Careers in social work

Shane Calder speaking into a microphone outdoors
Shane Calder (BSW 2006) is the coordinator of client education at AIDS Vancouver Island.

What can I do with a degree in social work?

Social work is a global profession founded on social justice, and addresses broad social issues such as poverty, child welfare, health care, human rights and the environment. It emphasizes development of individual and collective strengths, skills and resources to enhance well-being of families and communities.

Some career options for social work graduates

  • Abuse/crisis counsellor
  • Addictions counsellor
  • Adoptions worker
  • Agency administration
  • Child and youth worker
  • Child protection worker
  • Clinical social worker
  • Corrections (probation officer, etc.)
  • Employment counsellor
  • Family support worker
  • Health care social worker
  • Intake worker
  • Mental health worker
  • Outreach worker
  • Policy analyst/advisor
  • School-based counsellor

Additional education and training may be required.

UVic Students - Hands-on learning - Social Work

Develop your career

SOCW Career Listserv

We offer an email service to share career information and job/volunteer opportunities with our students and alumni. To subscribe to the listserv, please visit here.

How to register as a Social Worker in BC?

Please read the following page to learn how to become a registered social worker in BC:

Registration with the BC College of Social Workers (BCCSW)

Meet our alumni

Chelsea Kelly

Family Development Worker
Hulitan Family and Community Services

Chelsea works with parents whose children are in the temporary care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development. She meets with each parent a minimum of twice a week to help them establish and follow through on their goals, as well as engage in intensive self-discovery and healing to support them with long-term success in their parenting role. Read more

Social Work - BSW (2015)

Brian Garvin

Child Protection Social Worker
BC Ministry of Children and Family Development

Brian works on the Family Services team providing long-term support, supervision, and interventions for Ministry involved families. Read more

Social Work - BSW (2016)

Tasha E. Novick

Registered Clinical Social Worker

Tasha chose to continue employment as a social worker in Alberta while studying to complete her BSW and MSW programs through the University of Victoria.  Read more

Social Work - MSW (2018)

Shane Calder

Coordinator of Client Education
AIDS Vancouver Island

Shane coordinates community development, education and leadership training programs for clients of the AIDS Vancouver Island needle exchange, providing opportunities for highly stigmatized and criminalized people to connect with community, support each other and collectively learn about the myriad of issues effecting those surviving the War on Drugs. Shane also coordinates Street College. Read more

Social Work - BSW (2006)