Computer Science
Computer Science Co-op is optional for students. This program is housed within the Engineering and Computer Science Co-op Program.
Office & contacts
Our regular business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Office: ECS 204
Co-op coordinator for undergraduate students (student # ending in 0-4)
Sheryl Thompson (ECS 216)
Co-op coordinator for undergraduate students (student # ending in 5-9)
Mostafa Rahimpour (ECS 212)
Co-op coordinator for graduate students
Wendy Beairsto (ECS 226)
Career educator
Karae White (CSB 110)
Undergraduate students
Co-op is available to students majoring in computer science and students with combined majors in computer science. The program is optional and interested students must apply.
Undergraduate formats available:
- regular full-time co-op work terms
- entrepreneurial co-op
- parallel co-op (part-time)
Program facts:
- application required (not automatically enrolled)
- you must complete Introduction to Professional Practice before your first work term
- must complete 4 work terms to get co-op designation on parchment
- must complete 2 work terms to get work experience designation on transcript
What is required?
Undergraduate co-op requirements:
- completed CSC 110, MATH 100 (or MATH 109)
- at least 4.5 units on your last academic term
- a minimum grade of C+ in any computer science courses and a minimum grade of C in any mathematics or statistics courses taken in your last academic term
- no F, E or N in courses taken on your last academic term
Undergraduate work experience program requirements:
- completed or enrolled in at least 3.0 credits of 300- or 400-level CSC or SENG courses
Transfer students must complete at least one academic term at UVic.
How to join
There are two admission periods per year:
- September 1 to 22 (fall intake)
- January 1 to 22 (spring intake)
Apply for the regular Co-op Program or work experience program by logging into the co-op portal.
- use your UVic NetLink ID and password
- once logged in, select “Co-op” on the navigation menu
- follow the prompts to complete your application
Note: You will be unable to apply using the above method if:
- you've previously been or are currently in another co-op program at UVic
- you're NOT in the Faculty of Engineering
- you're trying to apply outside of the admission periods
If you are unable to apply through the portal, please contact us.
If admitted to the program, you'll need to sign a copy of the Terms & Conditions at the start of your program.
Co-op students pay a co-op tuition fee for each work term. It's free to join co-op and attend the preparation course—you'll pay your tuition fee after you secure a co-op work term.
You'll pay your fees according to the same tuition fee deadlines as regular course fees.
Fees per work term for undergraduate students:
- domestic students: $791.72
- international students: $1,612.10
Fees per work term for graduate students:
- domestic students: $776.20
- international students: $976.27
Note that the graduate co-op tuition fee is different than the graduate installment fee. If you are a grad student and register for a co-op work term, during that term, you'll pay:
- the grad co-op program fee
- the grad ancillary fees
If you register for a course (e.g. thesis 596 or 598) and a co-op work term in the same term, during that term, you'll pay:
- the grad co-op program tuition fee
- the course tuition fee
- the grad ancillary fees
Questions about co-op tuition fees? Email us or call 250-721-7032 for assistance.
Average salaries
You'll receive a salary from your employer during each co-op work term. Co-op salaries vary according to many factors, including:
- your previous work experience
- the industry you're working in
- the responsibilities of your co-op job
Here is an average monthly salary for a full-time computer science work term:
- undergraduate: $3,437.78
- graduate: $4,747.09
Work terms
Co-op work terms occur in the fall, spring or summer terms and are typically 4 months long, but can also be 8 or 12 months long.
- undergraduate co-op: 4 work terms
- undergraduate work experience: 2 work terms
The work experience program provides all the same benefits and support as the co-op program, but you'll complete 2 work terms instead of 4. The program is a great option for students who are in the late stages of their degree.
If you are already part of the computer science co-op program and you would like access to search for co-op jobs, please complete our co-op jobs access form.
Learn more about:
Sample jobs
- software developer
- security analyst
- systems administrator
- systems auditor
- data administration
- technical writer
- operations manager
- web technician
- strategic analyst
- researcher
- networks architect or engineer
- intelligence developer
- systems designer
- web developer
- programmer
Tanvir Kahlon (software engineering)
As someone who is passionate about problem solving and design, Tanvir Kahlon (he/him) knew he wanted to study at a university where he could be challenged. The international student from India was...
Alex McKay and Nick Saar (engineering)
Engineering students Alex McKay and Nick Saar designed a pre-incident plan for a navy base fire department.
Blaine Tubungbanua (mechanical engineering)
I had always entertained the idea of an international co-op, but had never considered going to Germany, or even Europe, but I saw the posting for Airbus Helicopters in Donauwörth Germany,...
Casey Woo (mechanical engineering)
As a fourth-year student in mechanical engineering, Casey Woo was excited to share his knowledge and passion for solving problems with camp participants at Engineering for Kids.
Christine Wong Chong (biomedical engineering)
When Christine Wong Chong enrolled as a biomedical engineering student at UVic, she was inspired by the prospect of working in a field that contributes to medical advancements that improve...
Cornelius Ong (mechanical engineering)
I'm Cornelius, a fourth-year mechanical engineering student at UVic, and I recently completed an 8-month co-op as an Actuator Design Intern with the Tesla Optimus team, Tesla's humanoid robot...
Ellie Walters (electrical engineering)
“Have you ever been to a ball?” No, have you?” I replied. “No, I believe it’s an Austrian tradition,” Vic, one of the...
Hailey Gascoigne (computer engineering)
Hailey Gascoigne, a fourth-year computer engineering student, recently completed an international co-op work term as a Research Intern for Smart Home Technologies at Thomas More University College...
Kirsten Krajnc (civil engineering)
Civil engineering co-op Kristen Krajn learned how to collect historical weather data while working with Indigenous Services Canada.
Liam Shatzel (computer science)
When Liam Shatzel (he/him) was choosing a university, he zeroed in on UVic's co-op program in computer science. The chance to put his skills into action during his degree was a deciding factor, and...
Mahsa Torabi (civil engineering)
My name is Mahsa Torabi and I'm from Iran. I'm a third-year civil engineering co-op student who recently completed a co-op work term as a visiting researcher at the Carbon Leadership Forum in...
Mariana Latta Suazo (mechanical engineering)
My name is Mariana and I grew up in Kitchener, Ontario and am now in my 4th year of Mechanical engineering at UVic. I picked engineering because of my love for math and science, and my desire to...
Matt Lebl (software engineering)
I’m Matt, and I’m a fourth-year student of software engineering at UVic. I decided to take software engineering because I discovered that I love programming, and I’d...
Matt Wilkinson (electrical engineering)
Matthew Wilkinson, a fourth-year electrical engineering student, completed his co-op work term as a manufacturing controls intern at Tesla. Operating at the lithium refinery outside of Corpus...
Robin Brooks (civil engineering)
My name is Robin Brooks, and I grew up on the lands of the Ts'uubaa-asatx peoples (commonly known as Lake Cowichan, BC). I am entering my fourth year of Civil Engineering at the University...
Yichun Zhao (computer science)
For UVic student Yichun Zhao, helping develop a computer system that ensured people entering BC from outside the country were managing self-isolation was a “wild ride.”
Graduate students
As a graduate student, you can take part in the optional co-op or work experience program.
Program facts
- master's students: complete 2 work terms (8 months of work) to receive a co-op designation, or 1 work term to receive a "work experience" endorsement on your degree
- doctoral students: complete 3 work terms (12 months of work) to receive a co-op designation, or 1 work term to receive a "work experience" endorsement on your degree
- work terms do not have to be continuous—you can work for different employers on different work terms
Application requirements
- you must have your grad supervisor's permission to participate in the co-op program and each specific work term
- you must complete your first co-op work term before the academic term in which you complete your academic requirements (defend your thesis or equivalent)
- you must complete regular work term requirements (including Introduction to Professional Practice, competency assessments and a work term report)
How to apply
To apply, complete and submit the graduate co-op application form.
Due dates each term
- January 22 for spring intake
- September 21 for fall intake
International students should apply at least 2 semesters before the intended work term to ensure that there is enough time to receive a co-op work permit. For example:
- summer work term: submit your intake form and attend the Introduction to Professional Practice workshop in the fall of the previous year
- fall work term: submit your intake form and attend the spring intake workshop in the same year
Get support
We're here to support you with every step in your co-op journey, from applying to co-op to making sure you're supported at work. Contact your co-op coordinator or office for assistance.
If you identify as having a disability or a mental health condition, if you belong to an equity group, or if you identify as Indigenous, we have additional supports for your co-op experience.
Co-op Student of the Year
Are you an excellent ambassador for the Engineering and Computer Science Co-op and Career Program and the Faculty of Engineering? If you’ve contributed to your co-op employer, UVic, ENGR Co-op and Career and the community, you could be the next co-op student of the year.
Winners receive:
- $500
- a framed certificate
- recognition on the co-op website
As a winning student, you may get to represent UVic provincially for the Association for Co-operative Education in BC/Yukon award and nationally for the Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) award.
The runner-up receives $250.
This award is by nomination only by your co-op coordinator.