Health & wellness
We know that work, including co-op work terms, can have an impact on your health and wellness. It can be challenging to balance work and daily life. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to us. We’re here to help.
In addition to wellness supports through Student Wellness, you can access SupportConnect 24/7 online or by phone. SupportConnect is free, confidential mental health support services for UVic students.
There are also campus support and external self-help resources to support employee mental health.
UVic also provides supports and resources on overdose prevention and harm reduction, including naloxone availability and training.
Safety & comfort at work
You have a right to a workplace free from harassment and discrimination of all kinds. Under the Canadian Human Rights Act, you cannot be discriminated against or harassed on the grounds of:
- race
- national or ethnic origin
- colour
- religion
- age
- sex
- sexual orientation
- marital status
- family status
- disability
Contact us if you’re experiencing discrimination or harassment. We’ll help you figure out next steps. You can also access resources through WorkSafeBC.
Cultural differences at work
It’s important to remember that there is no one correct way of doing things in the workplace. Each of us brings our cultural backgrounds and lived experiences with us to work, and you may encounter differences in communication styles or etiquette.
By recognizing that there are many different styles of communicating and approaching problems, you can work well with colleagues of diverse backgrounds.
You can also access resources on cultural intelligence to help you navigate these differences in the workplace.
Sexualized violence
Sexualized violence is a threatened act or behaviour carried out through sexual means or by targeting a person’s sex, sexual or gender identity or gender expression. This act or behaviour is:
- non-consensual
- unwanted
- actual
- attempted
It may or may not involve physical contact and can include:
- intimidation
- verbal pressure
- sexual suggestiveness
- sexual jokes
- threats
You have a right to a safe, supportive and comfortable workplace free from sexualized violence. If you experience or witness sexualized violence of any kind, you can connect confidentially with staff at UVic’s Sexualized Violence Resource Office or email us.
We can support you in every step, including making a disclosure or a formal report.