Daniel Lee Peters

Research Scientist - Watershed Hydrologist
BSc (Concordia), MSc, PhD (Trent)
BSc - Specialization Geography (Environmental), Concordia University
MSc, PhD - Watershed Ecosystems, Trent University
Research expertise
- Watershed hydrology, with expertise in field data collection, analysis and modelling
- Impacts of climate variability & change on hydrologic systems
- Effects of flow regulation and land-use change on hydrologic systems
- Runoff processes and generation of flood waters
- Hydrology of northern deltas
- Instream flow needs
- integrated hydrometric, geochemcial, and isotopic water tracing
Ongoing research activities
- Assessment of climatological & hydrological controls on extreme events in the lower Mackenzie River Basin, northwestern Canada
- Hydrology of tundra lakes impacted by shoreline slumping, adjacent to the Mackenzie Delta, northwestern Canada
- Development of ecological instream flow needs standards for agricultural watersheds in Canada
- Assessment of climate impacts on the hydrology and ecology of streams to Lake Okanagan BC
- Assessment of climate Impacts on the hydrology of Sooke Lake Reservoir, Victoria BC
- Limited Term Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria
- Associate Fellow, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick
- Editorial Board, Canadian Water Resources Journal
- Member-at-Large, Canadian Geophysical Union Hydrology Section Executive
- Sessional Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Victoria
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Hydrology Section Member
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Brisith Columbia (APEGBC) - Registered
- Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) - Registered
- Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Hydrology Section Member
- Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) - Member
- International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) - Member
- Visiting Fellowship in a Canadian Government Laboratory (NSERC)
- D.M. Gray Award for 'Best Student Paper in Hydrology', 26 th Canadian Geophysical Union
- 'Best of Session for Interactive Poster', 4th Internat. Conf. on Remote Sensing for Marine & Coastal Environments
- Ontario Graduate Scholarships
- Canadian Association of Geographers Undergraduate Award
- Bachelor of Science Conferred with Distinction
- In progress
- Articles published in referred journals
- Reviewed scientific technical reports
- Articles published in conference proceedings
- Scientific technical reports
- Baird, D.J., D.L. Peters, R.A. Curry, N. Horrigan, W.A. Monk, and D.E. Tenenbaum. In Review. National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative Synthesis Report: Establishing Standards and Assessment Criteria for Instream Flow Needs in Agricultural Watersheds of Canada.
- Horrigan, N., D.J. Baird, D.E. Tenenbaum, and D.L. Peters. Submitted. The response of riverine macroinvertebrate communities to antecedent flow conditions: towards a holistic approach for estimation of flow needs in Canadian rivers. Submitted to River Research and Application.
- Peters, D.L., T.D. Prowse and J.M. Buttle. In Review . Obstructed Outflow and Reverse Flow Contribution in a Northern Lake-Delta System in the Headwaters of the Mackenzie Basin. Submitted to River Research and Application.
- Peters, D.L., and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Generation of Streamflow to Seasonal High Waters in a Northern Delta, Northwestern Canada. Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Hydrological Processes, 20:4173-4196.
- Peters, D.L., T.D. Prowse, A. Pietroniro and R. Leconte. 2006. Flood Hydrology of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northern Canada. Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Hydrological Processes, 20:4073-4096.
- Leconte, R., D.L. Peters, A. Pietroniro, B. Toth, and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Modelling Climate Change Impacts in The Peace and Athabasca Catchment and Delta : II - Variations in flow and water levels with varying winter severity. Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Hydrological Processes, 20:4215-4230.
- Pietroniro A., B. Toth, R. Leconte, M. Conley, N. Kouwen, D.L. Peters and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Modelling Climate Change Impacts in The Peace and Athabasca Catchment and Delta : III – integrated model assessment. Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Hydrological Processes, 20:4231-4245.
- Gibson, J.J., T.D. Prowse and D.L. Peters. 2006 . Hydroclimatic controls on water balance and water level variability in Great Slave Lake.Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Hydrological Processes, 20:4155-4172.
- Gibson, J.J., T.D. Prowse and D.L. Peters. 2006. Partitioning impacts of climate change and regulation on water level variability in Great Slave Lake. Journal of Hydrology, 322(1-20):196-206.
- Prowse, T.D., S. Beltaos, J.T. Gardner, J.J. Gibson, R. J. Granger, D.L. Peters, A. Pietroniro, and L. Romolo. 2006. Climate change, flow regulation, and land-use effects on the hydrology of the Peace-Athabasca-Slave system; finding from the Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative. Canada’s Ecosystem Initiative Special Issue, Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 113(1-3):167-197.
- Peters, D.L., T.D. Prowse, P. Marsh, P.M. Lafleur, and J.M. Buttle. 2006. Permanence of Water within Perched Basins of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northern Canada. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 14(3):1-23.
- Gibson, J.J., T.W.D. Edwards, S.J. Birks, N.A. St. Amour, B. Buhay, P. McEachern, B.B. Wolfe and D.L. Peters. 2005. Progress of Isotope Tracer Hydrology in Canada. Special International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Issue, Hydrological Processes, 19:303-327.
- Prowse, T.D., D. Peters, S. Beltaos, L. Romolo, A. Pietroniro, R. Leconte, and J. Töyrä. 2002. Restoring Ice-Jam Floodwater to a Drying Delta Ecosystem. Water International, 27(1):58-69.
- Peters, D.L. and T.D. Prowse. 2001. Regulation Effects on the Lower Peace River, Canada. Canadian Geophysical Union Special Issue, Canadian Geophysical Union - Hydrology Section Special Issue Hydrological Processes, 15(16):3181-3194.
- Leconte, R., A. Pietroniro, D.L. Peters, and T.D. Prowse. 2001. Effect of Flow Regulation on Hydrologic Patterns of a Large, Inland Delta. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 17(1):51-65.
- Pietroniro, A., T.D. Prowse and D.L. Peters. 1999. Hydrologic Assessment of an Inland Freshwater Delta Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Remote Sensing. Hydrological Processes,13(16):2483-2498.
- Buttle, J.M. and D.L. Peters. 1997. Hydrograph Separation Using Isotopic and Geochemical Tracers: A Re-evaluation. Hydrological Processes, 11(6):557-573.
- Peters, D.L., J.M. Buttle, C.H. Taylor and B.D. LaZerte. 1995. Runoff Production in a Forested, Shallow Soil Canadian Shield Basin. Water Resources Research, 31(5):1291-1304.
- Walker, I.J. and R. Sydneysmith (Lead authors), D. Allen, K. Bodtker, D. Bonin, B. Bonsal, A. Carroll, S. Cohen, A. Dallimore, H. Dolan, Z. Gedalof, A. Gill, R. Hebda, R. Hicks, P. Hill, K. Hyatt, R. Matthews, B. Menounous, T. Murdock, D. Neilsen, R. Ommer, A. Pape-Salmon, M. Pelatt, D.L. Peters, T. Prowse, D. Spittlehouse, S. Sheppard, B. Taylor, P. Whitfield, T. Williamson, J. Wolfe, M. Wynn (Contributing Authors). 2008. Chapter 8 - British Columbia. In From Impacts to Adaptations: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J WArren, J. Lacroix and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, p. 57-118 .
- Furgal, C. and T.D. Prowse (Lead authors), B.R. Bonsal, R. Chouinard, T. Edwards, F. Jackson, H. Melling, D. Milburn, S. Nickels, M. Nuttall, A. Ogden, D.L. Peters, J. Reist, and N. Snow (Contributing Authors). 2008. Chapter 3 - Northern Canada. In From Impacts to Adaptations: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J WArren, J. Lacroix and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, p. 57-118.
- Wayland, M. J. Froese, M. Burgess, A. Czarnecki, D. Faria, D. Flemming, B. Free, D. Halliwell, J. Hines, R. Janowski, G. Low, P. Marsh, J. McMullen, M. Nixon, R. Rowena, B. Reid, N. Richea, J. Sanderson, B. Slater, S. Smith, C. Spence, A. Tillmanns, J, VanCamp, K. Walsh, G. Whitley, and D.L. Peters.2004. Mackenzie River Basin State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Report. Mackenzie River Basin Board, 195 pp.
- Werner, A., J.J. Gibson, D. Hutchinson, M.L. Lacroix, D.L. Peters, and T.D. Prowse. 2006. Estimating Inflows to the Sooke Reservoir, Victoria, BC. Canadian Water Resources Association 2006 BC Branch Conference “Water Under Pressure: Balancing Values, Demands and Extremes”, October, 25-27, Vancouver, BC, CA.
- Pietroniro, A., M. Conly, M. Mackay, E.D. Soulis, N. Kouwen, R. Leconte, J. Bullas, S. Beltaos, T.D. Prowse, B. Bonsal, L. Martz, and D.L. Peters. 2002. Evaluation of Eco-Sensitive Operation Strategies for WAC Bennett Dam Relative to Hydro-Climatic Relationships Affecting Northern Deltas. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Scientific Meeting of the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS), 7-9 November 2001, Hamilton, ON, CA,146-151.
- Pietroniro, A., R. Leconte, D.L. Peters and T.D. Prowse. 2001. Application of a Hydrodynamic Model in a Freshwater Delta Using Remote Sensing. Proceedings of Remote Sensing in Hydrology 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000, International Association Hydrological Sciences Publication. No. 267:519–525.
- Peters, D.L. and T.D. Prowse. 2000. Impact of Flow Regulation on Peace River Delta Flow, 1968-96. Elements - Newsletter of the Canadian Geophysical Union, 18(2):6-10. 2000 D.M. Gray Award for Best Student Paper in Hydrology presented at the 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, 25-27 May, Banff, AB, CA.
- Pietroniro, A., T.D. Prowse and D.L. Peters. 1997. Environmental Monitoring of an Inland Freshwater Delta. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing of Marine and Coastal Environments, 17-19 March 1997, Orlando, Florida, USA, Volume 2:287-296.
- Peters, D.L., D.J. Baird and D.E. Tenbaum. 2007. Towards the Development of Instream Flow Needs Standards for Agricultural Watersheds in Canada – 2006/07 Interim Report. NAESI Technical Report prepared by Environment Canada for the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative.
- Culp, J.M., D.J. Baird, Chambers, P.A., J.M. G. Benoy, D.L. Peters, J. Erker, N. Glozier, E. Luiker, L. Maclean, D. McGoldrick, T. Pascoe, and B. Upsdell. 2007. Evaluation of Parameters for Setting Standards for Nutrients, Sediments and Instream Flow Needs for Agricultural Streams. NAESI Technical Report prepared by Environment Canada for the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative.
- Peters, D.L., and D.J. Baird. 2006. Towards the Development of Instream Flow Needs Standards for Agricultural Watersheds in Canada – 2005/06 Interim Report. NAESI Technical Report prepared by Environment Canada for the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative, 32pp.
- Chambers, P.A., J.M. Culp, D.J. Baird, G. Benoy, D.L. Peters, J. Erker, N. Glozier, E. Luiker, L. Maclean, D. McGoldrick, T. Pascoe, and B. Upsdell. 2006. Evaluation of Parameters for Setting Standards for Nutrients, Sediments and Instream Flow Needs for Agricultural Streams. NAESI Technical Report prepared by Environment Canada for the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative, 63 pp.
- Helie, J.F., D.L. Peters, K.R. Tattrie, and J.J. Gibson. 2005. Review of Potential Hydrologic Impacts of Mountain Pine Beetle and Related Harvesting Acitivities in British Columbia. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BC. Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative Working Paper 2005-23. 26 p.
- Peters, D.L., B.R. Bonsal, and T.D. Prowse. 2005. Preliminary Trend Analysis of Hydroclimatic Data for the Mackenzie Delta Region; Supplemented with a Compilation of Archived Hydrometric, Climatic and Sediment Data. A report presented to Water Resources Division, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, 2 pp + CD-ROM.
- Prowse, T.D., S. Beltaos, B. Bonsal, T. Carter, M.C. English, T. Gardner, J.J. Gibson, D.L. Peters and L. Romolo. 2004. Hydro-climatic impacts affecting the Peace-Athabasca-Slave catchments and deltas. In: Environment Canada, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative: Collective Findings (CD-ROM). Compiled by F.M. Conly, Saskatoon, SK, 2004. (With Alberta Environment).
- Pietroniro, A., F.M. Conly, B. Toth, R. Leconte, N. Kouwen, D.L. Peters and T.D. Prowse. 2004. Modelling climate change impacts on water availability in the Peace Athabasca catchment and delta. In: Environment Canada, Northern Rivers Ecosystem Initiative: Collective Findings (CD-ROM). Compiled by F.M. Conly, Saskatoon, SK, 2004. (With Alberta Environment).
- Gibson, J.J., T.W.D. Edwards, S.J. Birks, N.A. St. Amour, B. Buhay, P. McEachern, B.B. Wolfe and D.L. Peters. 2003. Progress of Isotope Tracer Hydrology in Canada. In: Quadrennial Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and International Association of Hydrological Sciences. (ed. J.W. Pomeroy), International Association of Hydrological Sciences (CNC-IAH), pp. 61-69.
- Peters, D.L., T.D. Prowse and A. Pietroniro. 1999. Resumption of Flooding in the Peace-Athabasca Delta: Examination of the 1996 Ice-Jam and Open-Water Flood Events, NWRI Contribution Series No. 99-347, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 60 pp.
- Leconte, R, A. Pietroniro, D.L. Peters and T.D. Prowse. 1999. Application of the One-D Hydrodynamic Model to the 1996 Summer Flood, NWRI Contribution Series No. 98-263, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
- Leconte, R, A. Pietroniro, and D.L. Peters. 1999. An Evaluation of Environment Canada One-D Hydrodynamic Model (ONE-D) and Application to the Peace-Athabasca Delta, NWRI Contribution Series No. 99-349, National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 76 pp.
- Peters, D.L.1997. A Review of Hydrograph Separation Techniques Used in Runoff Generation Studies: Conventional vs. Isotopic, Prepared for the National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 26 pp.
- Peters, D.L. 1997. A Review of Stable Isotope Hydrograph Separation Studies, With an Emphasis on Northern Cold Regions, Prepared for the National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 29 pp.
- Prowse, T.D., D.L. Peters and P. Marsh. 1996. Modelling the Water Balance of Peace- Athabasca Delta Perched Basins (Task D.4), Prepared for the Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies, Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada, 72 pp. + Appendices.