Biology co-op program - learn on the job

Emily Campbell with an injured owl
Biology co-op student Emily Campbell worked at the Hope for Wildlife Society in Seaforth, Nova Scotia, where she fed and cared for injured and orphaned wildlife.

Biology is the study of life

Co-op brings your studies to life. As a co-op student, you’ll alternate your academic terms with co-op terms working for real biology employers. You’ll gain relevant, paid work experience, build competencies and hop on the fast track to career success. You could work for co-op employers in:

  • marine biology
  • fisheries and forestry
  • resource management
  • pest management
  • environmental monitoring
  • ecology
  • wildlife assessment and tracking
  • botany
  • genetics and microbiology
  • medical research

Learn more about the biology co-op program.


Alicia Rippington, Co-op Coordinator: 250-721-7713, Office: Bob Wright A241

Jessica Abriel, Co-op Assistant: 250-472-4800 
Kandie Husband, Co-op Assistant: 250-721-6122Office: Bob Wright A243

Student stories

Wondering what it's like to be a biology co-op student? Check out our student stories!