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Faculty & staff


The general office is in room B203 in the David Turpin Building. Call us at 250-721-7327 or email .

Mailing address

Department of Geography
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 2Y2



Eric Kwakernaak
Communications and administrative assistant
Web content, social media, registration, honours program and field school admin
Office: DTB B203

Terri Evans
Senior lab instructor
Remote sensing, hyperspectral, infrared, LIDAR and radar
Office: DTB A241

John Fowler
Administrative officer
Finances, appointments, communications
Office: DTB B203b

Sally Johnson
Graduate and undergraduate program assistant
Registration, advising, academic forms, master's and PhD program coordination
Office: DTB B203

Ken Josephson
Community mapping and outreach, graphic design
Office: DTB B209a

Gillian Krezoski
Senior lab instructor
Physical geography
Office: DTB B302

Kinga Menu
Senior lab instructor
Lab evaluations, lab access, teaching
Office: DTB B304

Jessica Neal
Senior lab instructor
GIS, ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoDa, R, Python
Office: DTB A243

Hilary Potosnak
Assistant to the chair
Administrative support for the chair, purchasing, claim accounting, exams, special events
Office: DTB B203

Adjunct & cross-listed faculty

Kyle Artelle, adjunct assistant professor
Wildlife management and conservation; black and grizzly bears; salmon.

Matthew Asplin, adjunct assistant professor
Synoptic meteorology and climatology, Arctic sea ice, marine renewable energy, hydrology, ocean-atmosphere teleconnections, coastal communities and infrastructure.

Heather Castleden, adjunct professor
Indigenous-settler geographies; geographies of reconciliation and decolonization; renewable energy geographies; geographies of extraction and development; community-based participatory research; critical and Indigenous methodologies; healthy lands, healthy peoples; transformative governance; planetary health.

Anthony Charles, adjunct professor
Community-based resource management; sustainability and resilience of coastal and marine systems; ecosystem-based management; climate adaptation; protected areas; integrated spatial management.

Stephen Cross, adjunct associate professor
Environmental and socio-economic aspects of integrated multi-tropic aquaculture.

Michael (Mike) Demuth, adjunct professor
Hydrology; cold region environments; snow, ice and glaciers; remote sensing; climate change; human factors.

Yonas Dibiken, adjunct professor
Hydro-climate analysis.

Bruce Downie, adjunct assistant professor
Protected areas; sustainable communities; community-based natural resource management; nature-based tourism.

William Floyd, adjunct assistant professor

Gwyn Lintern, adjunct assistant professor

Michelle-Lee Moore, adjunct associate professor

Grant Murray, adjunct assistant professor
Coastal communities; marine protected areas.

Trisalyn Nelson, adjunct professor
Spatial and spatial-temporal analyses; wildlife movement; active transportation.

Nathaniel Newlands, adjunct professor

Patrick O'Hara, adjunct assistant professor

Paul Paquet, adjunct professor
Ecology, behaviour and management of mammalian carnivores (especially wolves and bears).

Christopher Pearce, adjunct professor
Coastal ecosystems and resources.

Daniel Perrakis, adjunct assistant professor

Daniel Peters, adjunct professor

Albert Refiti, adjunct associate professor

Rick Rollins, adjunct associate professor
Parks and protected areas; nature-based tourism; marine tourism.

Pamela Shaw, adjunct professor
Retail geography; urban planning and land use issues; policy and legislation; social-ecological research relating to estuaries.

Rajesh Shrestha, adjunct professor
Hydrologic and water quality modelling and assessment; hydro-climatic impacts; extremes.

G. Cornelis van Kooten, cross-listed faculty
Forest economics and management; agricultural economics; natural resource management; environmental studies.

Ian Walker, adjunct professor
Aeolian and coastal geomorphology; environmental fluid dynamics; sand dune ecosystems and restoration; beach-dune morphodynamics.

Fred Wrona
Aquatic ecology and eco-toxicology; biostatistics; quantitative ecology.

Post-doctoral fellows

Maleea Acker
Supervisors: Kristian Dubrawski and Crystal Tremblay

Romina Barbosa
Supervisor: Maycira Costa

Jordanna Bergman
Supervisor: Maycira Costa

Gregg Brill
Supervisor: Kristian Dubrawski

Carolina Carvalho
Supervisor: Jutta Gutberlet

Rachel Friedman
Supervisor: Sophia Carodenuto

Marta Konik
Supervisor: Maycira Costa

Grant Macdonald
Supervisor: Randy Scharien

Alejandra Mora-Soto
Supervisor: Maycira Costa

Sarah Wagner
Supervisor: Denise Cloutier

Hyeyoung Woo
Supervisor: Chris Bone