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Practicum program

Please make sure you review all program details and application requirements before applying to our practicum program.

Eligibility & applications

To apply, you must be a graduate student pursuing a doctorate in clinical psychology or educational psychology OR a masters’ degree in counselling psychology. Students from other related graduate programs (for example, child and youth care) or institutions will be considered.

As expressed in UVic’s Equity Statement (2018), the university and the Student Wellness Centre are committed to upholding values of equity, diversity, and inclusion. We encourage applications from members of groups with historical and/or current barriers to equity, and from individuals who will work and learn respectfully and constructively with differences and across levels of power.

You must complete the required psychotherapy/counselling courses and preferably one psychotherapy/counselling practicum before you begin your practicum with us.

You must get approval from your academic graduate program to apply.

Application deadline

UPDATED January 25, 2024: The application deadline for the September 2024 – April 2025 practicum placement is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Late applications will not be considered. Most interviews will take place during late March and early April. Please note, all of our practicum positions for the 2024-2025 placement year have been filled.

Application materials

To apply, please submit the following:

  • Completed Practicum Application, including two References with contact info (please download and “Save As” to ensure that your information is submitted correctly)
  • Cover letter, including:
    • Why you are interested in working with post-secondary students
    • How this practicum experience would align with your training and career goals
  • Current resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Your most recent graduate transcript(s); photocopies are acceptable 

Note: UVic Clinical Psychology applicant requirements differ—please refer to your clinical psychology program practicum coordinator.

Submit your application materials by email to the Advanced Practicum Coordinator, Leah Wilson.

Interviews and offers

All applications are reviewed by the practicum selection committee. Shortly after the deadline, we’ll invite selected candidates for a personal interview.

During interviews, you’ll discuss your interests and qualifications. We’ll also ask you to take part in a role play.

The qualifications we assess will include:

  • counselling and clinical interventions
  • case conceptualizations
  • theoretical framework and ethical behaviour
  • personal suitability (judgment, flexibility, sensitivity to diversity, teamwork, openness to feedback)

We will follow up with reference checks before we make a final offer. For the 2024-2025 academic year, there will be between 2-4 positions available, depending on qualifications and site needs.

Time commitment

If you’re accepted into the practicum, you must attend the practicum orientation training. This training will take place on-site the week before the September semester starts.

The practicum is approximately 15 to 20 hours a week, running from September to April each year.

Please note: UVic students who are accepted into the practicum program are not eligible to receive counselling at the Student Wellness Centre for the duration of their practicum placement. Alternative options for support will be discussed during orientation.

Core activities

We have several core requirements in our practicum training program.

Individual counselling and psychotherapy (5-6 hours/week)

Our training site is suitable for students with advanced counselling skills. Most individual work is based on a brief intervention model (one to six sessions).

We also encourage practicum counsellors to seek suitable clients to form longer-term working relationships. These could be weekly or bi-monthly sessions.

Typically, we’ll expect you to see between four and six clients per week. This may depend on your personal learning goals, chosen concentration and external commitments.

Supervision (1-2 hours/week)

Our supervisors are registered psychologists, registered clinical social workers, registered clinical counsellors and Canadian certified counsellors. Their expertise is in brief interventions with a young adult population.

You’ll typically rotate supervisors after one term. We require direct video review during individual supervision. You’ll also have one or two sessions observed live by supervisors and peers.

Seminar (2 hours/week)

You’ll attend weekly training seminars led by SWC staff. Topics might include:

  • Ethics in Professional Practice
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
  • Eating Disorders and Clinical Intervention
  • Indigenous Approaches to Clinical Work
  • Working with Trans/Non Binary/Gender Diverse Students

Indirect services (3-5 hours)

You’ll engage in other indirect activities for your training. These activities include clinical documentation, consultation with staff and other professionals, reviewing video recorded sessions, preparing for supervision and groups and other planning activities.

Additional learning opportunities

In addition to our required core activities, we also arrange other training experiences.

Group counselling, therapy and workshops

You may observe or co-facilitate a therapy, support or psycho-educational group with an SWC staff member. The staff member will provide supervision for the group work. Make sure you check with your program to see if observation hours are accepted.

Groups we have offered include:

  • Exploring the nature of grief and loss
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for mood and stress management
  • Managing anxiety and panic attacks
  • Mindfulness skills for stress and anxiety
  • Career curiosity
  • Gaining social confidence
  • Feeling and doing better

You also have the opportunity to create, facilitate or co-facilitate psycho-educational workshops with another practicum counsellor or PhD intern.

Career counselling

If you have an interest in career exploration, development and counselling in the university setting, you can connect with a counsellor who specializes in these areas. Opportunities include co-facilitation of workshops and participating in collaborative programming.

Collaborative programming and clinic

We regularly collaborate with other units in Student Services. Opportunities may exist for you to work collaboratively with professionals at UVic or from the community.

Opportunities may include working with:

  • Centre for Accessible Learning
  • UVic Collaborative Eating Disorders Clinic
  • UVic Student Wellness health or spiritual care providers