology and Psychology), Jacob Derksen (UVic Anthropology), Clara Harding (UVic Anthropology), Nick Harrison (UVic Political Science), Courtenay Jacklin (UVic Law), Rachel Lynch (UVic Economics), and Chris Tse (UVic Social Work) 06 Mar

China in Africa: Development Partner or the New Imperialist?

Jesse Ovadia, University of Windsor, Yoon Jung ParkChina*Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins University

14 Mar

Covering the Trump administration through an Asian lens

Nirmal Ghosh, The Straits Times' US Bureau Chief, Patrick Brown, former CBC foreign correspondent, Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow and former Canadian Ambassador 20 Mar

The South China Sea: What is Now and What is Next

Nirmal Ghosh, The Straits TimesNong Hong, Institute for China-America Studies, Ted L McDorman, UVic Law, Giles Norman, Global Affairs Canada, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University (via videoconference), Jeff Reeves, Asia Pacific Foundation, Brett Witthoeft, Maritime Forces Pacific, Canada  21 Mar

Thailand's Election

Songkrant Pongboonjun, UVic Law PhD student / QES-AS incoming scholarKitpatchara Somanawat, Chiang Mai University, Thailand (via video-link); Chair: Lindsay Neilson
former Associate Director of Global Engagement at UVic

28 Mar


Growth and Poverty Under Neo-liberalism

Prabhat Patnaik, Jawaharlal Nehru University

28 Mar


A Theory of Imperialism

Prabhat Patnaik, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Commentators: Jutta Gutberlet, UVic Geography, and William Carroll, UVic Sociology 29 Mar

Democratization, governance, and reform in complex political environments

Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin, President of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, Malaysia 10 April

Plight of the Relational Self: Injury, Law, and Modernity in Thailand and the United States

David M. Engel, Professor of Law, University at Buffalo 11 April

Learning to "see" today's caste

Ramesh Bairy T. S., professor of sociology, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 18 April

Bridging the Pacific: Connections and Comparisons between East Asia and North America

Organized by Zhonping Chen, UVic History 28-30 April

One Hundred Years of China’s Awakening: The Current Relevance of May Fourth in Multiple Perspectives

Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair / UVic History and Political Science, Zhongping Chen, UVic History, Angie Chau, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Richard King, former CAPI Director/UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Greg Blue, UVic History emeritus, Qian Liu, UVic Law PhD student; Discussant: Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow 2 May
Book launch

A Woman in Between: Searching for Dr. Victoria Chung

John Price, UVic History, Ningping Yu, Women's Studies, Simon Fraser University 24 May
Workshop (Hanoi, Vietnam)

Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Change Regulation: Asian Approaches

Organized by Supryia Routh, UVic Law; see participants via the event listing 4 June

China’s State-Centric Corporate Social Responsibility Approach and Green Finance Development Overseas: Linkages and Promises Demonstrated in Kenya

Bingyu Liu, visiting scholar at Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China 6 June
Conference (Thimphu, Bhutan)

Conference on Public Law, Legal Orders, and Governance

Organized by Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Director, and Nima Dorji, UVic PhD student and lecturer, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law 17-19 July

Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education

Coordinated by Hiroko Noro, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies 6-7 Aug

Revisiting Feminist Ideals of Autonomy in Marriage Through an Asian Lens

Qian Liu, PhD student, UVic Law 9 Sept

Demise of “One Country, Two Systems”? Reflections on the Hong Kong Rendition Saga

Cora Chan, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (via video-link) 12 Sept

An evening of Japanese Noh Theatre with Hisa and Hikaru Uzawa

Hisa and Hikaru Uzawa, Noh performers 19 Sept


The Kelsen-Schmitt Debate and the Use of Emergency Powers in Political Crises in Thailand​

Rawin Leelapatana, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

26 Sept


Article 370 of the Indian Constitution and revocation of Kashmir’s autonomy

Reeta Tremblay, UVic Political Science, Zehra Abrar, UVic Law graduate student

3 Oct

Book launch

Unmooring the Komagata Maru: Charting Colonial Trajectories

Rita Dhamoon, UVic Political Science, Davina Bhandar, Political Science, Athabasca University; Commentator: Reeta Tremblay, UVic Political Science 10 Oct

Self- and Social Recognition & Japanese Canadian Women’s Histories

Mona Oikawa, Department of Equity Studies, York University 15 Oct

Financial Innovation, Systemic Risk & Climate Crisis in Asia

Meyer Aaron, CEO, Capital Advisory Inc, Ravipal Bains, McMillan LLP, Adhiti Gupta, Convergence Blended Finance, Toronto, Daromir Rudnyckyj, UVic Anthropology, Christian Hofmann, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore 17 Oct

US-China Trade Wars in Multiple Perspectives

Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow, Linda Hui Shi, UVic Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, Michael Webb, UVic Political Science, Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair/UVic History and Political Science 24 Oct

Japanese Exclusion, Labour, and Environment in the BC Salmon Fisheries, 1900-1930

Benjamin Bryce, University of Northern BC History, Haily Massingham, UVic Law student 28 Oct

Underdevelopment in rural China: Measuring the legacy of Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward policies (1959-61)

Elizabeth Gooch, assistant professor of economics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California 31 Oct
Film screening / discussion

“The World Before Her”

Sikata Banerjee, UVic Gender Studies, Jyoti Ahlawat, Post Doc, UVic Gender Studies 4 Nov

Open source software practices in large Chinese internet companies

David Lo, Information Systems, Singapore Management University 7 Nov

Demonstration of the Japanese “tea ceremony” (cha-no-yu)

Urasenke Tankōkai Victoria Association 18 Nov

Development and Entrepreneurship in the Global South

Shahinaz Rashad, Financial & Sustainable Development Advisor, Sudhir Nair, UVic Gustavson School of Business 21 Nov

Southeast Asia: Recent Trends and Perspectives

Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow, Susan Gregson, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, UOttawa, Helen Lansdowne, CAPI Associate Director, Mellisa Marschke, International Development and Global Studies, UOttawa, Kai Ostwald, Centre for Southeast Asia Research / Department of Political Science / School of Public Policy & Global Affairs, UBC, Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Director 29 Nov

Cod Tongue: A Romance

Andrew Loman, Associate Professor of English, Memorial University 5 Dec


Type Title Speaker(s) Date


The Impact of Filial Piety on Chinese Leftover Women’s Choices in Marriage

Qian Liu, PhD candidate, UVic Law

08 Feb


A Short Walk in the Japanese Woods: The Old Roads of Kumano

CAPI Visiting Professor Dr. Cody Poulton

01 Feb


Livelihoods and Health Status of Waste Pickers in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr. Jutta Gutberlet, Professor, & Dr. Sayed M. Nazim Uddin, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Community-based Research Laboratory, UVic Department of Geography

01 Mar


Type Title Speaker(s) Date

The South China Sea and US-China-ASEAN Relations

Phil Calvert, CAPI Senior Research Fellow, Gordon Houlden, University of Alberta, Ted McDorman, UVic Law, Thomas J. Schoenbaum, University of Washington, Cindy Termorshuizen, Embassy of Canada to China, Brett Witthoeft, Maritime Forces Pacific, James Boutilier, Maritime Forces Pacific; Chair: Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Law Chair

02 Feb

Offshore Extractions and the Everyday Life of a Refugee Economy in the Republic of Nauru

Julia Morris, PhD Candidate, Oxford University

07 Feb
Film (Victoria Film Festival)

Old Stone

Director: Johnny Ma

07 Feb
Film (Victoria Film Festival)

After the Storm

Director: Hirokazu Kore-eda

10 Feb
Talk Amplifying Local Community Voices: Accountability in International Development Finance Siddharth Akali, UVic JD Law grad, Consultant for Accountability Counsel, a San-Francisco based NGO 27 Feb

Academic Freedom and its Discontents in India

Niraja Gopal Jayal, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi

28 Feb
Student presentations

Stories from the Field

Emma De Vynck

08 March

More Than Waste: Participatory Action Research With Waste Pickers in the Global South

Jutta Gutberlet, UVic Geography

13 March

Forest & Wildfire Management in Nepal

Ivan Somlai, CAPI Associate and Director, Ethnobureaucratica

14 March
Ayukawa lecture

The Legacy of Japanese Canadian Redress

Roy Miki, Simon Fraser University (Emeritus)

29 March
Symposium En-gendering Social Transformation in China: Gender Dynamics, Women's Rights and Feminist Activism Keynote: Feng Yuan, Shantou University 07-08 April
Talk Re-Classing Women’s Bodies: Workers’ Lives Beyond the Religion/ Secularism Duality Dina Siddiqi, BRAC University, Dhaka 18 April

Ethnic Conflict and Peace-Building in Myanmar: The Rohingya Crisis and Beyond

19 April
Workshop Multimedia, Mobility & The Digital Southeast Asian Family A workshop organized by postdoctoral fellow Monika
Winarnita in Melbourne Australia in April 2017 was a
second major knowledge mobilization activity run within
the project. Dr Winarnita invited stakeholders, junior
scholars and project researchers to a two-day workshop
entitled ‘Multimedia, Mobility and the Digital Southeast
Asian Family’. In addition, a Master Class held at the same
time, headed by project collaborator Deirdre McKay,
explored research methods and approaches to digital
research and transnational families. This highly successful
event brought together 20 participants and 20 observers
for two days, where a rich set of ideas around multimedia
and mobility were explored.
20-21 April
Conference, including Hung lecture CARFMS17 – Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement keynote speakers, Sheila Watt-Cloutier presenting her talk, “We Must Now Speak Environment,
Economy, Foreign Policy, Health and Human Rights in the Same Breath”, Jyoti Sanghera addressing “Dying to Live” and Romola Sanyal speaking to “Making Lives Invisible: Managing Refugees Outside the West”; two plenary
sessions, one discussing the role of civil society and forced migration, the other on recent developments in Canadian Refugee Law; more than 75 panels and workshops
15-18 May
Talk SOE Reform in China Bo Chen, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology
28 June

Competition Law & the Possibility of Private Transnational Governance /


Competition Law & the Possibility of Private Transnational Governance

Chinese & Western Oil Companies in Nigeria: Home State Factors and the Anti-Corruption Imperative


Chinese & Western Oil Companies in Nigeria: Home State Factors and the Anti-Corruption Imperative

Thanh Phan, PhD candidate, UVic Law /

Ngozi S. Nwoko, PhD student, UVic Law

05 Oct

Right to Good Governance in India: Towards a Model of Citizen Centric Accountability

Right to Good Governance in India: Towards a Model of Citizen Centric Accountability

Yashomati Ghosh, National Law School of India University

12 Oct

Imported Pekalongan Batik: Emblems of Cosmopolitanism in Imagined Communities of Straits Peranakan Women /

Imported Pekalongan Batik: Emblems of Cosmopolitanism in Imagined Communities of Straits Peranakan Women

An Introduction to the Constitution of Bhutan

An Introduction to the Constitution of Bhutan

Su Yen Chong, master's student, UVic Fine Arts /

Nima Dorji, PhD student, UVic Law

02 Nov

India at 70: Assessing constitutional democracy in India on the 70th anniversary of its Independence


India at 70: Assessing constitutional democracy in India on the 70th anniversary of its Independence

Arun K. Thiruvengadam, Azim Premji University

16 Nov
Burton lecture

What’s in a Name? Overcoming Exclusions in the Stories We Tell

Timothy J. Stanley
Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies and Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
20 Nov


Type Title Speaker(s) Date

Dancing the Feminine: Gender and Identity Perfomances by Indonesian Migrant Women

Monika Winarnita, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, UVic

21 Jan

Management and the New Demographic: Workplace Integration and Individual Outcomes for Migrants and their Descendants

Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair

03 Feb

Culture at Work – Canada

Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair

05 Feb
Film (Victoria Film Festival)

Lost & Found

John Choi and Nicolina Lanni, filmmakers

11 & 13 Feb

Liminal Life on the Myanmar-Thailand Border: Forced Migrant Children’s Identity Development and Agency in Resettlement Decision-Making

Jessica Ball, UVic School of Child and Youth Care

02 March
Panel (Ayukawa lecture)

Thinking Women – The Life and Work of Michiko ‘Midge’ Ayukawa (1930-2013)

John Price, UVic History, Patricia Roy, UVic History, Christine St. Peter, UVic Gender Studies, Hiroko Noro, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Patti Ayukawa, family member


08 March

Breaking Down the Fence: Exploring Refugee Advocacy Through Applied Theatre

Taiwo Afolabi, UVic Applied Theatre graduate student + classmates

08 March
Talk (Burton lecture)

Children of Denial

Larry Grant, Elder-in-Residence, First Nations House of Learning, UBC, and Language and cultural consultant, Musqueam Nation

21 March

Many Nations of the Russian Federation

Tatiana Degai, PhD Candidate, University of Arizona

24 March

The Transnational Corporate Lawyers of Dubai, Jakarta and Singapore

Jeremy Kingsley, Senior Research Fellow National University of Singapore

29 March

Religious Authority and Local Governance in Eastern Indonesia – An Abode of Islam

Jeremy Kingsley, Senior Research Fellow National University of Singapore

30 March

Culture at Work – Japan

Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair

31 March

Nowhere People Photography Project

Greg Constantine, documentary photojournalist

11 Apr

Made in China: Legacies of the Unequal Treaties in International Law

Andrew Marton, CAPI Director

16 Oct

Islam, Religious Economy, and Globalization

Nile Green, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles

27 Oct

Thailand's Political and Constitutional Future

Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations, Phil Calvert, former Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Catherine Morris, UVic Faculty of Law

08 Nov

Cities, Utopias, and Theosophy

Smriti Srinivas, University of California, Davis

17 Nov

Ainu Language Policies – Past and Present

Uwe Makino, Chuo University, Tokyo

22 Nov

Workers in the Aging city: Eldercare labor markets in Vancouver and Shanghai

Feng Xu, UVic Political Science

01 Dec


Type Title Speaker(s) Date
Film screening

Adam Smith, filmmaker

19 Jan
Film screening

France Benoit, filmmaker

02 Feb
Student presentations

Former CAPI student interns Elsie Daoust, UVic political science and history student, and Kip Jorgensen, UVic political science student

03 Feb
Burton lecture

Timothy Brook, Republic of
China Chair at the Institute for
Asian Research and a professor
in the department of history
at the University of British

23 Feb
Performance, presentations, and open house

Satomi Edwards, Koto master, Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair, Natasha Fox, CAPI, Grace Wong Sneddon, UVic interdisciplinary PhD student and special adviser to the Provost on equity and diversity, Cate Lawrence, UVic dispute resolution master’s student, Elena Lopez, UVic BA, political science

03 March

Keynote panellists: Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Professor at Georgetown University and University of California Irvine, I. Bobby Majumder, Parter, Perkins Coie, Dallas, USA, Eduardo Ramos-Gómez, Partner, Duane Morris & Selvam LLP, Singapore, Annabel Short, Program Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, New York, Yuen Pau Woo, President, HQ Vancouver, Canada

15-18 April

Panellists: Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair, Joel Legassie, UVic PhD candidate in the department of History, Simon Nantais, Simon Fraser University, Masako Iino, Tsuda College, Tokyo, Marvin Sterling, Indiana University, Bloomington

29 April

Antje Missbach, Monash University

08 June
Conference, including Hung lecture

Migration and Late Capitalism: Critical Intersections with the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

Keynote speakers: Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori, University of Waikato (Hung lecture), Tings Chak, Multidisciplinary Artist and Activist, and Sandro Mezzadra, University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences 11-13 June

Management and the New Demographic, Unleashing the Economic and Organizational Potential of Migrants, Diaspora, and a Boundaryless Workforce

Keynote speakers: Paul Vaaler, University of Minnesota, Ying-Yi Hong, Nanyang Technological University, John Berry, Queen's University, Canada, and National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

08 Aug

11th Annual Conference on Chaozhou Studies

Keynote speaker: Zhou Shaochuan, professor at the School of Chinese Ancient Books and Traditional Culture; director of the Chenyuan Research Center; and researcher at the Center for Studies of Historical Theory & Historiogrphy, Beijing Normal University

17-19 Aug

Thailand: A Worthy Partner in Asia and the Pacific

Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Thailand's Ambassador to Canada

21 Sept

The Global Refugee Crisis: Local International and International Responses


Panellists: J. Donald C. Galloway, UVic Law and co-chair of the Legal Research Committee of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, Scott Watson, UVic Political Science, Amy Verdun, UVic Political Science, Sabine Lehr, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, Almontaser Aidhy and Maher Boidany, students at UVic sponsored by the UVic World University Services Canada resettlement program; Moderator: Feng Xu, UVic Political Science

23 Sept

Trans-Pacific Aviation Law and Policy Conference

Keynote speakers: Brian Havel, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, Alan K.J. Tan, National University of Singapore Law School, Jeffrey Goh, Chief Operating Officer of Star Alliance

08-09 Oct

Theatre of Power: China's Party Congress and Authoritarian Legitization

Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair and Professor with UVic's Departments of Political Science and History

19 Oct

Learning from Japan

Eleanor Westney, Aalto University School of Business and the Schulich School of Business at York University, Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair, Gary Knight, Willamette University, Masao Nakamura, University of British Columbia, Tom Roehl, Western Washington University 

29 Oct

Culture at Work: China

Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair

06 Nov

Transnational Law and Why it Matters for Asia

Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations, and Professor of Law, UVic Faculty of Law

18 Nov
Book launch

Sakura in Stone: Victoria's Japanese Legacy and Toshiko

Authors Ann-Lee & Gordon Switzer and Michael Kluckner

23 Nov
Film screening

Fandry (directed by Nagraj Manjule)

Discussion moderator: Visiting scholar Bindu Menon, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication at Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

26 Nov

Yong Wang, Visiting Professor, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, and Professor, School of International Studies and Director, Center for International Political Economy, Peking University

01 Dec

Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair

03 Dec


Type Title Speaker(s) Date
Film screening

Reactor – Lessons from Fukushima

Ian MacKenzie, filmmaker and media activist

21 Jan

Working in Military Environments

Ivan Somlai, Director of Global Collaboration and CAPI Associate

22 Jan

Spiriting Away the Homeless: Cambodia’s Urban Apocalypse

Simon Springer, UVic Department of Geography

03 Feb

Surfing and Cycling for Peace in West Papua

Jeremy Bally, UVic Alumnus, Geoff Clark, filmmaker, and Todd Biederman, Pacific Peoples Partnership

14 Feb
Talk (Burton lecture)

Shark Truth: Bridging the Worlds of Culture and Environmentalism

Claudia Li, founder of Shark Truth and co-founder of the Hua Foundation

26 Feb

Stories from the Field - Experiential Learning Opportunities in Asia

past participants of the CAPI internship porgram shared stories and experiences about their placements in Bangladesh and the Philippines working with migrants' rights organizations 04 March

Fallout from Fukushima: Nuclear Energy, Political Positioning, Civil Society and Social Consequences

Scott Aalgaard, PhD Student, University of Chicago, Jay Cullen, UVic Department of Earth and Ocean Science, Katsuhiko Endo, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Chris Garrett, Professor Emeritus, Ocean Physics, UVic 11 March

Considering the Concept of Indigeneity for Land and Natural Resource Management in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos

Ian G. Baird, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Wisconsin – Madison

14 March

India Votes 2014

Panellists: Sikata Banerjee, Associate Dean, UVic Humanities and Professor of Women’s Studies, Sudhir Nair, Assistant Professor, UVic Gustavson School of Business and Richa Sharma, PhD Student, School of Population and Public Health, UBC. The panel was moderated by Reeta Tremblay, Vice-President Academic and Provost.

22 May
Master class

Family Entanglements, Migration and Media

Led by Jennifer Hirsch, Professor and Deputy Chair for Doctoral Studies at the Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in New York, and Heather Horst, Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne.

27-29 May

Tiananmen Square Protests: A Reflection 25 Years On

Patrick Brown, former CBC Asia Bureau Chief, and Rowena He, Author and Scholar

30 May

Zheng He’s Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China’s Relations with the Indian Ocean World from Antiquity

Keynotes (see conference program for full list of speakers and participants):

Dr. Geoff Wade, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University, Liu Yingsheng, Nanjing University, China, and Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia, Canada 

22-24 Aug

Language and transposition in film representations of the dis/located Chinese migrant

Hilary Chung, University of Auckland

29 Oct

Japan Breaks the Peace Clause: Article 9 and Japan’s Evolving Relationship With the Asian Other

Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Law Chair, Shigenori Matsui, Professor of Japanese Legal Studies, UBC, Millie Creighton, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UBC, Tsuyoshi Kawasaki, Associate Professor of Political Science and Humanities, Simon Fraser University; Chair: Mary Yoko Brannen, CAPI Japan Chair

05 Nov

Anatomy of an Election Observation Mission: Mongolia, 2013

Ivan G. Somlai, Director of Global Collaboration and CAPI Associate

19 Nov
Talk (Ayukawa Lecture)

Discovering the Past: Storytelling to Reveal Japanese Canadian History, Traditions and Culture

Terry Watada, poet, novelist and social activist

03 Dec


Type Title Speaker(s) Date
Talk (Neil Burton lecture)

Neil Burton and the Historic Debate on China’s Future: Echoes from the Past and Present

Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison 24 Jan

Sharks on Pacific Coral Reefs

Julia Baum, UVic Department of Biology 06 Feb

International Organizational Network Annual Forum

CAPI Jarislowsky East Asia (Japan) Chiar Mary Yoko Brannen convened the annual meeting of the International Organization Network, a group of prominent cross-cultural management educators and scholars from around the world. The meeting comprised over 40 participants from around the globe, as well as CAPI associates, UVic graduate students and other members of the UVic community. The public portion of the program included three research panels: Migration, Mobility and Integration, Knowledge-Sharing and Networks, and Asia-Pacific Contexts. 21-22 Feb
Info session

Work and Study Opportunities in Asia


To celebrate UVic’s IdeaFest, CAPI held an interactive event for students interested in working or studying in Asia. Former CAPI interns, George Benson and Adam Tran participated. 06 March

Chinghis Khan's Quest for Security: Tribe, State and Empire


Robert Bedeski, UVic Political Science 12 March

Two Koreas: Borders and Migration

Wayne Patterson, Norbert College, WI (keynote), Yeon-Ho Choi, The Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Mi Park, Dalhousie University, Jiyoung Song, Singapore Management University, Timothy C. Lim, California State University, Bonggi Sohn, University of British Columbia, Seonok Lee, University of British Columbi, Sandra Fahy, University of Southern California & Sophia University, Tokyo, Sophia Woodmoon, University of British Columbia, Young Hoon Song, Seoul National University, Chanhyun Cho, University of Victoria, Alice Lee, Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution, Vancouver, Jeewon Min, CAPI Visiting Law Scholar
5-6 April

Congress 2013: Asian Canadian Studies Conference

Scholars, graduate students and community activists from across Canada gathered to discuss the future of Asian Canadian studies. Special guests included: Joy Kogawa, author of Obasan, Elaine H. Kim, coordinator, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Henry Yu, Asian Canadian Studies, UBC, Mary Kitagawa, Asian Canadian community leader, Eric Fong, Asian Canadian Studies, University of Toronto, Charlayne Thornton-Joe, Victoria City Councilor 1-2 June
Conference, including Hung lecture

Perspectives on China's Transition

Minxin Pei, Director of the
Keck Center for International
and Strategic Studies at
Claremont McKenna College (Hung lecture), Xiaonong Cheng, Center for Modern China Studies, Princeton, Yinghong Cheng, Delaware State University, Chongyi Feng, University of Technology, Australia, and Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Szu-Chien Hsu, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Ting Jiang, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Yiji Lu, ChangCe Think Tank, Beijing, Yang Su, University of California, Irvine, Hongying Wang, University of Waterloo and the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada, Guoguang Wu, University of Victoria, Ming Xia, City University of New York, Graduate Center and the College of Staten Island, New York, Patrick Brown, former CBC Asia Bureau Chief
27-28 Sept
Book launch and talk

Shadow Woman - The Extraordinary Career of Pauline Benton

Grant Hayter-Menzies, Author
09 Oct
Book launch and talk

Passage to Promise Land: Voices of Chinese Immigrant Women to Canada

Vivienne Poy, businesswoman, author and former member of the Senate of Canada 10 Oct
Book launch and talk

Finding Japan - Early Canadian Encounters with Asia

Anne Park Shannon, CAPI Associate and former Canadian diplomat 29 Oct

What is the real cost of a $10 dress? Lessons from the Rana Plaza tragedy - labour rights, commodity chains and shared accountability

Sharmin Ahmed, visiting Graduate Researcher from BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jamie Lawson and Marlea Clarke, UVic Department of Political Science, Josh Ault, UVic Gustavson School of Business, Laura Parisi, UVic Department of Women's Studies, David Huxtable, PhD Fellow, UVic Centre for Global Studies 06 Nov

New Boss Same as the Old Boss? China's New Generation of Leaders Settles In

Patrick Brown, former CBC Asia Bureau Chief 20 Nov

ON TRIAL! The Panama Maru in Victoria: Performing a Hundred Year Retrospective

event poster
media piece from the The Harpreet Singh Show youtube channel

John Price, UVic History, led a group of students for a creative re-enactment of the trial of the Indian passengers aboard the Panama Maru, who were seeking to settle in Canada

24 Nov


Type Title Speaker(s) Date
Talk (Neil Burton lecture)

Living with Hiroshima: My Memories of 66 Years

talk description and video

Koko Tanimoto Kondo, writer, speaker, educator, and survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 31 Jan

The Empress and Mrs. Conger: The Uncommon Friendship of Two Women and Two Worlds


Grant Hayter-Menzies, Author of Imperial Masquerade: The Legend of Princess Der Ling 08 Feb

Freedom in Entangled Worlds


Eben Kirksey, post-doctoral fellow at the City University of New York Graduate Center 20 Feb
Student Symposium

CAPI Student Symposium on the Asia-Pacific


Six graduate students presented their work on a diverse range of subjects from the Beijing Olympics to indigenous writing in Indonesia and Australia: John Yehambaram, Galen Poor, Erin Lofting, Alicia Lawrence, Ruji Auethavornpipat, and Yuanfang Zhang, all MA students with UVic's Department of Pacific and Asian Studies
24 Feb

70th Anniversary of Japanese Canadian Uprooting: Reconciling a Difficult Past

This commemorative anniversary event discussed the difficult past of Japanese Canadians and honoured elders from the Japanese community. The event was sponsored by the UVic Asian Canadian Working Group, the Social Justice Program, the Department of History and the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives. 24 Feb
Talk and film screening

You Say Goodbye, We Say Hello! Robots, Theatre and the Future of Humanity


Zaven Paré, Brazil-based electronics artist and robotics researcher, and Cody Poulton, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies 28 Feb

Looking for Work in Post-Socialist China


Feng Xu, UVic Department of Political Science 6 March
Open house

CAPI Open House and Photo Exhibit as part of UVic's Ideafest event

photo contest entries

7 March

Revolution in Post-Red Bengal: Informal Workers Fight Back


Supriya Roth, Ph.D. Candidate, UVic Faculty of Law 19 March

Progress in Technology - Educational and Social Changes 


Madhumita Bhattacharya, Athabasca University, Canada, and CAPI Japan Program Visiting Scholar, Satoru Fujitani, Department of Childhood Education and Welfare, Faculty of Human Science, Mejiro University, Japan, Kanji Akahori, Faculty of Education at Hakuoh University and emeritus professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology 28 March

Innovations in Learning and Technology:
Asia-Pacific Perspectives


Hiroshi Kato (keynote), The Open University of Japan, Shelley Young, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Susan Kelly, University of the South Pacific Suva, Fiji, Madhulika Kaushik, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada, Alan Pence, UVic School of Child and Youth Care, Mahnaz Moallem, University of North Carolina, Valerie Irvine, UVic Faculty of Education, Kalyanamalini Sahoo, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India, Robert Aucoin, University of British Columbia and Royal Roads University, Haim Michael, Tel Aviv Jaffa Academic College, Israel, Beatriz Pacheco and Eliani Kfouri, Computing School - Mackenzie and Design School - SENAC, Brazil, Thamarai Selvi Somasundaram, Anna University, India, Siew Mee Barton, Deakin University, Australia, Suhaimi Abd Latif, International Islamic University, Malaysia, Mahnaz Moallem, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Nada Mach, California State University, Madhumita Bhattacharya, Athabasca University and CAPI Japan Program Visiting Scholar, Virginia Vandall-Walker, Athabasca University, Rita Santillan, University of BC and Simon Fraser University, Canada, Hengameh Kermani, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Yayoi Anzai, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan. 10-11 April

Talk and Performance

Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo: Traditional Japanese Puppet Theatre


The Koryu Nishikawa Troupe 02 May

Workshop on Post-311 Challenges and Opportunities: Gender and Diversity
Mainstreaming in the Priorities and Planning of Tohoku Reconstruction, 2012-2015

Jackie F. Steele, CAPI Visiting Japan Chair and Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo, Hiroko Hara, Mari Osawa and Kumiko Hagiwara, University of Tokyo, Sunhee Lee, Tohoku University, Yoshi Kawasaki, Simon Fraser University, Millie Creighton, David Edgington and Shigenori Matsui, University of British Columbia, Caroline Andrew, University of Ottawa, Sikata Banerjee and Natasha Fox, University of Victoria

10-11 June
Talk (Hung lecture)

Histories and Competitive Societies:  Temporal Foundations for Global Theory

video and event description

Prasenjit Duara, Raffles
Professor of Humanities, Director of the Asia Research Institute, and Director of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences at the National University of Singapore
02 Aug
Open house

Open House for UVic’s 50th Anniversary

event photos

Presentations by former CAPI interns Mikaela Robertson, Kelly Lindsay and Haydn Shook, and our incoming Bangladeshi intern, Mahmadul Haque 29 Sept

Mongolia, Mining and Unavoidable Issues


Ivan G. Somlai, CAPI Associate and Director of Global Collaboration 17 Oct

Reflections on an Indian Variant of Liberalism


Rinku Lamba, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, and Visiting Fellow at CAPI and UVic's Centre for Studies in Religion and Society 01 Nov

Work Culture and Business Manners in East Asia


Mary Yoko Brannen, Jarislowsky CAPI East Asia (Japan) Chair and
Professor at the Gustavson School of Business, UVic
05 Nov

The Nanjing Massacre: 75 Years On


Presenters included: Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair, Katsuhiko Endo, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Hugh Stephens, Time Warner, Richard King, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Tim Isles, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Bob Wakabayashi, York University, Timothy Brook, UBC, Greg Blue, UVic Department of History, John Price, UVic Department of History, Joy Kogawa, Author, and Joseph Wong, doctor and social activist. 16-17 Nov

The Governance of Religious Diversity in China, India and Canada: An International Symposium


Presenters included: Jeremy Webber, UVic Faculty of Law (keynote), Rajeev Bhargava, Director, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India, David Seljak, Associate Professor, Chair, Department of Religious Studies, University of Waterloo, Ontario, André Laliberté, Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Sikata Banerjee, Associate Dean of Humanities, Department of Women's Studies, University of Victoria, Jianping Wang, Professor of Islamic Studies; Chair, Religious Studies program; Vice Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, Shanghai Normal University, Sushmita Nath, School of Social Sciences, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, Avigail Eisenberg, Professor of Political Science at the University of Victoria, Benjamin Berger, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Ontario, Matthew Riddett, PhD Candidate, Political Science, University of Victoria, 22-24 Nov


Type Title Speaker(s) Date

The Search for Perfect Paper: Constitutions and Political Division in Thailand


Andrew Harding, UVic Professor of Law and Director, CAPI 25 Jan

Exploring Religion and Religious Policy in China


Liu Peng, Director, Pushi Institute for Social Science, Beijing, China 09 Feb

Global Engagement Showcase

CAPI and the Pacific Peoples’ Partnership hosted a showcase in recognition of International Development Week. Local organizations and student groups inspired awareness and participation in the global movement for social change. Sponsored by the BC Council for International Cooperation, with funding support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

09 Feb

Surfacing, Understanding and Leveraging the Hidden Strengths of Individuals with Multicultural Identities


Mary Yoko Brannen, Visiting Professor of Strategy and Management at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France 02 March

The Chinese Poster Digitization Project: Preserving Ephemera


Richard King, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies 07 March

Nation-Building in Timor-Leste: The Unfinished Contribution of Timor-Leste’s Truth Commission


Pat Walsh, consultant to the Post-CAVR Secretariat 09 March
Student Symposium

CAPI Student Symposium on the Asia-Pacific


Natasha Fox, MA Candidate, Pacific and Asian Studies, Erin Lofting, 3rd Year Undergraduate Student, Pacific and Asian Studies, Yuko Kameda, MA Candidate, Pacific and Asian Studies, Joel Legassie, PhD Candidate, History, Alicia Lawrence, MA Candidate, Pacific and Asian Studies, Randip Bakshi, MA Candidate, History in Art, Angela Wong, MA Candidate, Asia Pacific Policy Studies, Institute of Asian Research UBC, Jason Wolf, MA Candidate, Pacific and Asian Studies, Jing Qian, PhD Candidate, Law 11 March
Talk Engines of Growth and Change in the Canada-China Relationship David Mulroney, Canada's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China 17 March
Workshop Japan’s Crisis Management: Extrovert and Introvert Guoguang Wu, CAPI China Chair and professor, UVic History and UVic Political Science Departments, Go Ito, Department of Political Science, Meiji University, Japan, Robert Bedeski, UVic Political Science, Yoshi Kawasaki, Simon Fraser University 25 March

China’s Emerging Role in Global Economic Governance


Wendy Dobson, Rotman School's Institute for International Business, University of Toronto 30 March

BC China Scholars Symposium

This multi-disciplinary event explored topics such as “What Can Linguistics Offer to Chinese Language Teachers?”; “Painting a Modern Society: Westernizing Art Education in 20th Century China”; “New Electronic Resources for Research on China”; “China in the World; the World in China”; and “Roundtable: China and the West – Thinking about the Other”.

09 Apr

Law and Society in Malaysia: Pluralism, Islam and Development

edited volume

attended by 22 speakers from Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, USA, UK, and Australia

14-17 July

Modern China's Network Revolution, Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century


Zhongping Chen, UVic Department of History 15 Sept

Resources, Capabilities and the Contemporary Global Enterprise


Gary Knight, College of Business, Florida State University 07 Oct

Merging without Alienating: A Mixed Method of Cross-Border Integration


Mary-Yoko Brannen, CAPI Jarislowsky East Asia Chair and Professor at UVic's Gustavson School of Business 12 Oct
Talk Known Inhabited Worlds: Exploring "Ecumenes" as a Concept and Method for the Study of Regional and Global Processes Christopher Morgan and Jason Wolf, graduate students, UVic Department of Pacific and Asian Studies 26 Oct

Fateful Complexity: Genesis of Unplanned Interconnectedness of Pakistan's Tribal Areas to Talibanisation and Other Conflicts


Ivan G. Somlai, Director of Global Collaboration and CAPI Associate 01 Nov

Malling over Japan: Perspectives on Shopping Centre Development and Management


Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore 03 Nov


Type Title Speaker(s) Date

Research Forum

Women, Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change: Japan, Canada and Beyond

watch event videos

Presenters included: Philippe Debroux, Faculty of Business, Soka University, Japan, Christienne Hinz, Department of History, Southern Illinois University, Karen Hughes, School of Business and Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Judith Sayers, Hupacasath First Nation and UVic Faculties of Business and Law, Martha McMahon and Robin Tunnicliffe, UVic Department of Sociology, Ana Maria Peredo, UVic Faculty of Business, Aegean Leung, UVic Faculty of Business and CAPI Visiting Research Associate, Tim Craig, Doshisa University, Japan, Nicole Chaland, Simon Fraser University

15 Jan
Talk Can You Keep a Secret?: Challenges to AIDS Counselling and Treatment in Papua, Indonesia Leslie Butt, UVic Department of Pacific and Asian Studies 27 Jan

Collateral Damage? The Impact of Anti-Trafficking Measures on Human Rights in Southeast Asia


Annalee Lepp, UVic Department of Women's Studies 10 Feb
CAPI Student Symposium CAPI Student Symposium on the Asia-Pacific

Presenters included: Gabriel Botel, MA student, Political Science, Nanchu He, PhD student, Political Science, Jing Qian, LLM student, Law, Tristan Evans, MA student, Political Science, Yuumi Noto, MA student, Pacific and Asian Studies, Catherine Zangger, PhD student, Sociology, Petch Manopawitr, PhD student, Geography, Kyoko Kaneko, MA student, Linguistics, Simon Nantais, PhD student, History, Chong Su Kim, MA student, Political Science, Nicole Evans, BA student, Pacific and Asian Studies, Yunyi Shao, BCom student, Business

25 Feb

Physical Aspects of the Coastal Environment in Hiroshima Bay


Masayuki Nagao, Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan, and Visiting Researcher, UVic School of Earth and Ocean Sciences 03 March
Talk Can the Hatoyama Government Keep a Balance Between the United States and China? Go Ito, Department of Political Science, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan 10 March

"Death by a Thousand Cuts" and the Stereotype of “Chinese Cruelty” Prior to World War I


Gregory Blue, UVic Department of History 17 March

Three Decades of Chinese SEZs [Special Economic Zones]: Old Roads and New Roads

watch the keynote talk

Zeng Huaqun, International Economic Law Institute, Xiamen University, China (keynote speaker), Connie Carter, Royal Roads University, Feng Xu, UVic Department of Political Science, Zhang Qianfan, Beijing University, Andrew Harding, CAPI Director and UVic Faculty of Law

18 June


The Horse That Leaps Through Clouds: A Tale of Espionage, the Silk Road and the Rise of Modern China


Eric Enno Tamm, Journalist

15 Sept


Bridging East and West: Potentials and Challenges for Japan as a Global Environmental Leader


Anne McDonald, Founding Director United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies, Kanazawa, Japan

04 Oct


Corporate Social Responsibility, Corruption and Human Rights: Multinational Corporations in China and Southeast Asia


Robert Hanlon, Institute of Asian Research Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia Research Associate 19 Oct

Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming Issues in Malaysia


Rashidah Shuib, Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA), Universiti Sains Malaysia

21 Oct


Child Abduction and Family Law in Japan: What comes next?


Colin Jones, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan and CAPI Japan Program Visitor

26 Oct


Human Security in China’s Foreign Relations


Dai Qing, journalist and environmental activist, Robert Bedeski, UVic Political Science, Robert Hanlon, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Scott Watson, UVic Political Science, Joanna Lewis, Georgetown University, ZhongXiang Zhang and Junko Mochizuki, East-West Center, USA, Timothy Scolnick, UVic, Shelly Chan, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, David Kerr, Durham University, UK, Gaye Christofferson, Soka University, USA, Gabriel Botel, MA student, UVic Political Science, Richard King, UVic Pacific and Asian Studies, Jonathan Schwartz, State University of New York at New Paltz, Elizabeth Wishnick, Montclair State University, USA, Willy Wo-Lap Lam, Akita International University, Japan, Feng Xu, UVic Political Science

5-6 Nov

Talk (Hung lecture)

Celebrating Connections: On Being Indigenous and Human in Oceania

talk description and video

Vilsoni Hereniko, playwright, film director and professor, Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai'i 12 Nov

Legal System Reform in Japan: A Brave New World? Juries, Law Schools and Administrative Litigation


Shigenori Matsui, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Hiroshi Fukurai, Sociology and Legal Studies, University of Santa Cruz, Matthew Wilson, College of Law, University of Wyoming, Colin P.A. Jones, Law School, Doshisha University and CAPI Japan Program Visitor.

19 Nov
Talk (Burton lecture)

China's Workers Rising

talk description

Cathy Walker, former National Health and Safety Director of the Canadian Auto Workers Union

2 Dec