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Meet Lyle McKenzie

Lyle McKenzie

Lutheran Spiritual care provider




Hi! My name is Lyle McKenzie. I am the Lutheran Chaplain serving part-time at UVic Multifaith. I’m also full-time pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross, Victoria, at the Corner of Cedar Hill Road and Cedar Hill X Road. Though the two vocations together with a large family are difficult to balance at times, I enjoy and appreciate both communities and the interconnection between them.

What's a Lutheran? It's okay if you're note sure. There are more than 60 million Lutherans worldwide, but numbers are pretty small in Canada. You can visit the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada website to learn more.

Within the Christian tradition, Lutherans place a special emphasis on God’s unconditional love for all through Jesus Christ – in a word – God’s “grace,” and that living in that grace changes everything. That being said, you don’t have to be a Lutheran to become involved with Lutheran campus ministry. Everyone’s welcome.

If you need to talk....  whatever the concern, for conversation, counsel, spiritual guidance, prayer or just to ask and/or discuss anything that has to do with life and faith, I will do my best to be available. I don’t promise to have a lot of answers. I do promise you will be listened to in confidence, with out judgment and free of pressure to have a particular understanding, belief, or practice.

If you are seeking resources of faith such as prayer, confession and forgiveness, the sacraments of Holy Communion or Holy Baptism, I’m happy to assist you as I am able.

Any questions? Comments? Please feel free to contact me. Office hours are by appointment.