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Forms & policies

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  • Admission requirements

    Policy false

    The graduate academic calendar is the official source for university admission policies.

  • alternative media consultation form

    Form false

    Submit this form to and copy well in advance of the completion of your degree if you plan to include alternative media as part of your thesis or dissertation. Your request will be reviewed to confirm that the media type is publishable. You may be contacted if additional information is required.

  • Appeals

    Policy false

    Information for students seeking academic or Senate appeals.

  • Arranging an oral examination

    Policy oral exams

    Guidelines for preparing for and arranging oral exams.

  • Auditing a course

    Policy course audit

    If you want to audit a graduate course at UVic, you must be a graduate student or hold a bachelor's degree.

  • Auxiliary grade sheet

    Form instructors, faculty

    Use this form to submit grades for registered students for whom grades cannot be submitted via FAST.

  • Canadian Graduate Student Research Mobility Agreement (CGSRMA) Visiting Research Student

    Form false

    Students registered at another university who come to UVic to do research under the supervision of a UVic faculty member are visiting research students. This written agreement is completed by the visiting research students, their home supervisors, and their UVic supervisors. Students outside of the CCGSMRA agreement should arrange for their institution to contact the Graduate Studies office for more information.

  • Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement

    Form CUGTA

    This agreement is to provide students in good standing enrolled in a graduate degree or diploma program at a Canadian Association for Graduate Studies member university the opportunity to take courses offered at another member institution for transfer credit to the program at their institution. A Graduate program update form must also be submitted to establish which of your program requirements the transfer course(s) will meet.

  • Checklist for completing master's and PhD degree requirements

    Policy degree completion

    A general guide to assist Master's and PhD students.

  • Continuity of registration

    Policy continunity, registration, withdrawal, termination, leave of absence

    To remain active in your graduate program, you must register for credit every term.

  • Course Retention Request for Returning or Transferring Students

    Form garo

    Graduate Students who have withdrawn from a UVic program and would now like to return to the same program, or who are requesting to transfer from one UVic program to another, are required to submit the Course Retention Form for Returning or Transferring Students. The form should be completed by the student in conjunction with their supervisor or graduate advisor, and submitted to the Graduate Admissions and Records office.

  • Curriculum advising and program planning - CAPP report

    Policy CAPP, program planning

    CAPP reports provide a summary of academic requirements for a student’s declared program.

  • Degree completion and graduation

    Policy graduation, completion, convocation

    Each candidate for a degree, diploma or certificate must complete a formal application for graduation.

  • Degree completion letter

    Form graduation

    Graduate students who have met all requirements of their program may request a degree completion letter online through UVic's Online tools, in person at the Graduate Admissions and Records office, or by phoning 250-472-4657.

  • Doctoral program requirements

    Policy phd, doctoral, degree requirements

    The graduate academic calendar contains information on minimum degree requirements, oral exams and dissertations for doctoral degrees.

  • Electronic theses and dissertations

    Policy UVicspace, library, thesis, dissertation

    Search and download theses and dissertations from past UVic masters and doctoral candidates on UVicSpace.

  • Enrolment verification letter

    Form enrolment letter

    Verification of Enrolment letters are available for current graduate students through Online tools, under Student Services -- Online request forms -- Verification of enrolment.

  • External Examiner Nomination Form and Guidelines

    Form fgs

    Supervisor(s) may obtain pre-approval of the external examiner from the Dean of Graduate Studies by submitting the External Examiner Nomination Form well in advance of the request for oral examination form.

  • Fees

    Policy tuition, fees, program fees, fee deadline

    Find information about tuition and other fees in the graduate academic calendar.

  • Funding

    Policy funding, scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, ta

    Find information on UVic fellowships, teaching or research assistantships and awards.

  • Grade change

    Form faculty,supervisor,garo

    Submit this form to complete a grade change for your graduate students.

  • Grade Extension (INC) Form

    Form faculty,supervisors,garo

    Submit this request for extension of the grade submission deadline in support of your graduate students.

  • Graduate Academic Concession Form

    Form concession

    Formerly the "Leave of Absence with Permission" form. Graduate students wanting to take leave from their studies, or whose academic performance has been affected by injury, personal/family affliction or illness can submit this form to request a Leave of Absence with Permission (Medical, Parental, Compassionate); a Personal Leave (retroactive); to Withdraw Under Extenuating Circumstances (for courses); or a Course Drop after the Academic Drop Deadline.

  • Graduate course registration form

    Form garo

    Use this form to register if you cannot do so through MyPage: late registration, undergraduate courses, courses outside your home department, audit or for no credit, or section change after the registration deadline. To drop courses after the Academic Drop Deadline has passed, submit a Graduate Academic Concession form.

  • Graduate program update

    Form students, garo

    Use the program update form to adjust the requirements of a regular graduate program, to request transfer credit, or to indicate that a program requirement has been met.

  • Graduate Supervision Policy

    Policy fgs

    Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Supervision Policy

  • Graduate Visiting Research Agreement

    Form false

    Submit this form if you are enrolled in a graduate program of study at an accredited or recognized university and wish to engage in research activity at UVic

  • Graduation and convocation

    Policy graduation, convocation, ceremony

    Graduation is the awarding of your credential (degree, diploma or certificate) by the UVic Senate. You must apply to graduate in order to be awarded your credential and receive your diploma.

  • Granting agencies and granting awards

    Policy external scholarships, external funds, external grants

    Learn more about external funding opportunities coordinated through the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

  • Guide to intellectual property for grads and postdocs

    Policy intellectual property, copyright

    Prepared by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies

  • Guidelines for the Appointment of External Examiners for UVic Doctoral Candidates

    Policy nomination, external, examiner, arms, arm's, length, guidelines, oral, defence, doctoral, examination

    The qualifications of an external examiner are critical, as is their ability to provide an expert evaluation of the merits of a student’s work that is as free as possible of any bias, including the appearance of bias, which may be seen to predispose any particular outcome.

  • Guidelines for the arm's length doctoral external examiner

    Policy fgs

    Your role as an Arm’s Length Examiner for a PhD candidate.

  • Guidelines for the arm's length master's external examiner

    Policy fgs

    Your role as an Arm’s Length Examiner for a Master’s student.

  • Guidelines for the chair - NON-THESIS

    Policy fgs

    Guidelines for Chairs of Oral Examinations Master’s Non-thesis

  • Guidelines for the chair - THESIS

    Policy fgs

    Guidelines for Chairs of Oral Examinations PhD and Master’s-with-Thesis

  • Guiding Principles for Graduate Student Supervision by Canadian Association for Graduate Studies

    Form false

    Consider using this agreement, or another one that you and your student(s) create together, if you believe the mentoring relationship will be strengthened by formalizing a mutual agreement of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This worksheet may be modified to meet the specific needs of your unit.

  • If a committee member is absent

    Policy fgs, proxy, absent, oral, what to do if, exam, examination, defence

    Supervisory committee member absence at oral examinations

  • INTD/SPARR program change

    Form garo

    Individual interdisciplinary (INTD) or Special arrangement (SPARR) graduate program students should complete this form if you need a program change.

  • Interdisciplinary programs

    Policy intd, interdisciplinary, admissions, garo

    Combine more than one field of study in an individual interdisciplinary (INTD) degree. Choose from an existing INTD program or design you own.

  • Interdisciplinary Studies Student Evaluation Form

    Form fgs, evaluation, progress

    Individual interdisciplinary (INTD) graduate program students should complete this form and email it to your co-supervisors. Your supervisor will review this form with you and send a copy to the INTD graduate adviser. Reports are due August 31 each year.

  • International admissions requirements

    Policy application

    Additional admissions information for international applicants.

  • Language proficiency

    Policy english language, proficiency, toefl, ielts, melab

    You must provide proof that you are proficient in the English language to attend UVic.

  • Leaves of absence

    Policy leaves of absence, withdrawal

    Information on leaves of absence with permission and withdrawal from graduate programs.

  • Letter of permission

    Form garo

    Visiting students from other institutions are admitted on the basis of a letter of permission. UVic graduate students wishing to take courses elsewhere: submit a letter of permission form to the Graduate Admissions and Records office, which will be sent to the host institution upon approval. UVic graduate students will be responsible for obtaining admission at the host institution. A graduate program update form must also be submitted to establish which of your program requirements the transfer course(s) will meet.

  • Library policies

    Policy library, study space

    Information on using UVic libraries, including food and drink, booking study spaces and lockers, and conduct guidelines.

  • Master's program requirements

    Policy degree requirements, masters

    The graduate academic calendar contains information on minimum degree requirements, oral exams and theses for masters degrees.

  • Membership recommendation

    Form fgs

    Membership in the faculty is required in order to supervise graduate students, serve on graduate student supervisory committees, and teach graduate courses. Use this form to nominate candidates for membership in your academic unit, and submit along with a current CV to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

  • New certificate or diploma program proposal guidelines

    Policy fgs

    Faculty of Graduate Studies New Certificate or Diploma Program Proposal Guidelines

  • New degree approval process

    Policy fgs

    New Graduate Degree Approval Process

  • New degree proposal guidelines

    Policy fgs

    Faculty of Graduate Studies New Degree Program Proposal Guidelines

  • New graduate certificate or diploma approval process

    Policy fgs

    Faculty of Graduate Studies new graduate certificate or diploma approval process

  • Non-thesis oral examination checklist

    Form false

    Once the non-thesis examination date is chosen, the first page of the attached checklist is completed by the department. After the oral examination is complete, page 2 of the checklist is completed and the entire form is submitted to the Graduate Admissions and Records Office within 5 working days of the examination.

  • Oral exam guidelines

    Policy oral exams, phd, masters, doctoral

    Important information to prepare for your oral examination.

  • Personal Information Change

    Form false

    Your name is an important part of your identity at UVic, as it will appear officially on your transcripts and on your diploma. It is important to verify that the name we have on file is correct for these official documents.

  • Pro forma proposal (directed studies)

    Form false

    A pro forma registration form is required to assign a course number for specialized courses not shown in the calendar.

  • Proxy

    Form false

    If you want any other person to have access to your student records held by Graduate Admissions and Records in the Office of the Registrar and/or if you want any other person to be able to conduct student-related business with those units on your behalf you must complete this through Online tools.

  • Re-registration

    Form garo

    If you were previously registered as a graduate student, you will need to apply for re-registration to: Reinstatement to a program after violation of a Faculty of Graduate Studies policy; Continuation of an approved program after an extended absence; Transfer to a different degree program without completing a current program; or Continuation of non-degree registration.

  • Request for candidacy extension

    Form fgs

    As a doctoral student you must pass a candidacy examination within three years of the first registration and at least six months before your final oral examination. If you are not ready for the candidacy examination because of exceptional and extenuating circumstances, complete this form and forward to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Review the calendar regulations regarding the implications on your program time limit before extensions are requested.

  • Request for final oral examination (ROE) - Doctoral

    Form fgs

    You and your committee decide on a date for your oral examination far enough in advance to allow time to submit the request for oral examination (ROE) form to the dean's office a minimum of 20 working days (for master's) or a minimum of 30 working days (for PhD) prior to the examination. Your ROE must be completed and signed by each member of your supervisory committee. Committee members who are away may fax a signature or send an email stating they agree the thesis/dissertation is examinable and are available for the specified date and time. The ROE must include the name, address, telephone number and email address for the proposed external examiner. Once this form has been completed and submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, no changes are to be made to the thesis or dissertation prior to the oral defense. This form, once completed, is to be submitted it to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  • Request for final oral examination (ROE) - Master's

    Form fgs

    You and your committee decide on a date for your oral examination far enough in advance to allow time to submit the request for oral examination (ROE) form to the dean's office a minimum of 20 working days (for master's) or a minimum of 30 working days (for PhD) prior to the examination. Your ROE must be completed and signed by each member of your supervisory committee. Committee members who are away may fax a signature or send an email stating they agree the thesis/dissertation is examinable and are available for the specified date and time. The ROE must include the name, address, telephone number and email address for the proposed external examiner. Once this form has been completed and submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, no changes are to be made to the thesis or dissertation prior to the oral defense. This form, once completed, is to be submitted it to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  • Request for program extension

    Form false

    A master's student is required to complete all program requirements for the degree within five years (60 consecutive months) from first registration. A doctoral degree is required to complete all program requirements within seven years (84 consecutive months) . You must complete this form after reviewing the FGS Calendar regulations regarding the implications on your program time limit before requesting any extensions.

  • Request to form a Co-Equal Supervisory Committee

    Form false

    Submit this form for approval to establish a co-equal supervisory committee. A preliminary consultation with an FGS Associate Dean is recommended in advance of submission.

  • SPARR program

    Form false

    It is possible to have a unique proposal approved by special arrangement (SPARR) to pursue research in an area that is not formally approved as a graduate degree program by the University of Victoria Senate. To pursue this option complete the SPARR program form and refer to the SPARR program worksheet for further information and deadlines.

  • Study permit information letter

    Form garo

    Current and prospective international graduate students may request a study permit information letter online through UVic's Online tools, in person at the Graduate Admissions and Records Office or by phone at 250-472-4657. Students can order this letter online by signing into Online Tools and selecting the student services tab > Online Request Forms > GR Study Permit Information Letter

  • Thesis completion plan

    Form fgs

    A checklist to help you plan out the major steps in completing your thesis.

  • Thesis format checklist and sample pages

    Policy false

    Thesis and dissertation format requirements for final submission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies via UVicSpace

  • Thesis/dissertation approval

    Form fgs

    All members of your examining committee must sign this form certifying that they have examined your thesis/dissertation and approve it as satisfying the requirement for your noted degree from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

  • UVic editorial style guide

    Policy style guide, publications, communications, marketing, web, print

    The UVic Editorial Style Guide applies to all general, promotional and marketing communications materials, official correspondence, and reports and submissions to university governing bodies. It is not intended to apply to teaching, scholarly or research texts.

  • Western Dean's Agreement application form

    Form WDA

    The Western Dean's Agreement grants graduate students of member universities to take courses at another member institution which are not available at their home institution for credit in their graduate programs. A Graduate program update form must also be submitted to establish which of your program requirements the transfer course(s) will meet.

  • Withholding form

    Form fgs

    Some students will have publishers interested in publishing their work, or have sensitive patent information in their thesis or dissertation, or even have a signed contract to write a book. This form, once completed and signed, and if approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, will withhold the student's work from the UVicSpace online collection for a period of up to 12 months.