Internal grants
UVic offers a variety of internal funding opportunities to support research activities and professional development.
Book & creative works subvention fund
This program is currently unavailable, as we are revising several of our internal funding opportunities. New information will be posted on this webpage.Emergency equipment repair fund
Limited funds from OVPRI for small–medium cost equipment in urgent need of repair/replacement.
Research/creative project grant
This grant provides seed funding to help you prepare for larger external grants in the fields of social sciences, humanities and creative works. Funds for these grants come from VPRI and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Institutional Grant. RCPGs awarded for SSHRC-eligible research are individually knows as SSHRC Explore Grants.
Application deadline: 11:45 pm PST March 3, 2025.
Matching funds for major projects
Seed funds from OVPRI to help secure major external grant funding.
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in Equity
UVic has been invited by the Canada Research Chairs program (CRCP) to submit a nomination to the Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in Equity. Institutions are limited to one application per year for this scheme, the Office of the VP Research and Innovation are coordinating an internal process to select one candidate or team to move forward to the submission stage.
Research grant in lieu of salary
Under Revenue Canada Guidelines, certain expenses pertaining to research that are paid out of a faculty member's salary have tax-free status.
The Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGLS) program allows faculty members to divert a portion of their salary to cover research-related expenses. This is particularly helpful during sabbatical years, but the RGLS program can be used any time.
- May 1 for a start date of July 1
- July 1 for a start date of September 1
- November 1 for a start date of January 1
- March 1 for a start date of May 1
- RH8025 policy and associated procedures
- application form
- income tax act: Scholarships, research grants and other education assistance
Contact research grants if you have any questions or need help with any of the above.
Travel grants (discontinued)
The VPRI Travel Grant program has been discontinued.
- The final deadline for any new applications was May 31, 2024.
- Travel for applications submitted after April 30, 2024 must have commenced before August 31, 2024.
- All travel expense claims must be submitted via Chrome River before December 31, 2024.
- All other guidelines and application processes will remain unchanged.
When submitting the Chrome River expense claim, under the expense allocation, choose “ORS TRAVEL GRANT,” which will send the claim to Research Finance for processing.
Please only allocate up to the amount of the travel grant awarded. If there are additional expenses over and above the approved travel grant, please allocate those charges to another account.
Please note that travel expense claims submitted after December 31, 2024, will not be processed. Travel grant inquiries can be directed to Research Finance (
Frequently Asked Questions
All pending travel grant applications (those submitted to ORS before April 30, 2024), will be reviewed, and processed according to existing procedures and criteria. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications as they are processed.
All expense claims must be submitted by December 31, 2024. Travel expenses claims must be submitted in accordance with university policy.
No. We encourage individuals to explore other internal and external funding sources available through faculties, departments, human resources and external organizations.
Administrative inquiries that are not answered by the FAQ can be directed to research finance using the existing ticketing system.
Any other questions or concerns should be directed to Fraser Hof, AVP Research.