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Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is about keeping yourself and others safe(r) when doing things that involve risk.

Harm Reduction Centre

UVic’s student volunteer run Harm Reduction Centre (HRC) helps you make informed and safer choices around sex and substance use. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to get harm reduction supplies and educational materials at UVic.

The HRC is located in the Student Union Building (SUB) and will be open mid-September.  Our hours will be posted on our door and on this webpage.

Materials & supplies available at the HRC

  • Safer Sex supplies: internal and external condoms, lubricant, pregnancy test kits
  • Safer injection supplies: needles, syringes, alcohol swabs, safe needle disposal containers
  • Safer Smoking supplies
  • Safer Snorting supplies
  • Naloxone kits
  • Fentanyl test strips
  • Educational Materials: Safer Use Guides, information on mental health and substance use support resources, overdose prevention and anti-stigma

Anonymous pick up

You’re welcome to stop by the Student Wellness Centre when we’re open to pick up supplies and information.

You can also use this online form to order supplies and request information from the HRC. We need a minimum of 24 hours to put together your order.

We won’t ask you for ID when you order or pick up your supplies. Plus, supplies come in non-identifiable packaging.

Ways to reduce risk with substances
  • Start low, go slow
  • Use the Buddy system - Try not to be alone when using
  • Not too much
  • Not too often
  • Only when safe
  • Thinking critically about your use can help keep it enjoyable and safer
Ways to reduce risk with sexual activity
  • Respect one another

  • Be aware of other’s boundaries

  • Practice consent

  • Use a barrier method to reduce risk of STIs
  • Get tested and be honest with past, current and potential partners

  • Use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy

Naloxone training

Naloxone is a medication that counters the effects of an opioid overdose and can save lives.

You can pick up a kit from the Student Wellness Centre or use Toward the Heart's site finder to find out where you can pick up a kit in your community.

UVSS training

  • September 3, 5pm-6pm: David Strong Building Room C118
  • September 10, 12pm-1pm: Student Wellness Centre
  • September 17, 1pm-2pm: Student Wellness Centre
  • September 24, 2pm-3pm: David Strong Building Room C118
  • October 29, 11:30am -12:30am : Location TBD
  • November 15, 2pm-3pm: David Strong Building Room C118
  • December 4, 3pm-4pm: Student Wellness Centre

GSS training

The GSS will be hosting naloxone training on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30-11:30am. So, that would be: October 2, November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, and March 5. We will also include naloxone training in our Graduate Student Appreciation Week on Thursday, October 24, 9:30-10:30am.
Training will take place in the GSS board room in Halpern Centre. Folks can pick up naloxone injection kits at Halpern Centre Monday-Thursday 10-4pm and Friday 11am-2pm from the front office or in the Grad House restaurant Monday-Friday 11:30am-7pm. However training is only available in the front office. There are QR codes directly to the TowardsTheHeart training videos available if staff aren’t available to train.

Other options

You can also book a private appointment with a nurse to get Naloxone training and a kit.

Towards The Heart has a Naloxone kit training video and a free, self-guide Naloxone 101 course.

Thinking critically/Self-reflection

Here’s some great questions to ask yourself or to start a conversation:

What is a healthy relationship with substances?

What are some good things and not-so-good things about my use?

Do I feel pressured to use?

What is the impact, if any, of my use on my vision for myself?

Am I having a tough time managing my emotions?

Has my use increased in frequency or amount?

Community Resources

Where can I learn more?

  • Here to Help has activities to help you think about your own substance use.
  • Substance Use Blood Alcohol Calculator is a tool to help you anticipate your blood alcohol content over the time you expect to drink.
  • Check Your Drinking helps users get a full picture of their alcohol consumption.
  • Get Checked online STI testing. Use code: UVIC
  • Sex Sense is a free pro-choice, sex-positive service offering information and resources
  • Sex & U is a resource for sexual and reproductive health.

Where can I get help?

If you’re concerned about your substance use or that of others, reach out to a counsellor or health practitioner for support. Our practitioners are open and willing to discuss substance use concerns. They support those in recovery and can share resources to help you or your friends. They also have information about Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings held near campus.

We welcome volunteers at the HRC. Send an email to