Workshops and conferences

Keynote speakers from Migration and Late Capitalism conference
Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Tings Chak and Sandro Mezzadra were the keynote speakers at the Migration & Late Capitalism conference

From major international conferences, to workshops and symposia, CAPI holds regular events about the Asia-Pacific that aim to inform and promote discussion. Most past events are available to watch on our Vimeo channel. If you have any ideas for an event or conference, please contact us:

Title Location Date

CARFMS17 – Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement

University of Victoria 15-18 May 2017

Multimedia, Mobility & The Digital Southeast Asian Family

La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia 20-21 April 2017

En-gendering Social Transformation in China: Gender Dynamics, Women's Rights and Feminist Activism

University of Victoria 7-8 April 2017

Trans-Pacific Aviation Law & Policy

Downtown Vancouver, BC 8-9 October 2015

11th International Conference on Chaozhou Studies

University of Victoria 17-19 August 2015

Management and the New Demographic

SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver, BC 8 August 2015

Migration and Late Capitalism: Critical Intersections with the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

University of Victoria 11-13 June 2015

Asia Desk Forum

Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC 15- 8 April 2015
Title Location Date

Michiko 'Midge' Ayukawa Commemorative Lecture with Terry Watada
Discovering the Past: Storytelling to Reveal Japanese Canadian History, Traditions and Culture

David Strong C103 December 3, 2014
Zheng He's Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China's Relations with the Indian Ocean World from Antiquity Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria, BC August 22 – 24, 2014
Tiananmen Square Protests: A Reflection 25 Years On Hickman 110 May 30, 2014
India Votes 2014 Hickman 105 May 22, 2014
Migration Master Class University of Victoria May 27-29, 2014
Fallout from Fukushima: Nuclear Energy, Civil Society and Political Positioning HSD A240 Mar. 11, 2014
What is the real cost of a $10 dress? Lessons from the Rana Plaza tragedy - labour rights, commodity chains and shared accountability Hickman 110 Nov. 6, 2013
Perspectives on China's Transition UVic Senate Chambers Sept. 28, 2013
Congress 2013: Asian Canadian Studies Conference UVic campus June 1-2, 2013
Two Koreas: Borders and Migration Strong C116 April 5-6, 2013
De-parochializing Political Theory UVic campus Aug. 2, 2012