UVic Jazz & Creative Music Ensemble

Jazz Band

Jazz and Creative Music Ensemble is directed by Scott MacInnes.

  • Open to undergraduate and graduate students from all faculties and departments. 
  • An audition is required. Please contact the director for details.
  • Performs once per semester in the Phillip T. Young Recital Hall and occasionally performs concerts around town.


  • Wednesday, September 4, 4:30 - 7:30pm. Email Scott MacInnes () for details and audition excerpts.


  • Wednesdays, 4:30 - 6:20pm, MacLaurin Rm. B037.

Course code

  • MUS 180D - 580D Jazz Ensemble


The UVic Jazz and Creative Music Ensemble (JCME) specializes in the big band tradition. Repertoire features a variety of big band charts that stretches the ensemble's ability to shift styles. Standard instrumentation (trumpet, sax, trombone, piano, guitar, bass and drums) is the primary focus, but other instrumentalists (horn, flute, clarinet, etc.) and vocalists are encouraged to inquire about opportunities to perform with this exciting ensemble in specific repertoire.

Auditions take place in the first week of September with the primary focus on gauging players' ability to meet the demands of the group as well as for section placements. Students are asked to prepare 2 of the 4 standards provided on the audition sign up sheet (contact the ensemble director for details). The ability to improvise is an asset, but not required.