Job description & evaluation
A job description summarizes the essential responsibilities, activities, qualifications and skills for a role. Job descriptions should be gender neutral, as broad as possible and identify the key role and responsibilities. In addition, job descriptions form the foundation for classification, job postings (the summary and qualifications section), recruitment (shortlist based on qualifications) and selection (interview questions based on skills and abilities identified).
When updating or designing a new job description please contact your HR Advisor as early as possible. Their guidance and expertise will save you time and ensure your staff recruitment attracts the right candidates.
If you have a new position or are revising a position you will need to have an evaluated job description before you create a posting in UVic Careers.
The resources found on the Hiring Manager SharePoint site will help hiring managers to develop, update, and review job descriptions.
Hiring Manager SharePoint - Resources and Tools
UVic Competencies - When drafting job descriptions for new positions or updating existing job descriptions, consider how each competency applies to the role, and which of the competencies might be included in either the duties or the qualification sections of the job description.
Please contact your HR Advisor if you require the job description template for an excluded position.
Job evaluation
A job evaluation is a way of using compensable factors to determine the value of a position within an organization. It allows an organization to compare positions internally and to look externally in the job market. A job evaluation looks at a position’s duties, responsibilities and work environment. With that information we measure work to organize positions into a grading structure and link positions to salary ranges.
A formal framework for job evaluation supports objectivity, consistency and internal pay equity within an organization. For example, the University and the PEA have jointly established a gender-inclusive job evaluation plan (JJE) to facilitate the objectives of equal pay for work of equal value and the University’s competitiveness with respect to recruitment and retention of staff members.
To establish classification for a new job description or to update a current position with minimal delay, submit the following to your assigned HR Advisor.
- Job description (with track changes if this is a position update)
- Org Chart (include position numbers and classification levels for all roles)
- Any additional relevant information – this includes potential comparators, changes since the late time the position was evaluated, information on new programs and services, etc.
Please contact your HR Advisor if you have any questions or the Budget Office to understand potential budget implications.