Migration research publications


See CAPI's Migration and Mobility program page for more info

Migration, Mobility, & Displacement Journal

Migration, Mobility & Displacement
(MMD) is CAPI's online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, founded in 2015. It seeks to publish original and innovative scholarly articles, juried thematic essays from migrant advocacy groups and practitioners, and visual essays that speak to migration, mobility and displacement and that relate in diverse ways to the Asia-Pacific. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars and migrant advocacy groups that are publicly engaged, and who seek to address a range of issues facing migrants, mobile and displaced persons, and especially work which explores injustices and inequalities.

visit the MMD journal website


Research reports

Title Author Date

Birth Registration and Protection for Children of Transnational Labor Migrants in Indonesia

Jessica Ball, Leslie Butt & Harriet Beazley 2017

Migrant Mothers and the Sedentary Child Bias: Constraints on Child Circulation in Indonesia

Butt, Beazley & Ball 2017

‘Like It, Don't Like It, You Have to Like It’: Children's Emotions and Absent Parents in Migrant Communities of Lombok, Indonesia

Beazley, Butt & Ball 2017

The Relational Ethics of Cultural Safety, Rights, and Desire: Reflections on Doing Community-Engaged Research with Migrant Families in Indonesia

Ball & Beazley 2017

False papers and family fictions: household responses to ‘gift children’ born to Indonesian women during transnational migration

Butt, Ball & Beazley 2016

Birth Registration in Southeast Asia: a Child’s Foundation Right?

Butt & Ball 2016

Transnational Migrant Families, Child Statelessness, and Decisions about Birth Registration (Four-page Summary)

Butt, Ball & Beazley 2015
Pengambilan keputusan keluarga dalam pencatatan kelahiran di kalangan pekerja migran transnasional di Indonesia: Implikasi bagi kibijakan dan praktik pelaksanaannya (Indonesian Translation) Butt, Ball & Beazley 2015

Family Decision Making about Birth Registration among Transnational Migrants in Indonesia (One-page summary)

Butt, Ball & Beazley


Children and Families on the Move: Stateless Children in Indonesia

Preliminary Field Research Report, Lombok and Jakarta, May 2014

Ball, Butt & Beazley


Working papers

Title Author Date
Seventy-Five Years is Long Enough: Will the BC Government Finally Acknowledge and Address Its Role in the Uprooting of Japanese Canadians John Price, PhD Nov. 15, 2016
Advancing Research on 'Stateless Children': Family Decision Making and Birth Registration among Transnational Migrants in the Asia-Pacific Region Jessica Ball, PhD, Leslie Butt, PhD, Harriet Beazley, PhD & Natasha Fox, MA Dec. 9, 2014
Migration, Mobility and Transnational Families: New Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Leslie Butt, PhD April 8, 2014