Job evaluation for CUPE 951 employees
New and re-evaluated positions
Where a department creates a new position, they must:
- complete a job description template
- complete a job description intake form
- submit to your assigned HR Advisor - Recruitment and Classification
The position will recieve a temporary rating for posting purposes. Six months after starting date, the incumbent may submit a job evaluation questionnaire (JEQ) for job evaluation by Human Resources.
Requests for re-evaluationWhere a position has changed since it was last evaluated by HR or the JJE committee, an employee or a manager can request a re-evaluation. To do so:
- review CUPE 951 Collective Agreement - Article 27 Joint Job Evaluation Plan
- review CUPE Local 951 JE Guidebook
- complete a Job Evaluation Questionnaire (JEQ) and email to
- complete a job description template
- submit the JEQ and job description to your HR Advisor - Recruitment and Classification.
Incumbents are encouraged to complete the job description template first, to make it easier to complete the Job Evaluation Questionnaire.
Resources and forms
Request for Appeal of a Job Rating
To request an Appeal of the job rating, please complete the Appeal Request Form, and submit to
Article 27.07
(a) Following the procedures established in Articles 27.04, 27.05, and 27.06, the incumbent(s), the supervisor the manager, or the Union may request appeal of the job rating by the JJEC. The request must state the reason(s) for the disagreement and must include any additional information relevant to the evaluation of the job. The incumbent, supervisor and manager will be informed that they are entitled to meet with the JJEC.
(b) The JJEC will be provided with all of the relevant documents by Human Resources, and will consider the request. Before assigning a rating the JJEC will invite appellants to meet with the committee and will determine whether to subsequently interview incumbent(s) and/or supervisor(s) and/or conduct visits to the job site. The JJEC will then rate the position(s) using the Plan and, where consensus is reached, will inform the manager and incumbent(s) of the final rating decision. Where consensus is reached on the final rating decision it is final and binding. Where consensus is not reached the matter will be referred to the parties for settlement of the disagreement under Article 27.11
Job description
The job description library is available to UVic employees. The job descriptions in this library were used to create the position job profiles in UVic Careers.
You may need to write the job description before you complete the online staff requisition form.
When updating or writing a new job description please contact your HR Advisor as early as possible. Their guidance and expertise will save you time and ensure your staff recruitment attracts the right candidates.