Graduate students

Nour Abdel Hadi

MSc Student (Yan Jiang & Lucinda Leonard)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Assessing geomechanical risks in CCUS projects using surface deformation measurements
Hayden Amidon

MSc Student (Roberta Hamme)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Tia Anderlini

PhD Student (Jay Cullen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Distributions of iron and other trace metals in the Eastern Arctic and Subarctic
Mariana Barbosa Ferreira Alves

PhD Student (Stan Dosso & Bill Halliday)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Madison Bombardier

PhD Student (Stan Dosso & John Cassidy)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Episodic tremor and slip events in the Cascadia subduction zone
Connor Brierley-Green

PhD Student (Lucinda Leonard & Thomas James)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Exploration of mantle rheology and crustal motions induced by glacial isostatic adjustment for the BC Coast Mountains region
Becky Brooks

MSc Student (Johannes Gemmrich & Jody Klymak)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Jia-Xuan Chang

PhD Student (Jody Klymak)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Study of energy of internal waves in the ocean
Jamie Daniel

MSc Student (Johannes Gemmrich & Jody Klymak)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Rip current observations on Vancouver Island's west coast
Kristina Disney

PhD Student (Tom Gleeson)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Developing community-based monitoring to derive the groundwater contribution to tributaries of the Koksilah watershed under low flow conditions
Stacey Edmonsond

PhD Student (Blake Dyer) & Graduate Student Representative
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Lateral expression of carbon isotope excursions in shallow-marine carbonate environments
Kota Endo

PhD Student (Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Patrick Farnole

PhD Student (Adam Monahan & Nadja Steiner)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Modelling marine ecosystem & fisheries impacts in the changing Arctic Ocean
Camille Febvre

PhD Student (Colin Goldblatt & Rana El-Sabaawi)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Interactions between ecosystem characteristics and climate
Theron Finley

PhD Student (Ed Nissen & John Cassidy)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Identification and characterization of active faults in Western Canada using remote sensing and paleoseismic investigations
Yuzhe Gan

MSc Student (Dante Canil)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Daniel Garduño Ruiz

PhD Student (Colin Goldblatt & Anne-Sofie Ahm)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Photochemistry-climate interactions and their implications for biogeochemistry during the Proterozoic
Pandora Gibb

MSc Student (John Dower & Debby Ianson)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Biogeochemistry of Northeast Pacific seamounts
Moronke Harris

MSc Student (John Dower & Amanda Bates)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Hydrothermal vent microbial landscape modelling for the sustainable development of deep-sea sulphide mining
Cierra Hart

MSc Student (Stan Dosso & Bill Halliday)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Using passive acoustic monitoring and deep learning to study the distribution of bearded seals in the Canadian Arctic
Kyle Heyblom

PhD Student (Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Improving the detectability of the effect of climate change on the atmospheric hydrological cycle using water isotope ratios
El Hobson

MSc Student (John Dower & Cat Stevens)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Investigating diet in two species of myctophid, Diaphus theta and Stenobrachius leucopsarus, from waters around Vancouver Island, Canada
Carmen Holmes-Smith

MSc Student (Johannes Gemmrich & Jody Klymak)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Investigating patterns between extreme run-up and the offshore wave field with the aim of developing a better forecasting system for wave hazards in Tofino, B.C.
Katie Jamson

PhD Student (Andy Fraass)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Understanding the distribution and accumulation of global sedimentation patterns and the organisms producing them over the past 65 million years
Simin Kheradmand

MSc Student (Roberta Hamme)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Conducting a comprehensive investigation into the significant factors influencing oxygen levels and utilizing Argo Float data to estimate oxygen concentrations in the North Pacific Ocean
Elaude Koenig

MSc Student (Victoria Arbour & Andy Fraass)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Identification and interpretation of sauropod dinosaur tracks from British Columbia
Johanna Länger

PhD Student (Nadja Steiner & Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Investigating the Canadian Arctic Ocean's Carbon Budget and its sensitivity to changes in riverine nutrient transports, as well as implications for thresholds of Ocean Acidification in the near future
Tess Leishman

MSc Student (Stan Dosso & John Cassidy)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Studying the low-amplitude vibrational response of buildings and soils to understand and estimate the amount of ground- and building-motion amplification in response to strong earthquake shaking
Michaela Maier

PhD Student (Debby Ianson & Roberta Hamme)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Drivers of deoxygenation on the continental shelf in the Northern California Current System
Joe Marshall

MSc Student (Colin Goldblatt)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Katherine Martin

MSc Student (Andrew Weaver & Michael Eby)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Assessing & modelling ocean alkalinity enhancement and the restrictions to global implementation
Andrew McCoy

MSc Student (Andy Fraass)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Assessing the retention, quality, and extent of alteration of taxonomic data in commonly used foraminifera databases
Matt Miller

PhD Student (John Dower & Debby Ianson)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Studying the impacts of ocean acidification on planktonic snails (pteropods) in the northeast Pacific
Leslie Moffat

MSc Student (Andrew Weaver & Michael Eby)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Modelling the magnitude of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion and ocean sediment carbon sequestration resources to quantify potential surface air temperature reductions
Ameneh Mollasharifi Targhi

MSc Student (Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Sofie Ohrling

MSc Student (Jay Cullen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Trace element mobilization in the Eastern Arctic due to climate warming
Robert Payne

MSc Student (Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Statistical downscaling of fire weather with generative neural networks
Matthew Pereira Wilson

PhD Student (Nathan Gillett & Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Anna Podhorodeski

MSc Student (Lucinda Leonard & Andrew Schaeffer)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Xin Qiao

PhD Student (Ruohong Jiao & Dante Canil)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Thermochronological record of boundary tectonics at the Pacific – North American plate convergent margin
Yan Anugrah Rahmawan

PhD Student (Yan Jiang & Ed Nissen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Studying tectonic deformation in Canadian Cordillera
Miranda Reid

MSc Student (Thomas James & Blake Dyer)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Incorporating machine learning into models of Canadian coastal sensitivity to climate change
Hannah Robutka

PhD Student (Laurence Coogan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
The influence of hydrothermally derived particulate on ocean chemistry
Juliana Rodrigues Moron

PhD Student (Stan Dosso & Bill Halliday)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Deep diving Arctic whales’ acoustic repertoire in southern Baffin Bay
Fateme Salehi

MSc Student (Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Nocturnal boundary layer regime occupation in complex terrain using Hidden Markov Models
Guy Salomon

PhD Student (Ed Nissen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Multi-scale remote sensing to characterize crustal faulting in the northern Pacific Cordillera
Aarti Sharma

PhD Student (Andrew Schaeffer & Ed Nissen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Nadiya Shore

MSc Student (Adam Monahan) & Graduate Student Representative
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Modelling the spatial dependence of extreme climate events with machine learning techniques
Jade Skye

MSc Student (Joe Melton & Colin Goldblatt)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Matthew Stephens

MSc Student (Jon Husson)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Using northeastern British Columbia stratigraphy to test the global extent of the carbon isotope excursion associated with the Carnian Pluvial Event
Raj Deepak Suruli Nagarajan

PhD Student (Christian Seiler & Adam Monahan)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Global sensitivity analysis applied to a terrestrial carbon cycle model
Lauryn Talbot

MSc Student (Jody Klymak & Tetjana Ross)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Kai Tawil-Morsink

MSc Student (Laurence Coogan & Blake Dyer)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Carbon isotope composition of Pacific Ocean sediments from around the time of Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Connor van Wieren

PhD Student (Jon Husson & Blake Dyer)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Quantifying early carbon cycle dynamics in the Neoproterozoic using isotope geochemistry of marine carbonates
Xi Wang

PhD Student (Ruohong Jiao)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Katie Withrow

MSc Student (Dante Canil)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Geotherms and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary of the Canadian Cordillera
Carmen Wu

MSc Student (Stan Dosso & Bill Halliday)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Lekima Yakuden

MSc Student (Ed Nissen & Honn Kao)
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Characteristics of unusual earthquake sequences offshore BC
Yijie Zhu

PhD Student (Kelin Wang & Ed Nissen)
Earth and Ocean Sciences