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Post-doc appointment process

The following is a summary of the appointment process in 6 steps. Supervisors and departments must also review the university policy HR6310 post-doctoral fellows policy and appointment procedures.

The purpose of the policy is to:

  • define the eligibility requirements for a PDF appointment at the university
  • establish the responsibilities of the faculty member as the supervisor and/or employer of a PDF
  • establish the responsibilities of the PDF
  • outline the support provided by the university

Note: although PDF supervisors are responsible for the appointment process, they may receive help from their unit’s administrative officer, who is updated on all PDF appointments.

Step 1: Space & facilities form

PDF supervisor: complete and obtain necessary approvals on the confirmation of space and facilities form. Signatories include faculty member/PDF supervisor, chair or director and dean of faculty.

Step 2: Letter of offer

PDF supervisor: once the space and facilities form is signed, prepare the letter of offer using the appropriate template below based upon the employee funding (grant or external) and eligibility to work in Canada (Canadian or international).

  • customize the letter as necessary being as explicit as possible, clarifying the terms of the offer
  • sign the letter and send to the PDF for PDF’s signature
  • a copy of the letter should be retained and sent to payroll with the recommendation for appointment form

Letter of offer templates: domestic post-doctoral fellows

Offer Letter for Domestic Post-doctoral Fellows – Award Recipients: A PDF who has secured funding from a Funding Agency which is external to the university and who is paid mainly from such funding. An Award Recipient PDF is not a university employee. They are members of the university community who work independently under the mentorship of one or more supervising Faculty Members at UVic.

Offer Letter for Domestic Post-doctoral Fellows – Internal:A PDF whose salary is paid from funds held by a university Faculty Member or from the university’s financial resources, or a combination of the two. An Internal PDF is supervised by one or more Faculty Members, is an employee of the university, and holds an appointment as a PDF at the university.

Questions? Contact the Post-doc administrator.

International post-doctoral fellows

For international post-docs, please use the letter of offer templates on the immigration webpage and contact Lori Shaw with the completed template before signing the letter of offer.

Step 3: Recommendation for appointment form

PDF supervisor: Use your offer letter information to complete the Post Doctorate Fellow appointment form to setup your PDF’s pay and access. This form is submitted online and is used for both Internal and Award Recipient postdocs.

For Postdoctoral Fellows with their own funding who will not be receiving payment through UVic, complete the Post Doctorate Fellow appointment form. Indicate that the PDF will be paid by Grant or Fellowship, and set the amount to $0.

Contact the payroll office or at 250-721-7034 if you need assistance with appointment forms.

Step 4: Benefits

PDFs who are eligible for enrolment in the Enhanced Health and Dental Plan for Postdocs should contact the Postdoc Administrator for more information once their appointment process is complete.

Step 5: Tri-Agency award activation instructions

Note: for appointing externally funded CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC postdoctoral award holders only.

New Tri-Agency funded PDF award holders are paid through their Canadian host institution (UVic). Follow these instructions to set up a Tri-Agency funded Post-doctoral Fellowship (PDF) award.

Notice of Award and Installment Form

Your supervisor should already have submitted a Research Application Summary Form (RASF) before your fellowship application was submitted to the funding agency.

When you hear that your application was successful, email the following information:

  1. The 'Request for First Instalment or Reinstatement of Award Paid by Canadian Institution' form (provided by the granting agency).
    • Indicate your start date of fellowship.
    • Form to be signed by the PDF. 
    • The PDF is responsible for submitting completed and signed copy (with ORS Award Administrator’s signature) to granting agency 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the fellowship. 
    • If the actual start date is different from the date you indicated on your application, or on your notice of award, please contact your agency (Agency Program contacts found in the Tri-Agency award holder's guide).
  2. Notice of Award
  3. Supervisor’s name (i.e., faculty member supervising the PDF)

Scholarships-monthly scheduled payments form

  1. PDF Supervisor/host department/school/centre staff: complete the Scholarships-monthly scheduled payments form
    • The faculty member will be the Account Holder for the award funding. The faculty member will receive an email through RAIS confirming the account is open and the account number. Please contact Research Finances () if you require account information.
    • Your payment start date should match your Notice of Award start date.
    • The monthly payment amount should be the annual award amount divided by 12 months.
  2. Email the completed Scholarships-monthly scheduled payments form to

If you have questions, email .

The stipend for fellowship earnings (scholarships-monthly scheduled payments) is not subject to Canadian Pension Plan and Employment Insurance (EI) deductions. The fellowship earnings are considered income for Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) purposes but the university does not deduct income tax from each semi-monthly payment. At the end of the tax year, the university will issue a T4A slip to the Postdoctoral Fellowship Holder.

Step 6: PDF supervisor & department responsibilities

Mail or submit the following to the payroll office using the payroll sign and submit forms page:

  • a copy of the signed letter of offer
  • the original signed appointment form(s)

Go to the Financial Services site for more information about remotely submitting payroll documents.

Mail or email ORS:

  • a copy of the signed space and facilities form
  • a copy of the signed letter of offer
  • a copy of the signed appointment form(s)

Please see the electronic document submission section for more information about remotely submitting these documents to ORS. 

Hiring department/research centre must retain the following records:

  • original of the signed space and facilities form
  • original of the signed letter of offer
  • copy of the signed appointment form(s)

PDF supervisor responsibilities

  • obtain documented proof of the PDF's completion of a PhD within the 4-year period immediately prior to the start of the appointment
  • once the letter of offer is signed, ensure the PDF has:

Relocation Assistance Procedures

If your letter of offer includes an offer to reimburse for the cost or portion of your relocation as per university policy HR6310 post-doctoral fellows policy and appointment procedures (page 7, Section 10.00), please review the information on Relocation Assistance from Fiancial Services.

Submit the relocation assistance form and a copy of the letter of offer to Micah Brush – Post-doc Administrator.

An external research account must be used for this expense as per Policy HR6310.

Electronic document submission

ORS is accepting emailed/scanned documents with electronic signatures and/or signatures authorized by email.

Signatories may use any of the following options to approve post-doctoral fellow documents:

  • affix your electronic signature using Adobe Acrobat (fill and sign, or other method)
  • print the document’s signature page, sign at the designated signature space and email a scanned copy of the signature page
  • email their approval from their authorized UVic email address

Note: please send the saved/scanned documents with either a signatory’s electronic signature or email the response. Original forms with signatures should be retained by the unit/supervisor.