
Offices are located in the Bob Wright Centre.

Assistant Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Isotope geochemistry; seawater chemistry; carbonate diagenesis; long-term carbon cycle; geobiology
Office: BWC A421
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Experimental and igneous petrology; mantle and crustal evolution; geothermobarometry; deep earth geochemical cycles
Office: BWC A423
Earth and Ocean Sciences
The role of the oceanic lithosphere in the Earth system; controls on ocean chemistry; the long-term carbon cycle; hydrothermal fluxes; petrology/geochemistry
Office: BWC A413
Director & Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Chemical oceanography; marine biogeochemistry of trace metals; bio-inorganic chemistry; palaeoceanography and global change; stable isotope geochemistry; development of novel techniques for trace metals
Office: BWC A415
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Ocean acoustics and geoacoustics; marine-mammal acoustics; earthquake seismology; geophysical inverse theory
Office: BWC A331
Professor & Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Earth and Ocean Sciences & Biology
Biological and fisheries oceanography; zooplankton ecology; effects of biophysical coupling on the structure and productivity of pelagic marine ecosystems
Office: BWC A327
Assistant Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Earth history; sedimentology and stratigraphy; isotope geochemistry of carbonates; sea level change
Office: BWC A419
Assistant Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Micropalaeontology; palaeoceanography; palaeobiology; Earth history; macroevolution; sedimentation; stratigraphy
Office: BWC A431
Associate Professor & Climate Science Advisor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
An Earth System view on atmospheres: evolution of Earth’s atmospheric composition; climate physics (deep palaeoclimate, dynamical climatology, radiative transfer, climate modelling); terrestrial planet evolution (solar system and exoplanets)
Office: BWC A323
Professor & Graduate Advisor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Chemical oceanography; dissolved gases; ocean carbon cycle and sequestration; air-sea interaction and water mass formation; marine productivity rates; denitrification; BGC-Argo floats; mass spectrometric gas measurements
Office: BWC A417
Associate Professor & Undergraduate Advisor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Earth history; stratigraphy; sedimentary carbonates; stable isotope geochemistry; U-Pb geochronology
Office: BWC A425
Assistant Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology; orogenic processes; landscape evolution modelling
On leave
Office: BWC A427
Professor & Ocean Science Mentor
Earth and Ocean Sciences & Physics
Physical oceanography: waves, turbulence, fronts, eddies; processes that dissipate energy from the mean ocean circulation and mediate the mixing of momentum, heat, salt, and passive tracers
Office: BWC A313
Assistant Professor & Honours Advisor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Current tectonics, especially of western North America; seismic and tsunami hazard assessment
Office: BWC A315
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Theoretical climate dynamics; boundary-layer meteorology; stochastic processes in ocean/atmosphere science; modelling biogeochemical dynamics; climate statistics
Office: BWC A311
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Earthquakes; active tectonics; imaging geodesy; earthquake seismology; tectonic geomorphology
Office: BWC A329
Professor & Associate Dean, Academic Advising
Earth and Ocean Sciences & Biology
Biological oceanography; biogeochemical cycles; phytoplankton physiology and ecology; variations in marine primary productivity and export production; phytoplankton utilization of nitrogen, silicon, and carbon; silicon isotopic fractionation by diatoms
Office: BWC A333
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Climate change policy, research, solutions, and communications; formerly focused on the role of the oceans in climate change/variability; ocean/climate modelling; palaeoclimate; physical oceanography; geophysical fluid dynamics
On leave
Office: BWC A309