Biology co-op program - learn on the job

Biology is the study of life
Co-op brings your studies to life. As a co-op student, you’ll alternate your academic terms with co-op terms working for real biology employers. You’ll gain relevant, paid work experience, build competencies and hop on the fast track to career success. You could work for co-op employers in:
- marine biology
- fisheries and forestry
- resource management
- pest management
- environmental monitoring
- ecology
- wildlife assessment and tracking
- botany
- genetics and microbiology
- medical research
Learn more about the biology co-op program.
Discover co-op
Develop your career
- Attend career development workshops
- Explore résumé, cover letter and interview resources
- Meet with a career educator
Alicia Rippington, Co-op Coordinator: 250-721-7713,
Office: Bob Wright A241
Jessica Abriel, Co-op Assistant: 250-472-4800,
Kandie Husband, Co-op Assistant: 250-721-6122,
Office: Bob Wright A243
Student stories
Wondering what it's like to be a biology co-op student? Check out our student stories!