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Sarah Jones

Learn about University of Victoria biology and psychology student Sarah's Jones experience as a hand hygiene ambassador for Island Health.


A woman leans on a railway outside the hospital. This is Sarah Jones.

This summer, UVic biology and psychology student Sarah Jones hasn’t been afraid to get her hands dirty. As a hand hygiene ambassador for Island Health, the co-operative education (co-op) student has been working to promote and analyze hand hygiene processes here in Greater Victoria.

Work term

Jones was part of the Infection Prevention and Control team, which has been working to improve patients’ quality of care and to support healthcare workers. She performed more than 2,000 hand hygiene observations at three different Island Health sites.

The impact of co-op

“Co-op students like Sarah bring fresh technological and communication skills from their university courses,” says Benjamin Shaw, who works as an infection control consultant with Island Health. “Their enthusiasm and innovative perspective has helped us improve patient safety.”