If the item you want is checked out to someone else, you can Recall it through Library Search. After it is returned, the item will be delivered to the library of your choice. For detailed instructions, see the Recall help page.
If the item you want is available but you can't pick it up right now, you can ask library staff to ReTrieve it. The item will be held for you to pick up at the library of your choice. For detailed instructions, see the Retrieve an available item help page.
You can see the status of your Recall and ReTrieve requests by selecting "My Requests" under your user name in the upper right-hand corner of Library Search.
Help! My Recall/ReTrieve didn't work
- The item may already be checked out to you. Click on "Library Card" under your user name in Library Search to see your checked-out items.
- You may have fines on your account. Click on "Library Card" under your user name in Library Search to see your fines.
- You can only place up to 30 Recalls and 10 ReTrieves at one time.
- If none of these reasons apply, please contact the Ask Us Desk (250-721-8230 or for help.
Our Recall policy
- All borrowers are guaranteed a seven-day loan period on regular items before the item may be Recalled.
- We'll send you an email notification with the new due date when an item is Recalled.
- Recalls may be issued whenever the library is open, whether or not the university is in session. This includes, but is not limited to, reading break and December winter closure. We strongly advise that you return any items that may be Recalled before leaving campus for holidays, conferences, or any other reason.
- Overdue Recall fines accrue at $2.00 per day.
- If an overdue Recall fine reaches $20.00, the item will be considered lost. Replacement and processing charges will be added to your account.