Dr. Terri Lacourse

Areas of research focus
- Palynology and paleoecology
- Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics of western North America
- Wetland succession and peatland carbon accumulation
- Temperate rainforest ecology
- Life history theory and biogeography
- Multivariate statistics
My main area of research is the development and dynamics of temperate forest in coastal British Columbia since the last glaciation. This research concerns temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of plant populations and communities, and the processes responsible for those patterns.
I conduct research that:
- reconstructs the development and dynamics of plant populations and communities, using techniques such as high-resolution pollen analysis of radiocarbon-dated lake sediment and peat, and
- identifies the ecological (e.g., life history) and environmental (e.g., climate change) factors that drive species abundance, species interactions, and community distributions.
Recent research in my lab has focussed on wetland development and succession, and links between peatland carbon accumulation and past climate change.
- BIOL 330: Study Design and Data Analysis
- BIOL 457: Paleoecology and Environmental Change
- BIOL 557: Advanced Paleoecology
Sayedi, et al., 2024. Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology 20: 18
Giuliano, C., Lacourse, T. 2023. Holocene fire regimes, fire-related plant functional types, and climate in south-coastal British Columbia forests. Ecosphere 14(2): e4416.
Lacourse, T., Adeleye, M.A. 2022. Climate and species traits drive changes in Holocene forest composition along an elevation gradient in Pacific Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 838545.
Lacourse, T., Beer, K.W., Hoffman, E.H. 2016. Identification of conifer stomata in pollen samples from western North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 232: 140–150.
Lacourse, T., Davies, M.A. 2015. A multi-proxy peat study of Holocene vegetation history, bog development and carbon accumulation on northern Vancouver Island, Pacific coast of Canada. The Holocene 35: 1165–1178.
Lucas, J.D., Lacourse, T. 2013. Holocene vegetation history and fire regimes of Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Research 79: 366–376.
Goring, S., Lacourse, T., Pellatt, M.G., Mathewes, R.W. 2013. Pollen assemblage richness does not reflect regional plant species richness. Journal of Ecology 101: 1137–1145.
Lacourse, T., Delepine, J.M., Hoffman, E.H., Mathewes, R.W. 2012. A 14,000 year vegetation history of a hypermaritime island on the outer Pacific coast of Canada based on fossil pollen, spores and conifer stomata. Quaternary Research 78: 572–582.
Lacourse, T., May, L. 2012. Increasing taxonomic resolution in pollen identification: Sample size, spatial sampling bias and implications for palaeoecology. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 182: 55–64.
May, L., Lacourse, T. 2012. Morphological differentiation of Alnus (alder) pollen from western North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 180: 15–24.
Lacourse, T. 2009. Environmental change controls postglacial forest dynamics through interspecific differences in life-history traits. Ecology 90: 2149–2160.
Wohlfarth, et al.., 2008. Rapid ecosystem response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period in western Europe, 40-16 ka. Geology 36: 407–410.