Graduate students


Graduate lottery for Fall 2025

Although the University of Victoria has a first-year residence guarantee and an undergraduate returner priority, we do have a limited number of residence spaces available for graduate students. Accommodation for graduate students is determined by lottery. We use a lottery to determine your place on the applicant list then we make room offers according to that order, as availability allows. 

  • In Fall of 2025, we anticipate having approximately 50 spaces available for graduate students, in bachelor and 1-bedroom apartments, and cluster housing.
  • The application deadline for the graduate lottery is May 15. Full-year (8-month and 12-month) graduate applicants must apply for the entire academic year (8-months: September to April) or full year (12-months: September to August) to be included in the graduate lottery.
  • After May 15, we run the graduate lottery and determine each applicant’s place on the graduate list. Eligible applicants will be emailed their lottery placement number shortly after the deadline.
  • We begin offering rooms to graduate students shortly after May 15. The process of offering rooms (and having students either accept or reject their offer) will continue throughout the summer until late August.
  • Eligible applicants in the graduate lottery may receive a room offer between May-August, depending on availability.
  • Please note: Those who apply for the Fall Term (September to December only) will not be included in the lottery. Fall term applicants will be placed on the waitlist below 8-month academic year and 12-month full year applicants.

How and when to apply

Before you begin your residence application, make sure you have your NetLink ID and an email address that you will use for at least the next 12 months. You will need to pay the non-refundable $50 application fee by credit card. This fee is paid online as part of the application process.

If you are applying as a graduate student, the deadline to be included in the graduate lottery is May 15. Applicants must apply for either 8-month academic year (September to April) or 12-month full year (September to August) residence in order to be included in the graduate lottery.

Please note: Submit one residence application only; there is one lottery entry per eligible applicant.

If we receive your application on May 16 or later, you will be added to our waitlist. 

Reminder: If your application is for the Fall Term (September to December only), you will not be included in the lottery and will be added to our waitlist. 

Applications open on the first Monday in February. To be considered for the lottery, you need to apply by the deadline.

Accommodation preferences

When you apply, you will be able to rank up to three preferences for housing type. We will try our best to accommodate your preferences but we are unable to guarantee your request for a particular type of accommodation.

Can I request a roommate?

Yes, you may request a roommate through your residence application in the Housing Portal. Roommate requests must be verified (mutually confirmed) in order to be considered. We will facilitate roommate requests when possible however we cannot make guarantees.

After I apply

  • Once we run the graduate lottery, we'll send you an email indicating your lottery number and we will give you an estimate of whether or not you may receive an offer. Please note our assignment process is dynamic and room offers continue to go out until the end of August.
  • Residence Services will send room offers via email between May and August, as availability allows.

  • If you receive a room offer in May or June, you have 4 days to accept the offer by paying the $500.00 non-refundable acceptance fee, the $250 security deposit, and agreeing to the Residence Contract terms.

  • If you receive a room offer in July or August, you have 48 hours to accept your offer by paying the $500.00 non-refundable acceptance fee, the $250 security deposit, and agreeing to the Residence Contract terms.

  • If you receive a room offer and do not accept within the given timeline, the offer will be cancelled.
  • Students who receive an offer will receive one offer only.


  • If you wish to cancel your residence application, and you have not received a room offer, you may do so through the Housing Portal. On the Application Status page, look for the "Cancel Application" option. Please note that the $50 application fee is non-refundable.

  • If you have accepted a room offer and wish to cancel your room, you must send a written cancellation notice to Residence Admissions:
  • Applications are non-transferable. Your application fee is non-refundable and may not be used towards a future application.

  • If you cancel your room offer on or before August 15, you will lose your $500 acceptance deposit.

  • If you cancel your room offer between August 16 and your move-in date, you will lose your $500 acceptance fee and your $250 security deposit.

  • If you cancel on or after your move-in date, you will lose 60-days of accommodation (charge) and your $250 security deposit. For meal plan cancellation penalties, please check with Food Services.