Dr. Rana El-Sabaawi

Areas of research focus
- Trophic and food web ecology
- Aquatic ecosystems
- Urbanization
- Climate change
- Eco-evolutionary interactions
My research group studies the interactions between animals and their environment, especially in the context of landuse change. We use a variety of approaches from ecology, evolution, nutritional physiology, and biogeochemistry.
- Biology 468 Food web methods
- Biology 319 Marine Ecology
- Biology 565 Research methods
El-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Trophic structure in a Rapidly Urbanizing Planet. Functional Ecology 32 (7): 1718-1728 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13114)
Kennedy K, E-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Decay patterns of invasive plants and plastic trash in urban streams. Urban Ecosystems (doi: 10.1007/s11252-018-0771-9)
Kennedy L, Juanes F, and El-Sabaawi RW. 2018. Eelgrass as valuable near-shore foraging habitat for juvenile Pacific salmon in the early marine period. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 10 (2): 190-203 (doi: doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10018)
El-Sabaawi RW. How fishes can help us answer important questions about the ecological consequences of evolution. Copeia 105 (3), 558-568
Durston DJ and El-Sabaawi RW. 2017. Bony traits and genetics drive intraspecific variation in vertebrate elemental composition. Functional Ecology 31:2128–2137 (doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12919)
El-Sabaawi RW, Frauendorf T, Marques P, Mackenzie RA, Manna LR, Mazzoni R, Phillip DAT, Warbanski ML, Zandona E. 2016. Biodiversity and ecosystem risks arising from using guppies to control mosquitoes. Biology Letters 12(10): 20160590 (doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0590)