Nəc̓əmaat kʷəns čeʔi ʔay̓ šqʷeləqʷən | ĆȺNEUEL OL ÍY, ŚḰÁLEȻEN | Work together with a good heart and mind
Award for Decolonization and Indigenous Anti-Racism
This award supports work being done across campus to review and update curricula and pedagogical practice using decolonization and/or anti-Indigenous racism approaches. Recipients of this award have integrated these approaches in their course design and delivery, to enhance student learning. This award is aligned with the draft UVic Strategic Plan, the Equity Action Plan and the upcoming Indigenous plan, as well as the provincial Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) and Action Plan 2022-27.
The Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost administers the award in collaboration with the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI).
This award is open to:
- all faculty members as defined in the Collective Agreement
- those currently holding a regular faculty position and anticipate continuing in that position for the next academic year; and,
- have taught two or more courses at the graduate and/or undergraduate level that include decolonization and/or anti-Indigenous racism approaches.
Award criteria
Nominations will be assessed based on evidence of outstanding contributions in the following elements of decolonization and/or Indigenous anti-racism:
- Includes practices and/or teachings in course and course materials that integrate Indigenous ways of knowing, as well as recognizing and celebrating Indigenous teachings, languages, lands and protocols
- Includes practices and/or teachings in course and course materials that deconstruct and critically examine western ways of knowing and challenge systems or oppressive policies
- Improves learning experiences of students by creating the space and avenues that allow students to bring their lived experiences and that demonstrates respect, inclusion and equity for Indigenous identities
- Describe course learning outcomes that directly connect or relate to the calls of action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action (TRC) (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, 2015), DRIPA (Government of British Columbia, 2022), and Xʷkʷənəŋ istəl W̱ȻENEṈISTEL: 2023-2028 Indigenous Plan (University of Victoria, 2023) such as: developing culturally appropriate curricula that include Indigenous cultural competencies; protecting the and advancing the right to Indigenous [i] languages, including the teaching of Indigenous languages as credit courses; and including opportunities for Indigenous students to engage in courses and with course materials that reflect their own experiences, knowledges, lands and languages (Government of British Columbia, 2022)
[i] Language was adapted from Aboriginal to Indigenous to be in line with language used in UVic’s upcoming Indigenous Plan
Nomination components
Submit your nomination through the online form. Submit all the nomination components in one combined PDF.
Nominee bio
Include a summary of the nominee’s distinctive contributions, including their teaching practices and philosophy. This will be used to brief the adjudicators and for promotional purposes if the nominee is the successful candidate. (100 words maximum.)
Nomination letter
A signed written statement (500 words maximum) including:
- Teaching practices
- Teaching philosophy
- Impact of teaching on student learning specific to award criteria
One letter of support
- The letter of support must be written primarily by a faculty member and can include additional authors (students or faculty members). (500 words maximum)
- The letter of support should address nominees' effective teaching practices (e.g., student engagement, student learning, value of the courses to their overall program, effective teaching strategies, creativity in course design, teaching inspired by research, student mentoring, and innovative or effective assignments)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Must include:
- Education and other relevant experience
- Employment history
- Relevant teaching awards
- Courses taught
Additional supporting materials
You can upload up to 3 optional files, such as a teaching dossier, CES, course syllabi, additional letters of support, websites, media clips, or articles.
Supporting evidence should be referenced in the nomination letter and depending on the length of materials may not be thoroughly reviewed (e.g., books or manuscripts).
One award is presented each year. The award includes a gift and a $1,000 cash prize. All nominees will be recognized and recipients will receive their awards at the annual REACH Awards ceremony. The awards will be publicized by UVic Communications + Marketing.
Contact LTSI.Past recipients
2023 | Dr. Susanne Thiessen, Public Administration