Faculty & staff
The Department of Anthropology general office is in Cornett Building (COR) B228. We're in the office Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. & work remotely on Fridays.

Dr. Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier
Associate professor, acting chair Anthropology
Office: COR B330 / COR B246b alexbf@uvic.ca 250-721-7052

Senior lab instructor, adjunct assistant professor Anthropology
Office: COR B227 anthlab@uvic.ca 250-472-4730

Assistant professor Anthropology
Office: COR B242 tatianadegai@uvic.ca 250-721-6282

Associate teaching professor Anthropology
Office: COR B240 meligau@uvic.ca 250-721-6254

Associate teaching professor, undergraduate advisor Anthropology
Office: COR B342 ehalstad@uvic.ca

Associate professor Anthropology
Office: Cornett B211 amacintosh@uvic.ca 250-721-6647

Professor, graduate advisor Anthropology
Office: COR B210 daromir@uvic.ca 250-721-6273

Associate professor, Provost’s engaged scholar Anthropology
Office: Cornett B244 bthom@uvic.ca 250-853-3895

Associate professor, Smyth chair in arts & engagement Anthropology
Office: COR B238 awalsh@uvic.ca 250-721-7050
Cross-listed & limited term faculty

Assistant teaching professor Anthropology & Faculty of Humanities
Office: COR B212 rachelbr@uvic.ca


Graduate & undergraduate program assistant Anthropology
Office: COR B228 anthtwo@uvic.ca 250-721-7047

Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Assistant Teaching Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Associate Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Associate Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Assistant Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Associate Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Associate Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Adjunct professors
Christopher Ames, adjunct assistant professorcjhames@uvic.ca
Prehistoric archaeology, geoarchaeology, human-environment dynamics, geomorphology, sedimentology, palaeoecology, site formation processes, geospatial and computational methods, southwest Asia, South Africa
Michael Asch, adjunct professor
Socio-cultural anthropology, North America, political and legal anthropology
Judith Berman, adjunct assistant professor
Franz Boas scholar, Northwest Coast oral literature and ethnohistory
Stephanie Calce, adjunct assistant professor
scalce@uvic.ca, Cornett B227, 250-721-4730
Biological anthropology, skeletal biology, forensic anthropology
Cassandre Campeau-Bouthillier, adjunct assistant professor
ccampeau@uvic.ca, Cornett B212
Medical anthropology, the ways in which people experience their skeletal lives in the context of yoga and chiropractic care
Sarah-Louise Decrausaz, adjunct assistant professor
Biological anthropology, skeletal biology, life history, puberty, growth and development, medical imaging
Landscape archaeology, social zooarchaeology, communities of practice, ancient DNA, Pacific Northwest, Britain, the practice of commercial archaeology
Daryl Fedje, adjunct assistant professor
Archaeology, quaternary paleoecology, Haida Gwaii
Timothy Knowlton, adjunct professor
Linguistic & Sociocultural Anthropology, Comparative Religion, Ethnohistory, Indigenous Mesoamerica
Amy Levine, adjunct assistant professor
Caregiving, expertise, medical and linguistic anthropology, science and technology studies, North America, Type 1 Diabetes, social movements, civil society, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, political and legal anthropology, South Korea
Archaeology, Haida Gwaii, Salish Sea, stone tools, Northwest Coast
Margo Matwychuk, adjunct assistant professor
Sociocultural anthropology; political economy; feminism; Latin America (Brazil); poverty; housing and homelessness; politics of food and hunger
Duncan McLaren, adjunct assistant professor
Archaeology, Northwest coast, environmental archaeology, long-term history
Lisa Mitchell, adjunct professor
Cultural anthropology, bodies and embodiment, reproduction, ultrasound imaging, children and youth, visual culture, Philippines, Canada
Jennifer Robinson, adjunct assistant professor, post-doctoral fellow, Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
Fall 2023: ANTH 210
Canadian history, settler colonial studies, arts and social justice, museums and archives, cultural heritage and public institutional policy, community-engaged research and advocacy
Ann Stahl, adjunct professor
Archaeology, comparative colonialism, materiality, digital heritage initiatives, Africa; Ghana
Peter Stahl, adjunct professor
Archaeology, historical ecology, zooarchaeology, vertebrate taphonomy, South America, domestication
Margot Wilson
Culture change, international development, Bangladesh, women's narratives
Senior lab & tutorial instructors
Dr. Stephanie Calce, senior lab instructor
Cornett B227, office hours: by appointment
anthlab@uvic.ca, 250-721-4730
Responsible for ANTH 240 and ANTH 250 labs
Biological anthropology, skeletal biology, forensic anthropology
Mark McIntyre, senior tutorial and assistant for ANTH 200
Cornett B217, office hours: by appointment
Sessional instructors
Chris Ames
COR B221
William C. Campbell
COR B219
Cassandre Campeau-Bouthillier
COR B212
Melanie Chang
Timothy Knowlton
COR B221
Amy Levine
Andrea Mariko Grant
Mark McIntyre
COR B217
CindyAnn Rose-Redwood
DTB B358
COR B219