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Sustainable Development Goal 2

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Learn how UVic advanced SDG 2 during 2023

On this page you can get a glimpse of the great work done by the campus community to advance SDG 2 during 2023, centred around the key areas of the university:

Education & student experience

Uvic's Cooperative Education and Careers program logo next to the United Nations Sustainable Development Wheel logo

SDG 2 in action at Co-op

Co-op and Career Services supports SDG 2 by offering paid work experiences that help students build careers while reducing financial barriers. Among those experiences, students participate in food and agricultural related activities.

Logo of the Students Society's Food Bank, being circle representing a plate of food on top of a dining carpet with the legend: "Food bank and free store"

Student Society food bank

The UVSS Food Bank & Free Store offers free access to food essentials, supporting UVic students facing food insecurity. It provides a variety of perishable and non-perishable foods, personal hygiene supplies, and information about additional resources in Victoria.

Photo of a six wooden crates filled with fresh produce (carrots, beetroots, radish, etcetera) with the legend: "Community Cabbage"

Community Cabbage

The Community Cabbage is a student organization at UVic, serving free weekly hot meals to the campus community prepared from reclaimed food – edible but unsellable food donated by grocery stores. Anyone is welcome to come, cook and eat.

Community Food Market

The Community Food Market program ran by UVic Family Centre, provides free food to students living on and off campus. It is supported by the Living Edge, the Food Share Network, volunteers and the Family Centre staff.




Scopus/Elsevier 2019–23


Scopus/Elsevier 2019–23


Scopus/Elsevier 2019–23
The Al-Khawaldahs share a traditional Bedouin breakfast with Vibert, Azzam and members of the film crew. They sit around a tray with several bowls of food.

Four Stories about food

The Four Stories About Food Sovereignty project is a UVic-led, transnational effort to document community responses to climate change, global economic pressures and political instability through the lens of small-scale food producers on four continents.

Logo of the School of Public Administration with the UVic martlet

Supporting Rural and Remote Economies

Dr. Tamara Krawchenko studies rural and remote economies in Canada by addressing infrastructure deficits, economic disparity, the impact of climate change, and Indigenous rights in economic development.

Logo of UVic's Ecogastronomy group, with a circular symbol of a green leave, a fork and a glass of wine

Ecogastronomy research

The Ecogastronomy Research group involves the comprehensive study of food and wine production, using quantitative data and empirical evidence to unravel the complex ways in which agricultural practices influence the environment and society.

Food nutrition and health

Dr. Mathew Little conducts research on Global, First Nations, and Inuit health, community food security, nutrition-related non-communicable diseases, food systems and environments, ecological determinants of health, climate change and health, and environmental contaminants in food sources.

Community & campus operations

Illustration of a set of vegetables framing the legend: "UVic campus Community garden"

UVic campus community garden

The UVic Campus Community Garden directly advances SDG 2 by managing an urban agriculture and permaculture space on campus, hosting free educational workshops and events, and renting plots, some of them dedicated to growing food to be donated to the UVSS food bank

Photo of a UVic dining outlet serving food to smiling students. The young female student receiving a plate from the server wears a University of Victoria sweatshirt

Sustainable campus dining

UVic´s Food Services advances SDG 2 by operating sustainable practices, such as offering Ocean Wise certified products, composting and recycling, promoting reusables, offering compostable disposables containers, and prioritising local suppliers and ingredient.

Picture of Crystal Ni, a UVic student working at the UVSS Foodbank

Tackling student hunger

Crystal Ni describes the operations of the UVSS Food Bank, a program funded by UVSS student fees and supplemented by cash and in-kind donations. Each fall, the campus community, alumni and other donors show their support to advance SDG 2 through multiple fundraisers.

Food survey

The UVic food survey advances SDG 2 by addressing food security and affordability on campus, gathering feedback on food quality, affordability and sustainability. It led to immediate improvements, such as adding a value-priced menu, expanding the Meal Share Program, and introducing more accessible, affordable food options.

Policy & policy-making

Photo of two handcrafted bowls on top of a wooden board filled with of tasty vegetarian food (green beans, olives, red pepper, figs, bread, etcetera), with the legend: "Greener by default"

Default-vegetarian food project

The Greener by Default initiative proposes the University of Victoria serves >60% plant-based meals as a solution to reduce food systems emissions for climate change, and benefit campus and environmental health.

Poster of UVic Food Services with a pizza and some vegetables in the background and the legend: "We are proud partners with feed BC. Bringing B.C. food to public institutions"

Sustainable food policies

UVic advances SDG 2 by implementing affordable and nutritious Meal Plans and other sustainable food practices such as prioritizing local first partnerships & food suppliers, and introducing sustainability programs that encourage customer participation.

Image of a rice field next to a rural community in Southeast Asia

Tackling Food insecurity in Canada

Dr. Mathew Little from the School of Public Health and Social Policy suggests national policy changes to tackle poverty and food insecurity in the long term.
