Web leave management

On the first day of each month you will receive an email to submit your monthly leave report. You are encouraged to complete this report within 7 days of your email reminder - this monthly submission is required even if you do not have any hours of leave to record. In this case, you will submit a leave report with 0 hours recorded. 

Your leave report is submitted to your supervisor and once it is approved your leave balances are automatically updated where applicable. 

Supervisors who are required to approve leave on behalf of their team are encouraged to complete this task on a monthly basis. At certain times of year the Human Resources office may contact you to approve any pending leave reports that could impact year-end processes.

To check on any outstanding leave reports, you can review the FAST HR report - 'Leave Approval Status'. Leave reports with a status of "Pending" will require action (approval). 

Do you have questions about the submission of your report, or need help with errors, or other leave related issues? Please send an email for assistance. 

For staff

Viewing your leave balances 

Entering your leave report

For approvers

Approving leave reports

Proxy set up for web leave approvals

Approve leave as a proxy

Stop acting as a proxy

Web Leave Approval Guidelines