Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees and Other Forms of Recognition

The Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees and Other Forms of Recognition considers and recommends to Senate candidates for honorary degrees and advises Senate on the criteria and qualifications for candidates.

Meeting dates and deadlines for 2024/25:

Deadline for Agenda Items Meeting Date
  September 4, 2024
September 13, 2024 October 4, 2024
November 29, 2024 December 16, 2024
March 14, 2025 March 26, 2025

Click here for the Committee's Terms of Reference

Annual Reports

Membership and Composition effective July 1, 2024

  Name                                Faculty or Department       Composition

Marion Buller (Chair) Chancellor Chancellor, Chair
(ex-officio, voting)
(term ends June 30, 2027)
  6 members, at least 2 of whom must be members of Senate*, who are either faculty members, a professional librarian or a continuing sessional instructor
Denise Cloutier
(term ends June 30, 2026)
Social Sciences
Jonathan Bengtson *
(term ends June 30, 2025)
University Librarian
Elena Pnevmonidou
(term ends June 30, 2025)
Sara Humphreys *
(term ends June 30, 2026)
Andrew Weaver *
(term ends June 30, 2027)
(term ends June 30, 2025)
Student Senator 1 student member of Senate
Saeed Rezvani
(term ends June 30, 2027)
1 Alumni Association representative
Kevin Hall President and Vice-Chancellor President or nominee
(ex-officio, voting)
Ian Case Director, Ceremonies and Special Events
(ex-officio, non-voting)
Ada Saab Associate University Secretary Secretary