Special admissions information
Auditing graduate courses
If you want to audit a graduate course at UVic, you must be a graduate student or hold a bachelor's degree.
Submit an application through our online application system, specifying your intent to audit. If your application is successful, you’ll need to submit official transcripts.
You'll also need to demonstrate your English language proficiency.
Audited courses will not appear on your official transcript and will not be considered for admission, prerequisite or course requirements.
Non-degree coursework
You can take graduate courses for credit without working towards a degree at UVic. Non-degree coursework is a great way to improve your GPA or learn new skills. You must apply and meet the same entrance requirements as degree-seeking applicants.
Before you apply, you should determine which courses you want to take as a non-degree student. List the department code and course number for these classes on your application (for example, ANTH 500). You can view a full list of graduate courses on our academic calendar.
Fees for courses taken by non-degree students are charged differently than fees for courses taken by degree-seeking students. Any fees paid as a non-degree student cannot be applied to a graduate degree later.
Specialized degree programs
Our specialized degree programs offer more flexible options, letting you build a degree that is right for you. These programs have specific requirements for admission.Transfer credit
We may accept course credits from other recognized post-secondary institutions, or from UVic, to include towards a graduate program.
Transfer credits may account for no more than half of the graduate program's coursework to earn a graduate credential at UVic.
To transfer course credits
Before taking the course:
- you must be a registered graduate student at UVic
- ensure your courses meet all of the transfer of academic credit conditions in the graduate academic calendar
- send a Western Dean's Agreement or Letter of Permission to the Graduate Admissions & Records Office (GARO)
After taking the course:
- send a Program Update form to GARO
- send an official transcript from the host institution displaying the final course grade to:
Graduate Admissions & Records
University of Victoria
PO Box 3025 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 3P2
Note: Transferrable course titles and grades will not appear on the UVic transcript. Grades for transferred courses will not be used to determine sessional or cumulative GPAs.
Visiting students
Visiting students can experience UVic while still registered at their home institution. We welcome graduate students from other universities for both study and research.
Need help?
If you have a general question about applying to or studying at UVic, contact one of our UVic student recruiters.
If you have a specific question about your program or application to UVic, contact your program's graduate secretary.