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New students

Welcome to UVic! You’ll find resources for new undergraduates and new graduate students on the main student website. 

Anthropology mailing lists

Email us to join our undergraduate email list. We’ll let you know about field schools, job or volunteer opportunities and events. 

Graduate students will be automatically added to our grad student mailing list.  


Our undergraduate, graduate, honours and co-op advisers are here to help with any questions about your degree. Learn about academic advising.

Colloquium series

The Anthropology Colloquium Series happens every Monday during the school term. This series welcomes speakers from UVic and all over North America to the department’s lunchtime event. The series is open to everyone.

Student research conference

Don’t miss Currents in Anthropology, our annual celebration of the research efforts of our undergraduate and graduate students.

Learn about research projects, honours theses and master’s and doctoral research. Enjoy presentations, ask questions and vote for your favourites.

Volunteer research opportunities

Faculty and graduate students can sometimes provide opportunities for undergraduate students to become involved in ongoing research projects.  

Learn about the research being done by our faculty members. 

Any volunteer (or paid) research opportunities are usually circulated via our undergraduate mailing list. Email us to be added to this list.

Student groups

There are more than 150 clubs on campus dedicated to environmental, cultural, political, religious and recreational causes. Get involved with student clubs and organizations 

Our department has active groups for undergraduate and graduate students. Get involved with your peers for fun and educational activities. 

Support for international and/or BIPOC students

 See more here.