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CindyAnn Rose-Redwood

Cindy Ann Rose-Redwood

Associate teaching professor


Office: DTB B358 250-853-3274
PhD (Penn State)
Area of expertise:
Social geography, global migration, Caribbean studies, international student experiences, social justice, anti-racism


I joined the department in the spring of 2010. I graduated with a master’s degree in Geography in 2003 and a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy from Penn State University in 2007.

Originally from the Caribbean, I grew up in New York City and was trained as an urban social geographer and educational theorist with an interest in international migration, urban social life, the politics of identity, educational policy, and contemporary geopolitics.

I also teach and conduct research related to social justice and anti-racism. Although I do not currently supervise graduate students, I can serve as a graduate committee member and undergraduate honours thesis supervisor.


My research explores the social geographies of ethnic segregation among immigrant communities in urban settings, the cultural politics of transnational identities and the social experiences of international students on university campuses in North America.

I also have a broader interest in the internationalization of higher education as well as the history and philosophy of education. Additionally, some of my research engages with the politics of social movements, decolonization, social justice, and anti-racist activism and advocacy.


My teaching philosophy focuses on diversity because the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Therefore, higher expectations and demands are placed on students today to have global competence skills that will assist them with how to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds.

As a teacher, my primary objective and responsibility is to teach students ways in which they can enhance their knowledge and develop the social skills necessary to effectively interact with people from other cultures.

Students learn global competence through academic learning in the classroom and by proactively engaging in diverse social interactions. I purposefully design the course curriculum for geography and anthropology classes with a goal of exposing students to a myriad of literatures about people from diverse backgrounds.

In my teaching, I also strive to stimulate diverse learning by providing students with course material that covers multiple viewpoints about a given issue. Equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, social justice and anti-racism are foundational to my philosophy of education.

Currently, I teach a range of courses at UVic, including Human Geography, Contemporary Geopolitics, Global Migration, World Regional Geography, the Geography of the Caribbean, and Anti-Racism and Geography.


See all publications on my Google Scholar profile.

Books & special issues

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (Eds.). (2024). International Student Activism and the Politics of Higher Education, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (Eds.). (2019). International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Apostolopoulou, E., Cheng, H., Datta, A., Dias, S., Ferretti, F., Patrick, W., Riding, J., Rose, M., and Sabhlok, A. (Eds.). Special Issue on “Reimagining the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis,” Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2), anticipated publication in July 2024.

Rose-Redwood, R., Baird, I., Palonen, E., and Rose-Redwood, C. (Eds.). (2022). Special Issue on “Monumentality, Memoryscapes, and the Politics of Place,” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21(5): 448-622.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (Eds.). (2018). (Eds.). Special Issue on “Fostering Successful Integration and Engagement Between Domestic and International Students on College and University Campuses,” Journal of International Students 8(3): 1267-1478.

Journal articles

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Apostolopoulou, E., Cheng, H., Datta, A., Dias, S., Ferretti, F., Patrick, W., Riding, J., Rose, M., and Sabhlok, A. (Forthcoming). “Re-imagining the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis,” Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2), anticipated publication in July 2024.

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Alderman, D., and Hackett, K. (2024). “The Making of the Campus Namescape: A Comparison of University Naming Policies in Canada and the United States,” Professional Geographer, 1-12.

Rose-Redwood, C., and Rose-Redwood, R. (2023). “Containing the Multitudes: Critical Reflections on the Concept of the ‘International Student’ Through a Pluriversal Lens,” Journal of International Students 13(4): 107-114.

Rose-Redwood, R., Baird, I., Palonen, E., and Rose-Redwood, C. (2022). “Monumentality, Memoryscapes, and the Politics of Place,” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21(5): 448-467.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2018). “Building Bridges Across the International Divide,” Fostering Meaningful Cross-Cultural Interactions Between Domestic and International Students,” Journal of International Students 8(3): 1331-1340.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2017). “‘It Definitely Felt Very White’: Race, Gender, and the Performative Politics of Assembly at the Women's March in Victoria, BC,” Gender, Place and Culture 24(5): 645-654.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2013). “Self-Segregation or Global Mixing? Social Interactions and the International Student Experience,” Journal of College Student Development 54(4), 413-429.

Rose-Redwood, C. (2010). “The Challenge of Fostering Cross-Cultural Interactions: A Case Study of International Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Diversity Initiatives,” College Student Journal 44(2), 389-399.

Rose-Redwood (Rampersad), C. (2006). “The New Immigrants and the Making of a Multicultural Society: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Ethnographic Approaches,” Immigrants and Minorities 24(2), 224-238.

Book chapters

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2024). “Re-imagining the Political Lives of International Students.” In Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R., International Student Activism and the Politics of Higher Education. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2024). “From Political Void to a Politics of Possibility: Developing a Research Agenda for the Study of International Student Politics.” In Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R., International Student Activism and the Politics of Higher Education. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Patrick, W, Rose-Redwood, R. and Rose-Redwood, C. (2023). “Dis-placing White Supremacy: Intersections of Black and Indigenous Struggles in the Removal of the Roosevelt Statue.” In Bronwyn, C. and Ferrelly, T. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on Rethinking Colonial Commemorations (pp. 437-459). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Trice, A. and Rose-Redwood, C. (2019). “International Students on American Campuses: Overlooked Assets.” In Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (pp. 49-63). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019). “International Student Experiences in Higher Education.”In Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (pp. 3-15). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019). “Self-Segregation or Global Mixing? Social Interactions and the International Student Experience,” (2019). International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (pp. 19-34). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.